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Body Corp Chairman


Nobody wants to be the chairman. The management company advised the committee to elect one ASAP. Since nobody wants to do it, can we pay for someone to take up this role? Where can we find a suitable person? We have asked all owners. None of us is interested.

secretgarden88 - 2021-11-12 14:59:00

I think you should employ a pro.
There are people out there who make their living running bodycorps. When we had an Apartment it was already set up with one thank goodness.
It comes out of the fees and there’s a lot of stuff needing done. I’m not surprised no one wants to do it...

lovelurking - 2021-11-12 15:20:00

Yes and there are other 'outside' people who will do the secretarial roles to a high standard.

shanreagh - 2021-11-12 15:50:00
lovelurking wrote:

I think you should employ a pro.
There are people out there who make their living running bodycorps. When we had an Apartment it was already set up with one thank goodness.
It comes out of the fees and there’s a lot of stuff needing done. I’m not surprised no one wants to do it...

I think you are confusing the BC Manager (can be external paid role) with the BC Chairperson who must be a member of the Body Corp and own at least one unit.

The Chairperson role can simply be a figure head with no accountability. It can also rotate if needed.

tony9 - 2021-11-12 19:19:00
tony9 wrote:

I think you are confusing the BC Manager (can be external paid role) with the BC Chairperson who must be a member of the Body Corp and own at least one unit.

The Chairperson role can simply be a figure head with no accountability. It can also rotate if needed.

Yes! you are right... There was an owner who came over from Aussie every year for the AGM now I think about it, the dude who did all the formal stuff wasn’t an owner, it was his job.
Thanks for putting me straight, please ignore my first post op and I hope you find someone who will do it.

lovelurking - 2021-11-12 20:02:00

Thank you so much for the information. What can we do if nobody wants to take the chairman role even if BC pays attractive honorarium?

secretgarden88 - 2021-11-12 20:07:00

Is there something in the B/C rules about the procedure when you are not able to elect a chair? One organisation I belonged to we had it rostered so people had about 2months each as a way of dealing with this problem. Our rules said we had to elect but did not specify a term.

shanreagh - 2021-11-12 21:01:00

I think you can elect your body Corp to do the role

alfa13 - 2021-11-13 20:11:00
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