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Come in with your Silverbeet/Spinach recipes pleas


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paix1 - 2011-05-27 14:20:00

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dagwood51 - 2011-05-27 14:23:00

A few ideas here ...

Also if you type silverbeet into the search function on the left of this page & change the date to 'anytime' you will get lots of other ideas.

winnie231 - 2011-05-27 14:45:00

Use it in a quiche with feta cheese.

trading_gibsons - 2011-05-27 14:51:00

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paix1 - 2011-05-27 15:48:00

Use them as layers in lasagne too.. use several pieces in each layer so you have a reasonable thickness for each layer.

Chop and add to soups and casseroles, or fill bags with chopped leaves - no need to cook them, and freeze - give the bag a shake every hour or two and they'll stay fairly free-flowing.. you can then lift out a handful or whatever you want when you use them.

Add some to potatoes, kumara, carrots and parsnip, or pumpkin when boiling or steaming them - mash all together..

juliewn - 2011-05-27 17:40:00

top with a couple of perfectly poached eggs for your lunch

rainrain1 - 2011-05-27 17:50:00

Parboil. Lay on schnitzels, top with a wee bit of sauted mushroom, roll up and bake, serve with whatever sauce - I like a tomato sauce (not out of a bottle of course).
Use with stuffing in boned pork or lamb chops, roll into roulades.

lythande1 - 2011-05-27 19:35:00

Spinach Cannelloni the recipe is on the sanremo instant cannelloni tubes.

suie1 - 2011-05-27 20:11:00

Rice Stuffed
Silverbeet Leaves

Big bunch of silverbeet
(preferably about 12 leaves)
1 onion, finely chopped
2 heaped Tbls of peanut butter
¼ tsp cumin seeds
1 cup rice
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 Tbls dried oregano
½ cup grated cheese (optional)
2 Tbls oil
Salt and pepper
Lightly fry the onion and cumin seeds in oil, add the
rice, fry briefly then add 2 ½ cups water and ½ a
tsp salt. Bring to the boil, turn down to a low simmer,
cover and cook for 12 mins, then turn off and leave
the pan tightly covered for a further 12 mins.
Add the peanut butter to the rice, stir to combine.
Add the cheese to the rice and peanut butter
mixture, stir to combine.
Trim the silverbeet leaves from the bunch and run
the edge of a wooden spoon along the spines of
the silverbeet, pressing firmly to crush the spines.
This makes the leaves much easier to roll up.
Divide the rice mixture between the 12 leaves
and roll them up.
Place the rolled up leaves into a shallow baking dish.
Blend the can of tomatoes with the oregano, ¼ tsp
salt and a cup of water and tip over the leaves.
Cover tightly with foil and bake at 170°C for an hour.

theanimal1 - 2011-05-27 21:29:00

savoury muffins or savoury scones...i use spinach for both. Just chop up roughly and add to eg a scone mix with some cheese, feta, onions and I ALWAYS add a tspn of chicken stock.....all sounds a little weird (esp the chicken stock), but I promise you that everyone will rave. DON"T cook the spinach first...just throw into recipe raw!

bubbleofbarb - 2011-05-27 22:45:00

Make spinach, mushroom and thyme soup. Looks foul but is oh-so-tasty, and it'll use up a heap of the stuff!

kylie_m - 2011-05-27 22:54:00

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barmanmyk - 2011-05-27 22:56:00

Silverbeet soup Yum
5 cups chicken stock
1 onion chopped
750g potatos
500g silverbeet
3/4 cup sour cream
1/3 cup parmesean cheese

Saute onion is a bit of oil or butter till soft. Add potatoes and stock and boil for 5 minutes or until soft. Wash silver beat and shred (like to use the leaves only as I don't like stalks). Add sliverbeet and cook for 3 minutes. Add sour cream and cheese. take off heat and blend till pureed. Serve hot. you can put it back on to heat but do not boil. YUM

marcs - 2011-05-27 23:17:00

Lamb & Spinach curry (Saag Gosht) uses a lot of spinach and is very yum.

alfgarnett - 2011-05-28 17:06:00
marcs wrote:

Silverbeet soup Yum
5 cups chicken stock
1 onion chopped
750g potatos
500g silverbeet
3/4 cup sour cream
1/3 cup parmesean cheese

