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Trivia help needed


I do know how to rip music cds to computer.
From those I would
Ike to play the first few bars to compile a presentation for a quizz evening.
Do I need an app for this.?is there a helpful - book in the library, ie for Dummies?

lilyfield - 2021-10-24 14:58:00

Yep, download "Audacity". You can load the song files into it, trim them down to the length you want and then export as mp3.

tygertung - 2021-10-24 15:22:00

This sounds ideal and easy.but after 3 hours playing with it I am no further..
Does anyone have a suggestion for a VERY simple app to use?

lilyfield - 2021-10-25 10:47:00

Its possible using Audacity. It'll just take a bit of fiddling round. YOu'd have to open audacity then drag or 'open' a music file into it. Then 'select' the amount of track you want to play, (drag the mouse over the first few seconds of the track and you will see it highlight - that's selecting it. Then hit edit/copy then hit file/new, (that will open up a new audacity box), then hit edit/paste in the new 2nd Audacity box. Now your selected copied part of the track from the first box will be pasted into the new box. Then keeping the 2nd audacity box open close the first. If it asks to save say no. Then open another audacity box and put another track in there.......'select' what you want then edit/copy and go to the 2nd audacity box and clik into the box at the end of the 1st track then clik edit/paste.

rinse and repeat however many times you want.

When you are happy with the compilation you have created in the 2nd Audacity box clik file/export as mp3, (this will save it for you where you want). You have your compilation now. This will be a single file you can export/save it to a usb key/phone etc or onto a cd/dvd or whatever.

Edited by nice_lady at 12:15 pm, Mon 25 Oct

nice_lady - 2021-10-25 12:11:00

thanks my lovely lady, I will try .
Nothing like a Challenge for this octogenarien

lilyfield - 2021-10-25 13:28:00

Follow the steps you should be ok.

You can also use one of the functions to add a gap of silence in between tracks.

Sorry not at the computer just now so can't be specific which menu item gives that choice but look around.

When you find out click on the area you want the silence then add however many servings you need.

Edited by nice_lady at 3:01 pm, Mon 25 Oct

nice_lady - 2021-10-25 14:57:00
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