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Pomegranates - I have to show you


(proud gardener-cook moment...) one of the fruits from my not quite 5 year old tree.......

It's H.U.G.E. !!
(and all the rest are the same size......!)
I'm reviewing my recipes to see which one I use, when it's fully ripe in about another 2 weeks......

That's my hand cupping it, and you can barely see my fingers - huge, I tell ya!

autumnwinds - 2019-05-07 22:07:00


samanya - 2019-05-07 22:16:00

This message was deleted.

peanutandme - 2019-05-07 23:21:00

That sure is a whopper AW. Lovely flowers too on your facebook pics of it.

nzstocked - 2019-05-08 09:53:00

Do they ripen fully in NZ...friend had a tree here that produced many, but they never ripened, instead split open on the tree, feeding the birds.

wheelz - 2019-05-08 09:57:00

Congratulations autumnwind.

buzzy110 - 2019-05-08 11:34:00
wheelz wrote:

Do they ripen fully in NZ...friend had a tree here that produced many, but they never ripened, instead split open on the tree, feeding the birds.

Yes, they do - well, here in Tauranga, anyway.....

Thoroughly enjoyed last years crop, but it's a fine line judging when they're ready as they don't ripen after picking...

Here's a pic of the gorgeous flowers - the tree was covered with them this year, but sadly high winds in November knocked a lot off...

Edited by autumnwinds at 12:29 pm, Wed 8 May

autumnwinds - 2019-05-08 12:22:00

Wow, gorgeous flowers, quite hibiscus like?
Do you feed it anything special to get such huge fruit or is it more climate?

samanya - 2019-05-08 12:32:00
samanya wrote:

Wow, gorgeous flowers, quite hibiscus like?
Do you feed it anything special to get such huge fruit or is it more climate?

I think it's more climate, as it only gets general garden fertilizer...

The flowers are almost as if they're exquisitely fashioned from vivid wax - not really hibiscus like, but likes the same conditions.

Actually, the tree requires very little care, but I've discovered they flower better on the ends of pruned branches... lovely to see those enormous fruits becoming visible as the leaves start to colour and fall.

autumnwinds - 2019-05-08 12:41:00
autumnwinds wrote:

Yes, they do - well, here in Tauranga, anyway.....

Thoroughly enjoyed last years crop, but it's a fine line judging when they're ready as they don't ripen after picking...

Here's a pic of the gorgeous flowers - the tree was covered with them this year, but sadly high winds in November knocked a lot off...[


buzzy110 - 2019-05-08 12:56:00

WOW!!! - Yummy.

fruitbat - 2019-05-08 12:58:00

Amazing! Is it a very big tree? ie does it need a huge back yard or is it doable on a largeish city section? I live in central Auckland and so far I have feijoa, mandarin, lemon, persimmon, kaffir lime, passionfruit and a variable vege garden. I could probably fit another fruit tree or two and hadn't even thought of pomegranate. (Already ruled out avodcado as too large).

cinderellagowns - 2019-05-08 13:06:00
cinderellagowns wrote:

! Is it a very big tree? ie does it need a huge back yard or is it doable on a largeish city section? I live in central Auckland and so far I have feijoa, mandarin, lemon, persimmon, kaffir lime, passionfruit and a variable vege garden. I could probably fit another fruit tree or two and hadn't even thought of pomegranate. (Already ruled out avodcado as too large).

Very doable. It grows tall (up to 3 m) but can be kept trimmed as they fruit best on pruned branches Would do well against a fence facing north or west. I'm just lucky this has such gigantic fruit, but don't know the actual plant variety. I've seen other plants around this area, but all much smaller fruit.

autumnwinds - 2019-05-08 13:46:00

Oh wow. Stunning fruit AND stunning flowers.

bella95 - 2019-05-08 14:15:00

It started to split today, so I cut it and weighed it - 392 gms, and 320 mm circumference!

Cut in half, half of the arils (seeds) on plate
On scales

autumnwinds - 2019-05-10 17:31:00
autumnwinds wrote:

It started to split today, so I cut it and weighed it - 392 gms, and 320 mm circumference!

Cut in half, half of the arils (seeds) on plate
On scales[

You are skiting & rightly so ...well done, you!

samanya - 2019-05-10 18:51:00

Wow, that looks great. I've not seen a local pomegranate reach anything like that size, ours were so small that we gave up on them.

davidt4 - 2019-05-10 19:23:00
davidt4 wrote:

Wow, that looks great. I've not seen a local pomegranate reach anything like that size, ours were so small that we gave up on them.

the trick is to stand by the plant and warn it that it will be pulled out if it doesn’t get its act together and produce something next season. I did this with a friend of mine while standing next to their pomegranate tree and Lo and behold he has large plentiful pomegranates this year!!!

Edited by lakeview3 at 7:43 pm, Fri 10 May

lakeview3 - 2019-05-10 19:42:00

Prince Charles gets mocked for talking to his plants but perhaps there is something in it----or the poor tree was scared stiff when you threatened it LV.

kacy5 - 2019-05-10 22:00:00

I have to admit I talk to my plants... I very rarely tell them off, though, as I think most things respond better to positivity.