Saute onion is a bit of oil or butter till soft. Add potatoes and stock and boil for 5 minutes or until soft. Wash silver beat and shred (like to use the leaves only as I don't like stalks). Add sliverbeet and cook for 3 minutes. Add sour cream and cheese. take off heat and blend till pureed. Serve hot. you can put it back on to heat but do not boil. YUM

I'm going to try your recipe the stuff.
I make soup too, no amounts as it's just guess work on my part.
Sauté onion garlic & Silver beet with some curry powder, when beet is barely cooked, remove & make a thin roux sauce in the pan, whizz up S beet mixture & add to sauce ...yummy.

samanya - 2011-05-28 17:26:00

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rosewildvinyl - 2011-05-28 17:49:00

Bump because post #10 is delicious and I don't want to lose it before writing it down.

hezwez - 2011-09-18 20:02:00

saving for spinach fans

bev00 - 2012-09-18 00:18:00

add a pottle of cashew nut dip,(new world has these) feta cheese, cooked and chopped spinach or silverbeat, to your already cooked small cut roasties, mix through and reheat about 10 minutes

rainrain1 - 2012-09-18 11:34:00

Silverbeet Pie
This is so yum, my friend Dana gave me the recipe - thanks Dana! 1 Lrg bunch silverbeet, 1/2 cup of cooked rice, 1 cup of grated cheese, 1 finely chopped onion, 1 tsp chicken stock, 1 tsp mixed herbs, 2-3 eggs, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, 1/2 cup oil. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Line a tin with baking paper and a sheet of flaky puff pastry. Put mix in and top with remaining pastry - doesn't have to seal. Cook at 180 degs for 40 mins or until set. I also add chicken for a one stop meal. My boys LOVE this and eat heaps!
posted by glendeb

silverbeet pie
a very old favourite in our family and ususally what my 14 year old daughter requests for her birthday tea!!
Line a pie dish with flaky pastry and bake blind. Make about 2 cups of white sauce, stir in 1/2 a packet of smoked cheese slices (for some reason you need the cheap stuff, it tastes better!!) Stir until melted, then add 3 chopped hardboiled eggs and 4 cups cooked drained silverbeet. Tip the whole lot into the cooked pie shell and crumble over 1/2 big packet (or 2 snack size ones) of plain potato chips, then bake at 180c until the chips are golden and the whole thing is heated through. As you can see I don't measure anything so can't give exact quantities!
posted by sclaredy_cat" :-))

Quote245sam (38 ) 2:48 pm, Mon 10 Sep #2
oh cool thanks for those 245sam

Quotekirmag (290 ) 2:51 pm, Mon 10 Sep #3
and here, also from the former Trademe Cooks, are some recipes for spinach pies.....

"my recipe for spinach pie
Line or not, your choice, a deep pie dish with pastry. Saute in 2Tbsp oil 1large onion finely chopped and 2 cloves garlic crushed. Add 1lb(500g) spinach and cook gently for 10mins stirring occasionally. Cool slightly. In a bowl beat 2 eggs, ½tsp ground nutmeg, 250g Ricotta(I use Cottage) cheese, ½cup grated parmesan(or tasty) cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Mix this into the spinach. Spread filling into pastry case if using. Form a lattice lid on top if you like again I don't bother unless for a special occasion. Bake 200C for 45-50mins. I very rarely bother with the pastry on the bottom as this sets nicely without, similar to the self crusting quiche posted by cqvl"

Do you have any Haloumi or Tofu?.....
"Haloumi & Spinach (or silverbeet) Pie
Makes 1 oven tray or 10 small rounds. Dough: 1 tab dried yeast ¾ tsp sugar 2 tab warm water 100g thick yoghurt 1 egg (or extra 50g yoghurt) 60 ml olive oil 310g white flour ½ tsp salt Filling: 550g spinach or silverbeet leaves, blanched and squeezed very dry, chopped. 1 shallot finely chopped zest ½ lemon ½ tsp dried mint 150g haloumi, grated 75g crème fraiche salt white pepper. Give the dough at least 2 hours rising at room temperature or 12 – 36 hours in the fridge. Pat or roll out to completely cover an oiled oven tray. Place filling in centre, leaving a 3cm margin. Fold edges over loosely. Leave to settle while you heat oven to 200C. Bake 25 – 30 min until starting to brown. Serve warm or cool. The dough works well with chappati flour (very finely milled wholemeal) also.
posted by davidt4

