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angel404 - 2011-12-28 16:19:00

You can eat them hot just as they are after you've roasted them

sarahb5 - 2011-12-28 16:32:00

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angel404 - 2011-12-28 16:36:00

they make a lovely salad..... google jamie olivers beetroot salad - it is divine!!! enjoy!

timetable - 2011-12-28 16:40:00

I love roast beetroot - I just roast it in with loads of other root vegetables and some zucchini and capsicum - delicious hot or cold

sarahb5 - 2011-12-28 16:42:00

Beetroot, Walnut and Ricotta Salad

4 beetroot
olive oil
3 tab red wine vinegar
salt and pepper
2 baby cos lettuce
½ c walnuts, roasted and broken roughly
250g ricotta or soft goat cheese or feta

Wrap the beetroot tightly in foil with 1 tab vinegar, a little oil, salt, pepper and 2 tab water. Roast 1 hour until tender . Cool a little, peel and quarter. Place in a bowl with a little more oil and vinegar, salt and pepper.

Arrange lettuce on flat plate, beetroot on top, then walnuts, then lumps of ricotta. Drizzle with more oil and vinegar, salt and pepper.

davidt4 - 2011-12-28 16:50:00

Beetroot Puree

150g onion thinly sliced
tsp olive oil
1 clove garlic crushed
3 tab red wine vinegar
50g tomato concasse
350g roasted beetroot sliced
1 tab cream
7 tab chicken stock

Sauté onion and garlic in oil 5 min. Add vinegar, deglaze, add tomato, beetrrot, salt & pepper. Cover and cook gently 1 hour.

Puree with cream and stock.

Serve as a side dish with roasted chicken, lamb chops, beef steaks.

davidt4 - 2011-12-28 16:52:00

Beetroot & Yoghurt Dip

1 beetroot, cooked
125 ml tahini
2 tab olive oil
juice 1 -2 lemons
small clove garlic
salt & pepper
1 c thick yoghurt

Purée beetroot, add all but yoghurt and amalgamate well. Beat in yoghurt.

Serve in flat bowl with oil and diced cucumber on top. Serve with pita or Turkish bread or roasted cauliflower.

davidt4 - 2011-12-28 16:53:00

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karenz - 2011-12-28 16:58:00

I've never done roast beetroot myself, but love the taste of them. I have a heap of them growing this, and since it's been such a wet spring/summer so far, they are HUGE and the plants are going to seed (first time that's happened in 7 years of growing beetroot, which I usually make in chutneys and pickles). Can they be roasted if they're sort of 'overgrown'??

goatchickens - 2011-12-29 09:24:00
davidt4 wrote:

Beetroot & Yoghurt Dip

1 beetroot, cooked
125 ml tahini
2 tab olive oil
juice 1 -2 lemons
small clove garlic
salt & pepper
1 c thick yoghurt

Purée beetroot, add all but yoghurt and amalgamate well. Beat in yoghurt.

Serve in flat bowl with oil and diced cucumber on top. Serve with pita or Turkish bread or roasted cauliflower.

Sounds divine - will try. Thanks for the recipes.

bev00 - 2012-12-28 22:47:00
goatchickens wrote:

I've never done roast beetroot myself, but love the taste of them. I have a heap of them growing this, and since it's been such a wet spring/summer so far, they are HUGE and the plants are going to seed (first time that's happened in 7 years of growing beetroot, which I usually make in chutneys and pickles). Can they be roasted if they're sort of 'overgrown'??

Some of mine went to seed,and I tried cooking them. They were woody and inedible.

geldof - 2012-12-28 23:03:00

I've got a beetroot hummus recipe that basically just swaps the chickpeas for beetroot. Got to try that this summer.

wildflower - 2012-12-29 15:27:00

The Revive Café's raw beetroot salad recipe in the Herald - I just made it. It's good.

mjhdeal - 2012-12-29 15:45:00

Found this "Summer Blush Dip" recipe today on the label of a can of Golden Circle beetroot slices and though it was worth recording.

SUMMER BLUSH DIP (makes 2 cups)

1/2 cup dry roasted cashew nuts
450gm can beetroot slices, drained
250 gm cream cheese at room temp
2 Tbs freshly grated parmesan
2 Tbs freshly chopped coriander
1/2 tsp chopped thyme leaves

Process raw cashews in a food processor until finely ground.

Add beetroot and process until pureed. Add cream cheese and parmesan and continue to process until smooth and well blended.

Fold in chopped coriander and thyme and season to taste with freshly ground pepper and salt.

