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Fixing Laptop Keyboard - HELP!!


I have just been given a Sony Vaio laptop, running Windows 10 Home. It runs beautifully and has no problems except for a strange alteration to the keyboard layout.
The keyboard currently prints these characters in response to the standard keys:-
123456789/ instead of 1234567890
qwerty456 instead of qwertyuiop
zxcvbn0 instead of zxcvbnm
It looks as if the keyboard has been modified to provide a set of numerical keys, but I want to restore the keyboard back to the normal layout.
I tried plugging in an external PC keyboard, and that worked perfectly.
I've been right through all the relevant settings regarding the laptop keyboard and I can't see anything to account for this, and none of the installed programs appear to have the ability to alter the keyboard in this way, and I can't find anything relevant on the 'net, so I'm baffled.
Am I just missing something obvious (or has the keyboard contracted the Covid virus?)
Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

brucerae - 2021-10-23 12:52:00

And the model is ?

nice_lady - 2021-10-23 13:10:00

Sony Vaio S Series VPCS125FG

brucerae - 2021-10-23 13:45:00

probably FN key, then NUM LOCK

king1 - 2021-10-23 13:51:00

YAHOO!!! It was the Windows key plus Num Lock - Thank You King! (No wonder you're called "KING"!!)
I really appreciate your help - it just goes to show how the best solutions are usually the simplest ... <sigh!>

brucerae - 2021-10-23 14:38:00

Well done that man !

nice_lady - 2021-10-23 14:47:00
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