Spinach Pie
Pastry; 1C wholemeal flour, 2C white flour, 1/2 t salt, 1 1/4 C water, 1/4C oil. Bring oil & water to the boil, mix with flours& salt to make dough. Roll out for base of pie, fill, then use leftover for top.. Cut slits in pastry with knife to let steam out. Bake for 1 hour. Filling: Mix together the following & add to dish; 2large chopped onions, 1 250g block tofu, crumbled, 1/2c olive oil, 11/2 t salt, 11/2C fresh breadcrumbs, 2bunches silverbeet or spinach stalks removed & finely chopped, juice of 1 lemon.
posted by fruitluva2" :-))

Quote245sam (38 ) 2:52 pm,

bev00 - 2013-09-10 20:21:00

I used to stuff my chicken breasts with cooked silverbeet and tomato puree ..wrapped bacon around it and baked.

the whites are nice sliced thinly and sautéed in the pan with rosemary and some butter

motorbo - 2013-09-10 20:33:00

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gerkin30 - 2013-09-10 20:41:00

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cookessentials - 2013-09-10 20:53:00

Silverbeet OR Spinach fritters..

1] the base is cooked chopped silverbeet or spinach , you cook the silverbeet in water and then squeeze out the excess water, then chop up the silverbeet ,,

now add what ever cooked veg you like to the silverbeet... add some eggs and bread crumbs..

example 1] cooked chopped silverbeet, diced raw onion, garlic ,diced ham, grated cheese, mashed potato and mushrooms, place all in a bowl and mix together, add egg and a little amount of bread crumbs,, mix again.. roll into balls and then flatten , deep fry or panfry..

hint, if the mixture is tacky and keeps together, i do not add any breadcrumbs if i panfry.. i do if i deepfry because the mixture can fall apart

aktow - 2013-09-11 00:39:00

sauté silverbeet and spinach in a mild curry Parmesan mushroom sauce..

ingredients washed and chop silverbeet and spinach, sliced onion. sliced mushrooms , Parmesan cheese, cream, chicken stock

1] place onion in a pan and saute,
2] add the silverbeet and when nearly cooked add sliced mushrooms
and curry powder [ optional red curry paste or green]
4] add a little chicken stock and cream ,
5] add parmensan cheese and salt and pepper,
6] reduce sauce and serve,,

you can leave out cream or chicken stock.. i add bacon to silverbeet but its a option. some times i add grated Edam cheese if i have no Parmesan.

Edited by aktow at 12:59 am, Wed 11 Sep

aktow - 2013-09-11 00:56:00

boil it up first ( silverbeet) and let go cold, great with other things in muffins
just use a bit of you own imagination to create as well
put some bread cut in squares in muffin tins, butter first and put down side the add boiled silverbeet , grated cheese, onion, add anything add to bread cases and put in oven
can freeze both these and pull out when required and slightly reheat

kids4ever - 2013-09-11 02:45:00

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cookessentials - 2013-09-11 11:03:00

Doing boil up tonight with carrots potato lamb shoulder chops and silver beet.

Also great in noodle soups almost all Asian cooking for that matter. I introduced some Cambodian friends to it and now its planted all over their property.

beaker59 - 2013-09-11 11:48:00

Chop finely, add to compost bin.

lythande1 - 2013-09-11 14:08:00

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cookessentials - 2013-09-11 14:50:00

I had creamed silverbeet at a dinner party last week. have to say it was delicious and something I will definitely try to recreate

dorothy_vdh - 2013-09-11 15:40:00

We like steamed spinach or silverbeet sometimes with a coating of coconut cream and served as a side. I add spinach to soups and a pumpkin and chickpea curry. Also nice added to the layers of lasagne and moussaka and nice added to homemade pasta dough too. Makes a great quiche,pie or slice with some feta cheese. We love spinach and silverbeet in any shape or form and it is so good for you.

Edited by nauru at 3:53 pm, Wed 11 Sep

nauru - 2013-09-11 15:52:00

If you don't have five minutes to whiz up pastry in the food processor, use frozen savoury pastry sheets.

Makes 2 medium tarts – freeze 1 for later.

