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Looking for a Coconut loaf recipe


Does anyone have a yummy coconut loaf recipe to share, one that freezes well?

whiteroses - 2010-03-19 20:13:00

Hi, this one is *awesome* - and easy. Nice!

m.p.h. - 2010-03-19 23:02:00

I have an easy peasy one - have made it many times, especially good when the cupboard it looking bare as it doesn't need butter or eggs.

In a bowl mix together 1.5 cups flour, 1.5 tsp bp, 1.5 cups coconut, 1 cup sugar, 1.5 cups milk, 1 tsp vanilla essence. I often add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder for a change. Bake at 160-170 deg C for an hour or so.

sharrs - 2010-03-19 23:41:00

I've used that recipe too Sharrs - excellent for making two or more times the recipe too, for extra loaves.. I've sometimes added sultana's or currants too.

juliewn - 2010-03-20 00:04:00

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barloo - 2010-03-20 02:52:00

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barloo - 2010-03-25 22:10:00

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indy95 - 2010-03-26 11:46:00

This one is lovely. I did try making it with dark chocolate chips but I think white chocolate is much better - lovely taste and doesn't ruin the golden colour.

White Chocolate and Coconut Loaf

2 Eggs
200 g Sugar
1 1/2 cups Flour
1/4 cup oil (not olive - I used rice bran)
250 g sour cream (I used light)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
50 g coconut
150 g white chocolate chips (I chopped up buttons - much cheaper)

1. Heat oven to 180 degC.
2. Prepare a large loaf tin
3. Into a large bowl sift flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add coconut and chocolate.
4. Beat eggs and sugar until frotht, mix in sour cream and then mix in oil.
5. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients.
6. Pour batter into loaf tin and bake for 50 minutes. Leave to stand for 15 minutes before turning out.

cap - 2010-03-26 13:45:00

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barloo - 2010-03-26 15:53:00

Did it have a chance to cool after baking barloo? I usually get the 'when can I eat it' plea from my kids - it does smell lovely doesn't it.

sharrs - 2010-03-26 23:41:00

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barloo - 2010-03-27 00:44:00

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barloo - 2010-03-29 20:05:00

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barloo - 2010-03-30 16:28:00

Yes, it is a very wet mixture. How did you go this time barloo? Must make another one myself .... it's been a couple of weeks lol.

sharrs - 2010-03-30 23:37:00

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barloo - 2010-04-07 21:12:00

My easiest is 1 cup coconut, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk and 1 cup self raising flour. I have added spices, cocoa, sultanas - in fact you can play around with it however you like. Keeps well too, if it gets a chance!!

squeakygirl - 2010-04-08 17:47:00

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barloo - 2010-04-08 23:41:00

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barloo - 2010-04-21 13:34:00

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barloo - 2010-04-21 21:04:00

That sounds great, will try it as soon as I get some lemons.

squeakygirl - 2010-04-23 18:55:00

I made this easy one yesterday and added chocolate chips. It was nice warm. I still think for a bit of a treat the recipe I posted in #8 is worth it.

cap - 2010-04-24 13:40:00

Yummm - the lemon sounds very good Barloo.. might have to make one too! :-)

Hi Cap.. your recipe sounds like it would be lovely and moist.. will make that too.. thanks for sharing it.. :-)

juliewn - 2010-04-26 00:23:00

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barloo - 2010-04-29 22:11:00
sharrs wrote:

I have an easy peasy one - have made it many times, especially good when the cupboard it looking bare as it doesn't need butter or eggs.

In a bowl mix together 1.5 cups flour, 1.5 tsp bp, 1.5 cups coconut, 1 cup sugar, 1.5 cups milk, 1 tsp vanilla essence. I often add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder for a change. Bake at 160-170 deg C for an hour or so.

This loaf actually gets better when it is a day old - I always try to make it a day ahead now.
And I usually put in lemon essence instead of the vanilla.

gardie - 2010-04-30 06:48:00

Bill grangers coconut loaf recipe is very nice. I add vanilla to mine.

marcs - 2010-04-30 16:30:00

Bumping because its a FanTastic recipe!

lx4000 - 2010-06-01 20:01:00

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tazzaboy2 - 2010-08-14 14:52:00

1 cup flour, 1 cup coconut, 1cup sugar, 1cup milk. Bake 30 mins, beautiful.

jtonkin - 2010-08-14 23:17:00

want to try these

bev00 - 2011-08-14 23:10:00

I add chopped up appricots if I have them. Gives it that little something extra. Very cost effective loaf!!!

zambesi2 - 2011-08-15 08:32:00
sharrs wrote:

I have an easy peasy one - have made it many times, especially good when the cupboard it looking bare as it doesn't need butter or eggs.

In a bowl mix together 1.5 cups flour, 1.5 tsp bp, 1.5 cups coconut, 1 cup sugar,

1.5 cups milk, 1 tsp vanilla essence.

I often add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder for a change.
Bake at 160-170 deg C for an hour or so.

Do Not over mix!! Just mix and pour into loaf tin. This is the secrete! If I add lemon juice, I don't add van ess. I also add raisins or sultanas.
Great for freezing as I always make a double batch and freeze 1.