(though one of my friends raised her eyebrows when I had one of the fruits cupped in my hand and was saying something along the lines of "Oh, you beautiful big boy".....)

autumnwinds - 2019-05-10 22:20:00

Haha I will tell you another story. I bought a scungy old apple tree once from the bargain bin, $3, and that tree gave me a bucket of apples the first year. I praised that tree. I also had another apple tree. Spectacular looking thing, healthy, beautiful leaves. However it produced no apples. I stood next to the tree and said ‘look mate, if you don’t give me any apples next year you are goneburgers’ I continued ‘ look at your mate over there, gave me loads of beautiful apples, you have a year to sort yourself out’. Well what do you know, the next year I got apples! They weren’t as nice as the ugly little tree but still I was happy!. Anyway when we shifted I dug out the small ugly tree and took it with us. To this day it gives me lovely apples.

Currently I have an apricot tree, so far 5 years and no apricots, it’s on notice.....I will let you know how I get in next!

lakeview3 - 2019-05-11 07:15:00

Off the subject I know, but can autumnwinds or somebody else tell me how to upload a photo on the messageboard ? I've got the photos in TM "My Photos" but can't see any way of linking to them in a post.

davidt4 - 2019-05-12 10:43:00

You go to "view my pictures", click onto the one you wish to post, go up to the address bar and copy the link there, then post that in the post you're making. I'll take a screen shot and show you what to look for....

autumnwinds - 2019-05-12 12:06:00

Thanks. I can't find "view my pictures", only "my photos" .

davidt4 - 2019-05-12 12:15:00
davidt4 wrote:

Thanks. I can't find "view my pictures", only "my photos" .

sorry, had to reboot my lappy...... yes, after you've already uploaded them, then they're in "my photos" click on the photo, copy the link in the address bar, and that's what you post......

When you're actually uploading, that's where the "view pix" comes up....

Hope that helps?

Edited by autumnwinds at 12:26 pm, Sun 12 May

autumnwinds - 2019-05-12 12:18:00

Oh thank you! I was going about it in the wrong way. Many thanks.

davidt4 - 2019-05-12 12:46:00
davidt4 wrote:

Oh thank you! I was going about it in the wrong way. Many thanks.

You're welcome!
It will probably help others who have never asked, too....

autumnwinds - 2019-05-12 13:02:00
autumnwinds wrote:

You're welcome!
It will probably help others who have never asked, too....

Like me!
I've managed to get a photo into 'my photos' I am now stuck.

I have to go out shortly To take my mother out ...will try again later.

samanya - 2019-05-12 13:10:00

Have rounded up a couple of posts in TM Discussion on this - they may explain it better:

[1]Upload a photo to your My Photos section on your My Trademe page.
Once it's uploaded click on View my Photos.
Click the photo you just uploaded.
In the address bar up top starting https:// , drag or click on the line there ending in .jpg, right click and choose copy, or hold Ctrl key and press c.
Go to the place on the MB where you want to put your photo and right click - Paste, or hold Ctrl key and press V.

Quoted by nzstocked (900 900 positive feedback) 8:04 am, Wed 30 Jan #3

[2] Here is the detailed instructions.....
1. Go to your “My Trade Me” page, click “my photos”
2. Click “Upload photo”
3. Browse to, and upload your photo from your computer.
4. Click “view your photos”
5. Double click the uploaded photo
6. Highlight the URL in the top bar of your browser
7. Right click the highlighted URL, select copy
8. Right click the thread where you want to place your photo and select paste.
Quoted by callum.irvine (36390 36390 positive feedback) 8:39 pm, Sat 29 Dec #3

Everybody learns differently how to do stuff, so those might help (they're all saying the same thing, just in different ways...)

Edited by autumnwinds at 1:38 pm, Sun 12 May

autumnwinds - 2019-05-12 13:38:00

Thanks AW ( & Davidt4 for asking) goes
Would you believe that I have tried many times?
Whoo hoo, it worked ...simple when you know how!

Edited by samanya at 4:22 pm, Sun 12 May

samanya - 2019-05-12 16:20:00
samanya wrote:

Thanks AW ( & Davidt4 for asking) goes
Would you believe that I have tried many times?
Whoo hoo, it worked ...simple when you know how!

That's so beautiful!

I love light behind the object being photographed......
Have been doing autumn leaves like that...
and my son, knowing my old Fujimatic was on it's last legs, gave me a new one (a Canon!) for a Mother's Day pressie so I'll be doing more next week!

autumnwinds - 2019-05-12 16:27:00
autumnwinds wrote:

That's so beautiful!

I love light behind the object being photographed......
Have been doing autumn leaves like that...
and my son, knowing my old Fujimatic was on it's last legs, gave me a new one (a Canon!) for a Mother's Day pressie so I'll be doing more next week!

Lucky you & lovely son!
My camera is an oldie, but a goodie, Sony CX & I have a 300mm zoom lens, plus a macro lens & although it's bulky compared to some of the ultra modern ones, it takes great photos (as long as the operator knows what they are doing & this one stuffs up sometimes)!
That photo was slightly edited, via photoshop, but it was taken 'au naturel' ...the light was just right.
I tossed whether to take it to Europe due to it's size etc, but the long lens was particularly useful in places, but I didn't cart it everywhere, the small Fuji did the job just fine for 'memory' pics.
I've gone off the boil a bit for taking photos, I must get back into it. In the past, I've had some blown up big time & I used them in my business, some even put on the walls as part of the decor.
Thanks again AW.

Having a good eye for a pic is half the battle.

samanya - 2019-05-12 18:16:00
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