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Anyone got NZ debt tables for the last 10 years ?


Would like to see how our debt levels have changed over time ?

Come over the news yesterday we are going to have to raise tax or reduce spending as things are getting out of control.


houseofdad - 2021-11-04 20:19:00

Best not look at them...I suspect climbing Everest without a guide would be easier than reducing the nations debt... Heard ex PM Key saying its going to be difficult figuring out whether inflation is likely to be short term or longer term. General opinion is much will depend on what happens offshore.

Edited by phalanax at 8:54 pm, Thu 4 Nov

phalanax - 2021-11-04 20:49:00

NZ has added more debt in the last 18 months than in the 200 years prior to this period

loud_37 - 2021-11-04 21:24:00

'economically perilous future'... according to some.

Edited by phalanax at 10:18 pm, Thu 4 Nov

phalanax - 2021-11-04 22:15:00
loud_37 wrote:

NZ has added more debt in the last 18 months than in the 200 years prior to this period

That is scary. Tough times ahead.

Read yesterday if they don't do something to take into account the amount of people retiring in the next 40 years
we are going to be a couple of trillion in debt.

Inflation inflation, high interest rates high interest rates.

Cheers, for the link too.

houseofdad - 2021-11-05 12:17:00

Debt is nothing if you have the income.

Govt works the same way as the household.

smallwoods - 2021-11-05 16:56:00
houseofdad wrote:

Would like to see how our debt levels have changed over time ?

Come over the news yesterday we are going to have to raise tax or reduce spending as things are getting out of control.


Stop giving it away would be a good start especially for Climate Change etc. Large sums given away internally should be audited to make sure they are going where it is intended and not lining a few pockets.

kacy5 - 2021-11-05 18:15:00

You want to look at total NZ debt, not just Government.

Governments have been known to stick it on someone else's balance sheet, pat yourself on the back, haven't I done well.

ian1990 - 2021-11-05 20:11:00

The member deleted this message.

headcat - 2021-11-05 20:43:00
ian1990 wrote:

You want to look at total NZ debt, not just Government.

Governments have been known to stick it on someone else's balance sheet, pat yourself on the back, haven't I done well.

And look at all that lubbly jubbly household debt caused by us selling and buying bricks to each other for increasingly ludicrous rates. No wonder the banks are making record profits....

sparkychap - 2021-11-06 08:17:00

OP, I googled your title and the first result was this....

tony9 - 2021-11-06 19:13:00
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