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Mailer daemon and messages bouncing back


i'd appreciate some advice please.
My mother is using an Apple Ipad and when sending emails to the correct address, they are not delivered and are returned through Mailer daemon.
How can i fix this for her please? I use Microsoft and am unfamiliar with Apple.

jenny791 - 2021-11-11 09:22:00

In the delivery failure email she receives there should be an attachment, or plain text copy, which contains the failure reason. Look for the line that reads "Diagnostic Code: ..."

That will give you a clue to investigate further.

gyrogearloose - 2021-11-11 09:45:00

Yeah. There's always a return message detailing a problem. What's it say?

nice_lady - 2021-11-11 10:22:00

All it said was that the message could not be delivered. Couldn't find any code, but was able to block mailer Daemon,and report it as spam, and sent an email to myself to check it.
It worked.
Thanks so much for the advice. I'm going to be sorry when Trade me closes these sites down.

jenny791 - 2021-11-11 12:21:00

Why would you block the mailer daemon. It's NOT spam by any measure.

Never heard of anyone doing that. Ever

nice_lady - 2021-11-11 12:31:00

"When you get a MAILER-DAEMON@whatevercompany.-
com message in your inbox, the server at that company is informing you that it is returning your message because of some failure. The "to" email address may no longer be valid, or there may be a problem routing the message to the appropriate mail server. Your domain name may be on a blacklist, and the server is refusing all incoming messages from it."

This is a LEGITIMATE service and you should NOT blacklist it.

jenny791 wrote:

All it said was that the message could not be delivered.

Nah. There will be more info than that describing WHY it couldn't be delivered. Just read it a bit more carefully.

nice_lady - 2021-11-11 13:27:00
jenny791 wrote:

Thanks so much for the advice. I'm going to be sorry when Trade me closes these sites down.

nice_lady and I will be here

nice_lady is there as Me+Me

king1 - 2021-11-11 17:30:00

Maybe I should have used the name "Me++Nice" lol.........nah I like Me+Me
And I'll be nice - well - probably some of the time anyway. Occasionally. Maybe...............

nice_lady - 2021-11-11 17:34:00

I used to get that i think if i wrote an email address wrong--might only be a minor mistake like a dot not there or in the wrong place etc. But sometime [even yesterday] i've had similar because i've attached photo's over the limit of 36MB [was 37MB] so had to remove one photo off & forward the email again.

yz490 - 2021-11-11 18:04:00

Yep and the notification will always have info on it as to the reason.

The OP said "All it said was that the message could not be delivered"

It will also say WHY. Without that info it's probably impossible to help.

nice_lady - 2021-11-11 18:18:00

... and blocking the mailer daemon means you'll never notice the email wasn't received, and never be able to identify the reason.

gyrogearloose - 2021-11-11 19:13:00
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