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What to do with Kahlua - apart from drinking it!


I have a bottle I would like to use up, has anyone had much success baking or cooking with it? any ideas of what i could do ?

mattdylan - 2011-09-08 11:41:00

use it to soak sponge for trifle or tiramasu. There is another recipe also that soaks gingernuts in alcohol and you make a log but I don't have the recipe.
Can add to cream when you whip it.

cgvl - 2011-09-08 11:45:00

mattdylan, below is a recipe as mentioned in cgvl's posting - this particular recipe is personally untried because.....
I have never made this dessert myself but have enjoyed it many many times in its perfection - made by my DH who does not use a recipe but just uses the quantity we consider appropriate for when the dessert is required of gingernuts, ginger wine or sherry and cream, however the method he uses is the same as in this recipe.....

1 packet chocolate chip biscuits (or gingernuts)
½ cup muscatel or sherry - basically any cold liquid of choice can be used including fruit juice, fizzy drink, or of course, an alcoholic drink
1¼ cups cream, whipped

Dip (don't soak because the biscuits will become too soft and soggy) the biscuits, one at a time, in the wine, then spread each biscuit with the whipped cream.
On a serving plate line up the creamed biscuits to form a log. Cover the log completely with whipped cream.
Decorate as desired with e.g. chocolate chips, crumbled Flake bar, a dusting of cocoa or drinking chocolate or..... Refrigerate for at least an hour - IMO it's best the next day although the outer coating of cream may become discoloured - to overcome that problem put the thinnest coating of cream on it when making the dessert then next day, apply another thin coating of fresh whipped cream and decoration of choice.

Hope that helps. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 12:48 pm, Thu 8 Sep

245sam - 2011-09-08 12:45:00

Another suggestion.....

"MISSISSIPPI MUD CAKE. Makes a deep 30cm square. (large cake)
1.5kg dark choc buttons
1 kg butter
3/4 cup instant coffee powder dissolved in...
3&1/2 cups warm water
3 cups caster sugar
4 cups plain flour
1 cup SR flour
1/2 cup of liqueur any flavur you like.
6 beaten eggs
1tsp salt.
melt buttons in a large Pyrex jug in the microwave, 1 minute bursts, stir well.
Cream butter and sugar, beat in the eggs
You will need a really large bowl for the mixing the rest together.
Fold all other ingredients in gradually.
Pour into a well lined tin. Bake @ 150 C for 2-3 hrs.
During the last 20mins or so, I place a folded damp T-towel over the nearly cooked cake to prevent a cracked crust to form.
Allow the cake to COMPLETELY cool, before tipping out of the tin
Ice with gnache.
Keeps well and pieces can be warmed in the microwave and served with cream or icecream.
1/2 the recipe will probably give you a 20cm cake.
WARNING... this cake does not earn the Heart Foundation tick.
Quotechicco2 (338 ) 6:29 am, Thu 4 Aug #4" :-))

245sam - 2011-09-08 12:58:00

And another suggestion.....

"I have made this a few times. Makes a nice change from chocolate mousse

Coffee Liqueur Mousse


Brown sugar 11/4 cup - lightly packed
Water 1/2 cup
Milk 2 1/4 cup
Eggs 6 - separated
Kahlua 1/4 cup
Instant coffee 11/2 tablespoons
Boiling water 2 tablespoons
Gelatine 2 tablespoons
Cold water 1/3 cup
Cream 2 cups - whipped


Combine brown sugar and water in pan, stir over gentle heat until dissolved
Bring to boil, boil uncovered for 10 mins until it is toffee
Remove from heat, add milk, stir until toffee is dissolved
Stir in beaten egg yolks, Kahlua and coffee combined with boiling water
Sprinkle gelatine over cold water, dissolve over hot water
Cool 5 mins and stir into coffee mixture
Refrigerate until just beginning to set, fold in whipped cream
Beat egg whites until soft peaks form fold in to coffee mixture
Place in serving dish, refrigerate until set
Decorate with extra whipped cream and chocolate curls

Quotenoelinevc (124 ) 10:44 am, Sat 4 Dec #3" :-))

245sam - 2011-09-08 13:00:00

This message was deleted.

tarshlove - 2011-09-08 14:29:00

I've got a recipe "somewhere" for kahlua and chocolate cheesecake but for the life of me I can't find where I have safely stored my recipe book .... I'll keep on hunting and post it if and when I find it!!

shellz213 - 2011-09-08 14:53:00

This message was deleted.

tarshlove - 2011-09-08 15:21:00

Found it!!


