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Investment Calculator



Does anyone have a calculator or matrix they use for identifying if an investment is worthwhile or not. Investment is a shed with body corporate rates.

Thanks in advance for your time

foordnz - 2021-11-02 17:27:00

Just google your first sentence, you will find plenty.

But first:

- What financial loss are you experiencing now that the investment will fix
- How much will the investment cost you in interest etc..
- How much will the investment add to your cash flow (or loss)
- Will there will be a realizable gain in your assets?
- What is the risk and impact of the investment failing?

Until you have those figures the calculator is of no value to you

tony9 - 2021-11-02 18:21:00

The big property investors FB group has a section 'Files' with a lot of docs and spreadsheets made available by members. Others post links to their creations. The group is called

Property Investors Chat Group NZ

and is private but not very as it has nearly 60,000 members. You can apply to join or get a member to invite you.

artemis - 2021-11-02 19:30:00
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