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BEO and tender??


If a house listings says 'best offers over xx, be in quick', but also says 'Tender closes xx, will not be sold prior'. What does that mean!? Is it by negotiation or tender? Confused.

Edited by pcguitarist at 10:22 pm, Tue 9 Nov

pcguitarist - 2021-11-09 22:22:00
pcguitarist wrote:

If a house listings says 'best offers over xx, be in quick', but also says 'Tender closes xx, will not be sold prior'. What does that mean!? Is it by negotiation or tender? Confused.

It is confusing but the BEO may refer to the level (price) of tenders the vendor wants. Check with the agent. They cannot mislead.

johnston - 2021-11-10 06:44:00

It means you call the agent and ask. It's OK, they won't suck your soul out over the phone.

sparkychap - 2021-11-10 06:45:00

Unless you've had a vaccine, then they just track you automatically.

Edited by cinderellagowns at 12:18 pm, Wed 10 Nov

cinderellagowns - 2021-11-10 12:18:00
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