Biscuit Base
1 packet crushed malt biscuits
1/2 tsp cinnamon
100 grams melted butter
1 T brown sugar
Combine all and set in cheesecake or flan tin.

250 grams cream cheese
1/4 cup castor sugar
1 tsp gelatine dissolved in 1 T hot water
2 T kahlua
2/3 cup whipped cream
125 grams melted chocolate
Beat cream cheese and sugar
Add dissolved gelatine and kahlua
Fold in whipped cream first, then melted chocolate
Leave in fridge till set

Edited by shellz213 at 3:30 pm, Thu 8 Sep

shellz213 - 2011-09-08 15:30:00

KAHLUA and chocolate primo yummmmm

julz29 - 2011-09-08 16:28:00

I make a chocolate and berry trifle at Xmas (because my kids dont like the traditional) and drizzle Kahlua all over the chocolate sponge. Delish!!

rarogal - 2011-09-08 18:44:00
shellz213 wrote:

Found it!!


Biscuit Base
1 packet crushed malt biscuits
1/2 tsp cinnamon
100 grams melted butter
1 T brown sugar
Combine all and set in cheesecake or flan tin.

250 grams cream cheese
1/4 cup castor sugar
1 tsp gelatine dissolved in 1 T hot water
2 T kahlua
2/3 cup whipped cream
125 grams melted chocolate
Beat cream cheese and sugar
Add dissolved gelatine and kahlua
Fold in whipped cream first, then melted chocolate
Leave in fridge till set

YUM thanks sooo much I'm eating a passion fruit cheesecake rite now NOM NOM
ops i just used my partners account


Edited by samwise19 at 7:00 pm, Thu 8 Sep

samwise19 - 2011-09-08 19:00:00

Drizzle over banana split, kids get golden syrup instead

medicina - 2011-09-08 19:21:00

add to home made chocolates

lx4000 - 2011-09-08 19:37:00

The Wife makes a khalua and moro bar cheesecake. It is devine. Probably similar to the khalua and chocolate recipie

mrgts4 - 2011-09-08 20:49:00

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tarshlove - 2011-09-09 08:09:00
rarogal wrote:

I make a chocolate and berry trifle at Xmas (because my kids dont like the traditional) and drizzle Kahlua all over the chocolate sponge. Delish!!

Oh so yummy - my daughter makes it too with chocolate mudcake - we call it black forest trifle.

bev00 - 2012-09-09 00:19:00

This message was deleted.

rusticedge - 2012-09-15 20:01:00

2 crunchie bars and 2 cups ice cream and half cup kahula mix and wizz together and then freeze .

hotstuff111 - 2012-09-15 20:39:00

Admittedly only uses 2 tsp of kahlua, but I've made this chocolate coconut tart before and it is yummy:


1 cup (90g) desiccated coconut
1 egg white, beaten lightly
¼ cup (55g) caster sugar
300ml thickened cream
300g dark eating chocolate, chopped finely
4 egg yolks
2 teaspoons Kahlua or Tia Maria


Preheat oven to slow (140°C/120°C fan-forced). Grease a 20cm non-stick, smooth-based springform pan with base clipped in upside down.

Combine the coconut, egg white and caster sugar. Press the mixture evenly over base and 4cm up side of prepared pan. Bake, uncovered, for about 40 minutes or until golden. Cool.

Heat the cream until almost boiling. Add chocolate, stir until smooth, cool slightly.

Whisk egg yolks and liqueur into chocolate, strain. Pour chocolate mixture into coconut shell. Refrigerate for 6 hours or until set.

Cut into thin wedges to serve.

Picture at

clonzy1 - 2012-09-16 13:59:00

It makes nice coffee(boozy) flavoured whipped cream.
or poured on ice cream with some toasted almonds or that big coconut.
*have cut & pasted the cheesecake recipe!*

vinee - 2012-09-16 17:45:00

This one is delicious :-)

bridget107 - 2012-09-16 21:40:00
clonzy1 wrote:

Admittedly only uses 2 tsp of kahlua, but I've made this chocolate coconut tart before and it is yummy:


1 cup (90g) desiccated coconut
1 egg white, beaten lightly
¼ cup (55g) caster sugar
300ml thickened cream
300g dark eating chocolate, chopped finely
4 egg yolks
2 teaspoons Kahlua or Tia Maria


Preheat oven to slow (140°C/120°C fan-forced). Grease a 20cm non-stick, smooth-based springform pan with base clipped in upside down.

