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a Easy yummy chocolate mousse recipe anyone?


I have googled some options and some are quite different so 'm unsure what to use. help!!? :)

katinthekitch - 2011-09-06 17:36:00

350gr 85% chocolate finely chopped to the size of chocolate drops *see suggestions below
4 large eggs at room temperature
2t vanilla extract
Pinch salt
250ml hot coffee *see suggestions below
Place all the ingredients except the hot coffee into a blender.
Blend until the mixture looks smooth.
With the blender running at a low speed, pour the hot coffee in slowly through the opening in the top of the blender lid.
Blend until the mixture is smooth and all the chocolate has melted.
Check for taste and add some sweetener of choice if you want a sweeter taste.
Pour into ramekins or glasses and place in the fridge to set for a firmer texture.
Remove from the fridge prior to serving.
Use Lindt Intense Orange, Mint, Chilli or any other flavoured dark chocolate.
Add 1T of your favourite liqueur.
Try using different teas instead of the coffee – maybe Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe or Lemon & ginger with ginger chocolate.

bedazzledjewels - 2011-09-06 17:39:00

does it not need cream?

katinthekitch - 2011-09-06 17:42:00

Not that one. It's real easy.
A true mousse in the French style only uses eggs, chocolate and sugar.
The easy mousse above is a dense one, a bit more like a marquise.
A lighter mousse can have cream in it.

bedazzledjewels - 2011-09-06 17:44:00

okay thank you very much =]

katinthekitch - 2011-09-06 17:48:00

Wow. What an amazing recipe. I think this one is going out with me tomorrow night as my dessert offering.

buzzy110 - 2011-09-06 17:49:00

It's off our website Buzzy. The chocolate melts as soon as the hot coffee hits it.

bedazzledjewels - 2011-09-06 17:52:00

Easy mousse
3 eggs separated, 1 250g bar chocolate anything, 2 tbl suagr, 2 tlb butter,300ml bottle cream whipped.
Melt butter/choc over a double boiler or similar,lightly whip cream and in separate bowl whipp egg whites. Mix sugar with yolks, when choc melted add yolks/sugar slowly then add whipped cream 1/2 at a time and the same with egg whites. pour into 6-8 remikins and leave in fridge to set at least 4 hours.

bullock123 - 2011-09-06 17:53:00

Avocado Chocolate Mousse
super smooth
1/2 cup sugar or honey
1/2 cup warm water
2 medium sized avocados
1 tsp pure vanilla essence
1/2 cup good quality cocoa powder
1 Tablespoon of lemon juice.
Put all ingredients in a food processor & process to combine
refrigerate until required.
a pinch of cinnamon, is nice added to this.

pickles7 - 2011-09-06 18:21:00

White Chocolate Orange Liqueur Mousse

300 ml cream
250 g white chocolate, chopped (or 1x 250 g packet of white chocolate bits or white chocolate chips)
3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons liqueur e.g. Cointreau or Grand Marnier

Heat cream until it’s just about to boil. Throw everything in a blender and run machine until the racket stops. Pour into little espresso coffee cups or liqueur glasses and chill at least 3 hours. Preferably overnight.
This works just as well with dark or milk chocolate.

Serves 6 - 8

timetogo - 2011-09-06 20:22:00

This is the easy cheat one from Nigella Express.It is delicious and everyone asks for it. Also no raw eggs.
I pkt of mini marshmallows.
I pkt good quality dark or milk chocolate drops or melts[250g]
50g soft butter
50 mls of recently boiled water,but must not be boiling.
1 small tub of double cream [ 280gms?] to whip.
1 teasp of vanilla essence.
Put marshmallows,chocolate,butter,-
water in heavy pan and stir,melting over gentle heat.Leave to cool .Fold in whipped cream and vanilla essence.Scrape into pretty glasses and leave to set.Can decorate with flake or long curls of chocolate done with potato peeler.Look at Nigella Express if you want more exact quantities.Serves 4 or 6 depending on servings.

genpat - 2011-09-07 14:45:00

I've tried the Nigella one And it was too sickly sweet for me.

freakymum - 2011-09-17 21:42:00

This message was deleted.

talent.scout - 2011-09-18 01:41:00

Timetogo many thanks for your recipe. I had three egg yolks in the fridge, now I know what to do with them!

retired - 2011-09-18 11:38:00

I've just put this on the egg white thread:


100g chocolate
4 egg whites
50g sugar
pinch salt

Melt chocolate and cool.
Beat the other ingredients to the stiff peak stage and fold in the chocolate gradually.
Chill (in separate glasses). Serves 6.

daleaway - 2011-09-18 12:46:00

thanks i even copied some down. now with the chocolate does it matter what flavour you use?? can that be left to the imagination, can you add bits to the mixture.

t.gypsy - 2011-09-18 12:58:00


bev00 - 2012-09-18 01:24:00

I use the edmonds cookbook one , I use homebrand cream and 50% whittakers. My mousse is now famous among my friends and workmates :P

I did try anchor, but the taste was so much different !

vampiriousmist - 2012-09-18 16:31:00

for mousse lovers ..

bev00 - 2013-09-18 23:47:00

And again so we don't lose it :)

unknowndisorder - 2014-09-17 20:57:00

too good to lose - oft requested :)

bev00 - 2015-09-17 23:58:00

200g dark chocolate
30g unsalted butter
3 eggs, separated
300ml thickened cream, whipped

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water. Add butter and stir until melted. Stir in egg yolks one at a time. Beat egg whites until stiff/soft peaks. Fold in cream. Fold cream mixture into chocolate mix. Pour into dishes and refrigerate until set.

sarahb5 - 2015-09-19 16:41:00

and up again

pixiegirl - 2016-09-15 12:54:00

bumpity bump ...

bev00 - 2017-09-15 01:40:00

Does anyone have an easy recipe, with a 'Dash ', of Rum in it.
I had a good recipe, made in microwave a number of years ago, but must have lost it in one of our moves. ( we were farming at the time! ) LOL

willman - 2017-09-15 07:58:00

** BUMP **

autumnwinds - 2018-09-12 00:32:00

I make this at Christmas and everyone loves it. Just melt a king size block of chocolate, whisk in two eggs. Fold into 600mls of cream ,whipped but soft, add some Baileys or rum or whatever you like to taste. Set in small bowls as it is really rich but oh so yummy.

crazynana - 2018-09-12 15:43:00

I make this at Christmas and everyone loves it. Just melt a king size block of chocolate, whisk in two eggs. Fold into 600mls of cream ,whipped but soft, add some Baileys or rum or whatever you like to taste. Set in small bowls as it is really rich but oh so yummy.

crazynana - 2018-09-12 15:44:00


mutley83 - 2019-09-05 13:24:00

Is it safe to eat raw eggs? Thought it could be a risk of getting sick?

blondinie - 2019-09-05 22:52:00
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