Edited by lx4000 at 8:38 am, Mon 15 Aug

lx4000 - 2011-08-15 08:37:00

Coconut Loaf.

1& 1/4 cups coconut soaked in 1 cup of milk for 1 hour. Add 1 cup sugar, 1& 1/4 cup of Self raising flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt , 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, and the grated rind of an orange. 1/2 cup of sultanas are an optional. Place in a lined and greased loaf tin and bake in a moderate oven for approx 1 hour.

pam.delilah - 2011-08-15 08:45:00

Heres my two recipes I use:

Coconut Loaf

1 1/2 cups coconut
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup chopped apricots (or other dried fruit)
1 cup milk
1 1/4 cups flour
1 cup sugar

Mix dry ingredients together, add milk and apricots, stir, pour into lined loaf tin for aaprox 40 mins or until done.

Coconut Loaf #2

1 1/2 cups wholemeal flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups coconut
1/2 cup raw sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Mix dry ingredients, add milk and vanilla, bake in lined loaf tin for 45 mins- 1 hour at 180c

Both are delicous, I will make either depending on what sort of flour I have around

luvmykicks - 2011-08-15 10:56:00

Quick Mix Coconut Cake
Sift 1 cup self raising flour and 1 cup dessicated coconut into a bowl. Stir through 2 tsp finely grated lemon rind ( i use orange) and 1/2 cup castor sugar. Add 3/4 cup milk. Mix to combine and pour into a greased and lined 19cm x 8cm x 6cm loaf tin. Bake @180* for 35-40 minutes or until firm. When cool, drizzle with pink glace icing and dust with coconut to serve

whiskey13 - 2011-08-15 22:33:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-16 14:45:00
elliehen wrote:

BTW it was 'done' at 50 minutes rather than the hour in my oven at 180*C.

That good to know elliehen, will keep that in mind when i next do a loaf and check at 50 minutes to see if it's done.

whiskey13 - 2011-08-17 00:34:00

oh gosh i went through a phase when i was about 12 of cooking coconut loaf on a regular basis and coming home everyday after school and having a slice with custard flavoured yoghurt. ohhhhhhh soooooooo gooooooood i can still remember....

jennyfenny1 - 2011-08-19 13:16:00

I put half the mixture in the tin and then put blobs of jam on it, then put the rest of the mixture on top. That way gey yummy jam blobs in the middle of the loaf.

robbo777 - 2011-08-20 12:43:00
elliehen wrote:

I like the look of this one, whiskey13. Last night I made pam.delilah's (below) but found it too sweet. I like the idea in both recipes of soaking the coconut in milk and will try yours next, with just your half cup of sugar.

DONT DONT DONT soak the coconut in my recipe. It soaks up too much milk and then the mixture is like a bread dough and is hard to handle and doesn't rise as well as it should. I tried it a couple of days ago, not good

whiskey13 - 2011-08-20 16:57:00

Just made sharrs recipe post#2, had no white sugar or vanilla so used raw sugar instead and once mixed stirred thru' 1/2 a pottel of cream cheese .
It lasted a whole 10 minutes out of the oven, was just so yummy.
New favourite recipe, so easy. Thanks sharr

westigal - 2011-08-22 14:21:00

ah the joy of coconut

bev00 - 2012-08-21 23:29:00

I thought ooh coconut and wandered in lol. Forgot about this thread but I'm glad it's still out there. Love love coconut!

sharrs - 2012-08-22 13:12:00

For an extra "kick' of coconut in muffins, cake or loaf, add coconut essence instead of vanilla and use coconut milk instead of ordinary milk...deliciously coconutty!

carlosjackal - 2012-08-22 21:00:00

Has anyone tried Nanna's recipe from Campbell Live?

2 cups of desiccated coconut
2 cups of self-raising flour
1 cup of sugar

Mix milk and coconut and leave to soak for one hour.

Add self-raising flour and sugar.

Mix and bake at 190 degrees for 1 hour.

Read more:

rosel4 - 2012-08-23 00:25:00

its a keeper

bev00 - 2013-08-23 00:37:00
whiteroses wrote:

Does anyone have a yummy coconut loaf recipe to share, one that freezes well?

No! Forget coconut load try this Impossible pie :)

katje - 2013-08-23 09:04:00

my dear daughter made me the coconut cake from the Hummingbird recipe book - it was to die for - with a meringue frosting

bev00 - 2014-08-23 23:21:00

keeping alive

bev00 - 2015-08-23 21:54:00

I always use this one and double the recipe - comes out great and gets "cleaned up" very fast!

Do Not over mix!! Just mix and pour into loaf tin. This is the secrete! If I add lemon juice, I don't add van ess. I also add raisins or sultanas.
Great for freezing as I always make a double batch and freeze 1.[/quote]

marree - 2015-08-24 11:18:00

Just wondering, is this cake very sweet, we don't like cakes that are too sweet. I do tend to cut the sugar in most recipes anyway but wondered if doing this for this recipe would make a real difference to the finished cake.

nauru - 2015-08-24 15:43:00
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