Combine the coconut, egg white and caster sugar. Press the mixture evenly over base and 4cm up side of prepared pan. Bake, uncovered, for about 40 minutes or until golden. Cool.

Heat the cream until almost boiling. Add chocolate, stir until smooth, cool slightly.

Whisk egg yolks and liqueur into chocolate, strain. Pour chocolate mixture into coconut shell. Refrigerate for 6 hours or until set.

Cut into thin wedges to serve.

Picture at

Sounds devine ... going to make this for daughter's b'day - thank you:)

bev00 - 2013-09-16 22:48:00

Use it instead of whiskey in Irish Coffee

waswoods - 2013-09-17 20:58:00
rarogal wrote:

I make a chocolate and berry trifle at Xmas (because my kids dont like the traditional) and drizzle Kahlua all over the chocolate sponge. Delish!!

I have made it too. My friend called it troofle instead of trifle.

lotsagiggles - 2013-09-18 20:42:00

Chocolate Liqueur Mousse (overnight)

600ml of cream
100 ml Kahlua or similar
1 king size cake energy chocolate (250g)
10 T sugar
4 egg whites
2 t cornflour
2 T boiling water
2 t vanilla essence

Beat egg whites until stiff and then add sugar. Add water, cornflour and vanilla essence. Divide into 3rds -make into 3 thin pavlovas. Put on greaseproof paper/silicon liner.
Bake 15-20 mins in a moderate oven 180 C. (I find these often stick and can be quite hard to remove from paper, but don’t worry if they don't come off completely whole ‘cos they’ll soon be covered up!).
Whip cream lightly until it almost holds a peak. Stir in Kahlua and melted chocolate.
Layer pavlovas on top of each other filling with cream mixture between each layer.
Then cover completely with cream mixture, top with a little grated chocolate and leave overnight in the fridge.

nickyd - 2013-09-19 19:25:00

Add some to a bread and butter pudding.
Kahlua milk shakes.

thewomble1 - 2013-09-21 02:57:00

these decadent ideas are worthy of another round ..

bev00 - 2014-09-21 22:18:00

how about making adult icecream

3fatcats - 2014-09-22 15:30:00

Chocolate Kahlua Cake
450g butter
450g brown sugar
1 cup golden syrup
6 eggs
1 ½ tsp vanilla
450g flour
1 cup cocoa
3 tsp baking powder
1 ½ cup milk
Cream butter, brown sugar and golden syrup.
Add vanilla and then eggs one at a time.
Sift together dry ingredients in a separate bowl, and then add to creamed mixture alternately with the milk.
Bake in a 26cm tin at 170 C for 40 mins or until stick comes out clean.
Pour ¼ cup of Kahlua over the cake (or more depending on your taste preference)
Top with chocolate ganache.
200 mil cream
2 tablespoons butter
230 grams chocolate chopped small.
A block of Choc whilst still sealed in package slammed a few times on the bench will break into smaller pieces.
Put cream and butter into saucepan and heat until just below boiling point.
Remove from heat add chocolate and stir until melted and all is smooth in texture.
Leave for a few minutes until it starts to thicken.
Place the cake on a large serving dish by inverting cake from rack.
Slowly pour over the Choc Ganache evenly all over the cake, allowing excess to drip or run down all sides.
Allow to set completely cooled, can be refrigerated.

sandra25 - 2014-09-22 20:56:00

I have added it to my whipped cream for pavlova roll and used Baileys irish cream as well (tho not together)

actiongirl1 - 2014-09-24 16:03:00

and again

bev00 - 2015-09-24 22:47:00
mattdylan wrote:

I have a bottle I would like to use up, has anyone had much success baking or cooking with it? any ideas of what i could do ?

I don't know ... I always drink it while still pondering that question.

.... then I have to buy some more and repeat the same cycle ....

sampa - 2015-09-24 23:28:00

Khalua flavoured custard (made with cornflour etc)

thewomble1 - 2015-09-25 02:06:00

I found this on the net. I have not made it yet but I bought I bottle of coffee liqueur her in Western Australian and just don't want to drink it.

