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Banks and


Check your bank's online terms and conditions.
One might be: If you use a password manager, the bank will not be responsible for any of your losses due to online fraud activities. (Paraphrased)

Possible reason:
Password manager apps have been hacked in the past - if someone can access your site/password list, they then have access to EVERY site you've saved with your password manager app or extension.
I have steered clear of Chrome browser.

thetechman - 2021-10-29 12:25:00

You should NEVER allow any app to save a bank password. NEVER.

nice_lady - 2021-10-29 13:08:00

When I went to pay the car registration on line they wanted the bank password also ,very unusual, so I didn't do it online after all

boby11 - 2021-10-29 13:21:00
boby11 wrote:

When I went to pay the car registration on line they wanted the bank password also

No they don't. You found a dodgy phishing site instead

lythande1 - 2021-10-29 14:48:00
boby11 wrote:

When I went to pay the car registration on line they wanted the bank password also ,very unusual, so I didn't do it online after all

You also should not EVER give out your bank password - online in a transaction especially ! Just DON'T. Well done. How did you access that site ? Was it from a link in an email reminder about your rego ?

nice_lady - 2021-10-29 15:13:00

I've never used it so don't know, but is it possible that's how the POLi payment works?

pzkpfw - 2021-10-29 16:03:00
lythande1 wrote:

No they don't. You found a dodgy phishing site instead

Could be that you clicked the pay using POLI tab. You have to enter your user name and password for internet banking as you are paying from your account but via the POLI facility.

remmers - 2021-10-29 16:04:00
pzkpfw wrote:

I've never used it so don't know, but is it possible that's how the POLi payment works?

I have used POLI but it was a long time ago and can't recall now. However I recently used 'online EFTPOS' at the PB Tech site. That was secure. They have it working with about 3 banks I think. You just agree to it and it's linked to your phone where you then open the bank app and agree to the payment......easy and secure. NO passwords required by the website at all. There is NO way I'd type my bank password into ANY site except the LEGIT bank site.

nice_lady - 2021-10-29 16:06:00

I've looked at my banks terms and conditions and couldn't find it, but, I reckon if you decline to change your password when their website recommends it (like, every 90 days), there's probably a clause that says it's not their fault.

gyrogearloose - 2021-10-29 18:31:00

Using POLI is against your banks terms and conditions because you are allowing a third party access to scrape your account details.

sw20 - 2021-10-30 09:04:00

Personality I far prefer phone access to the bank as I normally don't use a password just a fingerprint.

nice_lady - 2021-10-30 10:30:00
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