Food-Processor Pastry:
2 cups flour
½ tsp salt
150g butter or 75g butter and 75g lard
about 4 tbsp cold water

Preheat oven to 200°C and line two 26-28cm loose-bottomed quiche dishes with baking paper.
Place the flour, salt and butter or butter and lard in a food processor and whizz to fine crumbs. With the motor running, add the water a little at a time, adding more if necessary until mixture comes together in a ball.
Press pastry into the base and sides of the quiche dishes, cover with baking paper, weight with baking beans or rice and bake blind until lightly golden (about 12-15 minutes).
While pastry cooks, prepare the

1 cup (250g) cream cheese
6 eggs
1 cup cream or milk
2 tbsp pesto
2 spring onions, chopped
2 tsp horseradish sauce
1 cup grated cheese
4-6 heads fresh spinach (use as much or as little as you like)
salt and ground black pepper
¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg

Blend together the cream cheese, eggs and cream or milk. Add pesto, spring onions, horseradish, cheese, spinach, salt, pepper and nutmeg, blending until the mixture forms a smooth, green puree.
Remove pastry shells from oven and lift off baking paper and baking beans, cooling and reserving for later reuse.
Reduce oven heat to 180°C.our filling mixture into the semi-cooked pastry shells and bake for about 30 minutes until it is set in the centre and lightly golden.
Serve warm or hot.
To reheat from frozen, remove from freezer at least 1 hour before serving and place on an oven tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 160°C until warmed through (about 15-20 minutes). :-))

Quote245sam (38 ) 10:18 am, Mon 17 Sep

bev00 - 2013-09-17 21:37:00

for spinach lovers

bev00 - 2014-09-16 23:07:00

Creamed Silverbeet/Spinach and Horseradish

600grms Silverbeet/Spinach leaves only
stock cube (Chicken or Veggie) dissolved in 1/2 cup water
1 cup cream
1/2 cup sour cream
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Finely slice the leaves and place in water and stock cube in a large saucepan. Cook on high heat for 3-4 minutes until wilted and soft. pour in colander and squeeze as much liquid out as possible. Place back in saucepan and add the horseradish and cream and sour cream and heat gently. Can be blitzed with a wand blender or similar but I prefer it chunky and rustic.

petal1955 - 2014-09-17 08:48:00

The yummiest thing I've had with spinach in it

loose.unit8 - 2014-09-17 09:11:00
loose.unit8 wrote:

The yummiest thing I've had with spinach in it

Yum! Love cannelloni with spinach! No mention of Joe's special so far. My original version was from Alison Holsts Cooking Class book 1 which is basically mince, garlic and onion fried then throw in spinach (I've always used silverbeet due to its availability but either is fine), sprinkle with beef stock, allow moisture to evaporate and then pour over beaten eggs. There are loads of variations on the net just Google Joe's special to find them. It sounds disgusting but it is addictive and very nice for sandwiches or just as is if you're not into carbs for lunch the next day. I have no idea why but my preference of sides for this has always been white rice and tomato sauce (I mention that in the spirit of full disclosure because, even as I type, I feel the shame of admitting to the desire to cover good and healthy food with that Kiwi classic that I was sure I'd long since grown out of. ;)

One proviso - this really needs to be made in a pan with a decent size of flat base area so that you end up with an omelette type of end product of uniform thickness otherwise some parts will be too eggy and moist and others will be dry and crumbly.

sampa - 2014-09-17 09:50:00

steamed and then squeeze lemon juice very tasty

ritebuy - 2014-09-18 13:21:00

My silverbeet is thinking of bolting already, so I will bump this thread for more ideas.

uli - 2015-09-13 09:42:00

The birds ate all my silver beet , the Winter leaks didn't grow for the first time ever because of the cold, the carrots didn't strike well, nor did the parsnips, cabbages have been slow to heart, running out of feed for the animals, 2 pregnant cows died the other day with the stress of being shifted to better feed, a third one went down and had to be will get better when the sun decides to shine

rainrain1 - 2015-09-13 11:54:00

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pericles - 2015-09-13 12:20:00

Herbed silverbeet
1.5kg silverbeet, pepper & salt, sprig fresh rosemary, a TBSP butter, 1 clove garlic, crushed. Wash silverbeet, trim leaves from stalks. Place leaves in large saucepan with salt&pepper, rosemary, half the butter and garlic. Cover and cook till silverbeet is tender. Remove rosemary, drain silverbeet well. Chop it in the saucepan, add rest of butter, check seasonings. I add small bits of feta cheese just before serving. If you have left over tinned tomatoes, cook those with the silverbeet (may need to add 1/2 tsp sugar.)