Coffee Jelly Shots
These dramatic gems of gelatin take the infamous “jello shot” from frat parties and dress it up ready for gourmet dinner parties. You can choose to layer the two flavors, pouring one on top of the other or make it more stunning by suspending cubes of the Whisper Creek gelatin in the coffee gelatin.
White Layer
½ cup cold water
½ cup sweetened condensed milk
1 cup Whisper Creek®
2 envelopes plain Knox gelatin

Coffee / Black Layer
1 cup black coffee (chilled)
1 cup coffee liqueur
2 envelopes plain Knox gelatin
To make the Whisper Creek® gelatin, start by pouring water into a small saucepan. Before turning on the heat, sprinkle the gelatin over the water and allow it to soak up the moisture for a minute or two. Once it has absorbed the water, turn heat on low and add the sweetened condensed milk. As the mixture warms, the gelatin will dissolve. Once it is fully dissolved, remove from heat, add Whisper Creek and stir to combine. Pour into a flat-bottomed pan and refrigerate until set (about one hour). For best results, prepare a spot in the refrigerator where you can be sure the pan is level prior to chilling the gelatin.
Prepare the coffee gelatin by adding the coffee (chilled or room temperature, but not hot) into a saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin over the coffee and allow it to soak up the moisture before turning heat on low. Once the gelatin has fully dissolved, remove from heat and add stir in coffee liqueur.
To avoid melting the Whisper Creek® gelatin, allow your coffee gelatin to sit at room temperature and cool down before pouring over the Whisper Creek layer. If you want to create a dramatic look, slice the Whisper Creek® layer into small cubes and spread them around the pan evenly before pouring the coffee gelatin into the pan. Refrigerate on a level surface until chilled. Slice into squares and serve.

Here is the website I got it from. Looks so yum. Now that the weather has warmed up, I might give it a go.

marcs - 2015-09-25 02:53:00

Forgot to add I think Whisper cream is something like Baileys. If anyone has had this please let me know if I am right.

marcs - 2015-09-25 03:03:00

This is lovely.

squeakygirl - 2015-09-25 11:04:00

Mix with cream cheese .. add anything else you want and roll into a cheeseball then roll into crushed nuts. It is very very morish. Lovely with crackers.

skydancing - 2015-09-25 13:36:00

and again

bev00 - 2016-09-25 01:28:00

I don't even know how to drink it, I'm not sure I like the stuff at all now that I have bought a bottle. Anyone got some good recipes for cocktails? No milk, eww, yuk!

rainrain1 - 2016-09-25 08:29:00
rainrain1 wrote:

I don't even know how to drink it, I'm not sure I like the stuff at all now that I have bought a bottle. Anyone got some good recipes for cocktails? No milk, eww, yuk!

Black Russian - 1 part kahlua and 2 parts vodka
White leprechaun - equal parts Kahlua and Irish whiskey then same amount of "lite" cream
Mind eraser - equal parts kahlua, vodka and soda water
Dirty mother - equal parts Kahlua and brandy

sarahb5 - 2016-09-25 15:10:00

I always use kahlua in tiramisu instead of brandy

sarahb5 - 2016-09-25 15:11:00

Ta, No 2 cocktail sounds OK.
Marsala in the tiramisu for me though

rainrain1 - 2016-09-26 08:00:00
rainrain1 wrote:

Ta, No 2 cocktail sounds OK.
Marsala in the tiramisu for me though

Tried Marsala - thought it tasted like wet cardboard

sarahb5 - 2016-09-26 08:48:00
sarahb5 wrote:

Tried Marsala - thought it tasted like wet cardboard

How unsurprising

rainrain1 - 2016-09-26 13:02:00

I add some to normal custard for as an 'adult' treat, As mentioned already also in bread & butter pudding. Then my favorite is in truffles (view thread on xmas truffles).

enchanted1 - 2016-09-27 11:58:00


bev00 - 2017-09-28 00:47:00


bev00 - 2018-09-24 23:23:00

Sandra25, do you pour the Kahlua over the cake when it is hot?
This cake sounds lovely even though I am not a fan of coffee flavoured food (or coffee at all).

Each Christmas I make Kahlua icecream for the family. Whip 600ml cream, whip in a tin of sweetened condensed milk. Add three smashed up crunchie bars, and khalua. I am generous with this and get my coffee loving husband to check it to see if more needs to be added. Freeze.

lynja - 2018-09-25 06:54:00

In a blender with ice then over vanilla ice cream makes a nice dessert

twindizzy - 2018-09-25 09:16:00
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