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Cell phone for Elderly mother


My mum has an old cell phone it is now not working all the time. Mum has not kept up to date with technology, no matter how much help offered. What is the easiest phone to use. She is with Spark. I have googled but would appreciate your opinions, thanks in advance.

lazkaz - 2021-11-01 11:03:00

We got our mother in law a Samsung J5 and put it into easy mode she has no tech experience but seems to be coping with it well.

aoc1 - 2021-11-01 11:11:00

Just get a 'dumb phone' not a smart phone. Theres some very cheap easy to use ones available.

Something like this maybe:

Or you can look around a bit and get them even cheaper, ($20 or so sometimes).

nice_lady - 2021-11-01 11:13:00

You can get the old nokias off aliexpress refurbished, just make sure you get a 3g one.

tygertung - 2021-11-01 11:47:00

Why would you bother importing one when you can get a NEW dumb phone for just over $20 right here.

nice_lady - 2021-11-01 12:25:00

Get a smart phone with a big screen...
... even 90 year olds can learn how to work the basic stuff on them with help from the great grand kids..

m16d - 2021-11-01 12:52:00
nice_lady wrote:

Why would you bother importing one when you can get a NEW dumb phone for just over $20 right here.

I depends on if you like the interface or not. Those Alcatels have a pretty horrible interface, those old Nokias were quite well refined.

tygertung - 2021-11-01 13:18:00

i have samang gallaxy a12 and cope with it but then im only 80 years old and my mate has nokia new last year

mouse265 - 2021-11-01 13:20:00
m16d wrote:

Get a smart phone with a big screen...
... even 90 year olds can learn how to work the basic stuff on them with help from the great grand kids..

I doubt that idea would fly. The OP said ; "Mum has not kept up to date with technology, no matter how much help offered'.

Smartphone be a learning curve. Not too mention needing recharging quite often.

Dumb phone pretty familiar to her no doubt and last on charge a week off more.

nice_lady - 2021-11-01 13:27:00

Samsung's easy mode does make it pretty easy, it's a nice stepping stone between a feature phone and a smartphone.

Edited by king1 at 1:34 pm, Mon 1 Nov

king1 - 2021-11-01 13:34:00

My late father had a samsung. Not sure of the model. He was visually impaired and a bit shaky. My brother set the home screen up with just two options. One was my brother's number and the other was mine. He could see enough to know which was which to ring either of us. And he could also navigate and check his emails and bank balances with the help of his trusty magnifying glass.

joanie04 - 2021-11-01 21:09:00

We tried a smart phone about 7 years ago, she wont use it. Thank you all for your help. She has other health problems so the simpler the better. Thanks all for your replies.

lazkaz - 2021-11-02 08:48:00
nice_lady wrote:

Just get a 'dumb phone' not a smart phone. Theres some very cheap easy to use ones available.

Something like this maybe:

Or you can look around a bit and get them even cheaper, ($20 or so sometimes).

Thanks this could be perfect

lazkaz - 2021-11-02 08:51:00

Try and buy on here another working one of the one she knows how to use - hope that makes sense - or try and get it repaired it may need a new battery - to try any thing else I found - was futile

tanyash - 2021-11-02 08:57:00

The member deleted this message.

muppet_slayer - 2021-11-02 11:38:00

I didn't want a smart phone until I took the plunge one day and bought an Oppo a53s and I have not looked back. Very easy to navigate and operate. Cost was $300 but it has very good specs for that dollar range. I like it's size at 6.5" screen and the fingerprint reader is a must have. If I can work it out I am sure an elderly person can too...

only problem I see is that I think they are locked to vodafone, but apart from that they are an excellent smart phone.

muppet_slayer - 2021-11-02 11:47:00

The OP said "We tried a smart phone about 7 years ago, she wont use it".

And ". Mum has not kept up to date with technology, no matter how much help offered."

Looks like that route would be a waste of time.

The suggestion about to try to get the same model as a replacement is good. Or maybe a very similar looking phone.

nice_lady - 2021-11-02 12:09:00

Does it have to be a cell phone or how about this tablet that makes calls and gets photos from family and friends. Not sure if this would suit but might be an option. I saw a story about them awhile ago and thought they'd be great for the elderly with no computer experience. First link is to a Breakfast story about the two kiwis that created it.

oakcottage - 2021-11-02 15:25:00

any android phone with the baldphone app installed seems pretty good for oldies. otherwise I'd suggest an apple phone. they are made for the tech unsavvy

Edited by bitsnpieces2020 at 4:52 pm, Tue 2 Nov

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-11-02 16:50:00
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