To serve, place spoonfuls of dip on a serving platter and serve with slices of warm Turkish bread or baguette.

Note: I haven't yet made this, but I suspect that if you're using your own homegrown beetroot, you might want to steep it in vinegar after cooking to give it the required "bite".

Quoteelliehen (4338 ) 5:08

bev00 - 2013-11-04 22:38:00

yup, beetroot hummous, without the yoghurt for us........going to make some today......

amourette - 2013-11-05 13:13:00

mjhdeal's link for the Revive beetroot salad looks good. I have made the Thai corn fritters in the same article and they are really yummy. Will make them again with the beetroot salad. This would be a healthy, colourful and delicious meal.

frances1266 - 2013-11-05 16:37:00

If you bottle beetroot a handy tip for smaller sized beets is to slice them with an egg slicer then you will get nice even sized slices.

kiwicarol - 2013-11-05 16:45:00

for beetroot lovers ..

bev00 - 2014-11-06 00:24:00

Great hot - but may turn your internals red for a day or so, if you get my drift!
I've eaten it with coconut cream; sour cream and I believe a popular Takapuna buffet restaurant, Oceans, (since closed - sadly) used to dice it and add it to what may have been a raspberry jelly!

socram - 2014-11-06 18:27:00

beetroot bump

uli - 2015-11-05 12:11:00
davidt4 wrote:

Beetroot, Walnut and Ricotta Salad

4 beetroot
olive oil
3 tab red wine vinegar
salt and pepper
2 baby cos lettuce
½ c walnuts, roasted and broken roughly
250g ricotta or soft goat cheese or feta

Wrap the beetroot tightly in foil with 1 tab vinegar, a little oil, salt, pepper and 2 tab water. Roast 1 hour until tender . Cool a little, peel and quarter. Place in a bowl with a little more oil and vinegar, salt and pepper.

Arrange lettuce on flat plate, beetroot on top, then walnuts, then lumps of ricotta. Drizzle with more oil and vinegar, salt and pepper.

I now know what I am having for dinner tomorrow night! Thank you davidt4.

awoftam - 2015-11-05 20:15:00

Makes the moistest of chocolate cakes. Google beetroot chocolate cake-you wont be sorry.

tosca - 2015-11-07 21:33:00

anyone have recipe ratio to make jelly to mix with chopped cooked beetroot as a salad please. Thanks

rubeat - 2015-11-13 12:12:00
mjhdeal wrote:

The Revive Café's raw beetroot salad recipe in the Herald - I just made it. It's good.

It is a staple of mine over summer and I do love it (their 4C one is best, IMO) and I have even had 'beetroot haters' enjoy it, never having eaten it raw before.

awoftam - 2015-11-13 20:16:00


uli - 2016-11-09 15:41:00

l use pearl couscous and beetroot in a salad it is totally yummy.

huntlygirl - 2016-11-09 21:33:00

I eat it raw grated with carrot, add the right dressing, bingo.

Oh I do cheat now and then, i.e. You can get say about 300 to 400 grams of tangy coleslaw from a deli section at the supermarket and grate in a nice beetroot plus a couple of nice juicy firm fresh carrots, this is demolished by others too, LOL.

valentino - 2016-11-11 14:57:00


bev00 - 2017-11-12 00:31:00

My favourite is cooked beets hot or cold cubed roughly with chopped parsley, sprinkle of feta and drizzle of olive or oil of your choice. (Add what you like but simple is good). It certainly is easy to eat and good for my stomach digestion. Roasted is nice as well. Salt and Pepper of course.

lazkaz - 2017-11-12 18:17:00
geldof wrote:

Some of mine went to seed,and I tried cooking them. They were woody and inedible.

Yes ... once they are huge and woody.. its into the compost IMO>

karlymouse - 2017-11-12 23:20:00

I juice them with carrots and celery and apple yumm very good for you

sunnyflower - 2017-11-16 11:36:00

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kindajojo - 2017-11-16 16:29:00


pixiegirl - 2018-11-12 11:30:00


bev00 - 2019-11-12 23:29:00

Has anyone else tried the golden beetroot? We prefer them to the usual red beets, not so earthy tasting. They are lovely in stir fries, roasted then tossed in a balsamic glaze or pomegranate molasses and also make great french fries/chips instead of potato. I buy them at our local farmers market.

nauru - 2019-11-13 12:52:00

I grew multi coloured beetroot last year & I agree nauru, the golden ones are really good.

samanya - 2019-11-13 13:06:00
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