Italian spinach
1 large bunch spinach (or 6 large silverbeet leaves), 50g butter, 1 large onion, 1 clove garlic, 100g mushrooms, 2 TBSP dry breadcrumbs, 2 TBSP grated parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream, salt&pepper.
Wash leaves thoroughly, cook in water still clinging to leaves in large pot. When tender, drain well, chop roughly. Melt butter in a frying pan, fry chopped onion and crushed garlic until transparent. Add sliced mushrooms, cook further 5 mins. Add spinach and rest of ingredients, check seasons, stir until heated through.

ruby2shoes - 2015-09-13 15:42:00
ruby2shoes wrote:

Herbed silverbeet
1.5kg silverbeet, pepper & salt, sprig fresh rosemary, a TBSP butter, 1 clove garlic, crushed. Wash silverbeet, trim leaves from stalks. Place leaves in large saucepan with salt&pepper, rosemary, half the butter and garlic. Cover and cook till silverbeet is tender. Remove rosemary, drain silverbeet well. Chop it in the saucepan, add rest of butter, check seasonings. I add small bits of feta cheese just before serving. If you have left over tinned tomatoes, cook those with the silverbeet (may need to add 1/2 tsp sugar.)

Italian spinach
1 large bunch spinach (or 6 large silverbeet leaves), 50g butter, 1 large onion, 1 clove garlic, 100g mushrooms, 2 TBSP dry breadcrumbs, 2 TBSP grated parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream, salt&pepper.
Wash leaves thoroughly, cook in water still clinging to leaves in large pot. When tender, drain well, chop roughly. Melt butter in a frying pan, fry chopped onion and crushed garlic until transparent. Add sliced mushrooms, cook further 5 mins. Add spinach and rest of ingredients, check seasons, stir until heated through.

Have you made those recipes? What do you do with the stalks?

kay141 - 2015-09-13 15:48:00
rainrain1 wrote:

The birds ate all my silver beet , the Winter leaks didn't grow for the first time ever because of the cold, the carrots didn't strike well, nor did the parsnips, cabbages have been slow to heart, running out of feed for the animals, 2 pregnant cows died the other day with the stress of being shifted to better feed, a third one went down and had to be will get better when the sun decides to shine

It's been a blardy cold winter hasn't it I'm sure you've had it harder & more snow & yet the poor farmers a bit north of me, have had no decent rain for 10 months, I feel for them.
A lot of people wouldn't realise that losing 3 (six really) cows is a body blow & must be depressing.
The sun will come out again & hopefully soon.
"tomorrow, tomorrow" according to Annie.

samanya - 2015-09-13 15:53:00

A few leaves finely chopped into a coleslaw is yumm !
I often add small amounts of finely chopped spinach or silverbeet in with any rice I am cooking extra vege and always looks nice on presentation .

jbsouthland - 2015-09-13 16:08:00
kay141 wrote:

Have you made those recipes? What do you do with the stalks?

yes, I've made both. I actually finally chop the stalks and use them in it. I suppose stalks can be set aside and used in soups.

ruby2shoes - 2015-09-13 16:24:00

Silverbeet Salad
finely chopped silverbeet; finely sliced onions; chopped tomatoes
Dressing: 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup oil, 2 TBSP vinegar, 2 TBSP tomato sauce, 1 TBSP worchester sauce
Topping: toast sunflower seeds in hot oil, stirring with a wooden spoon until seeds are light brown. Sprinkle over salad.
Is even nicer 24 hours after.

I haven't made the above, but have tasted it and asked for the recipe. It is delish! Can add crispy bacon bits.

ruby2shoes - 2015-09-13 16:28:00
ruby2shoes wrote:

yes, I've made both. I actually finally chop the stalks and use them in it. I suppose stalks can be set aside and used in soups.

I use the stalks as well but I know some who don't. Seems a waste to me. They are also nice cooked separately and serves with a cheese sauce.

kay141 - 2015-09-13 16:33:00
kay141 wrote:

I use the stalks as well but I know some who don't. Seems a waste to me.

I am glad that you feel so much better that you know "some that don't" use the stalks and are so much more wasteful as you are.

uli - 2015-09-13 20:59:00
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