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Help Please.. LL getting valuers in..


Hi should I be worried ? My elderly LL died a couple mths or 3 back... his son has taken over...The valuers are here next week. Im happy here with great payment trouble at all..don't know if my neighbour has same letter
as LL owns his to. but he is being moved out so LL can get painters in..also to remove mould..staying in motel for week..not evicted. Should I be worried of impending sale ? or is it "for insurance puposes" ?

Edited by lefty1234 at 4:01 pm, Fri 22 Oct

lefty1234 - 2021-10-22 15:59:00

Hi Lefty, whilst the only person that can tell you for sure if the property is looking to be sold is the 'son', in all liklihood yes, from what you have said, it looks very possible that the property is going to be sold.

It may well be that they will sell with you in place and it might be that the new owners buy it as a rental and keep you on, BUT it would certainly be wise to start preparing and thinking about looking for another property.

In the meantime, I would actually ask the 'son' outright what his plans are and if he is thinking of selling. Doesn't need to be a nasty or awkward conversation.

Good luck.

Edited by desi1969 at 4:38 pm, Fri 22 Oct

desi1969 - 2021-10-22 16:36:00
lefty1234 wrote:

Hi should I be worried ? My elderly LL died a couple mths or 3 back... his son has taken over...The valuers are here next week. Im happy here with great payment trouble at all..don't know if my neighbour has same letter
as LL owns his to. but he is being moved out so LL can get painters in..also to remove mould..staying in motel for week..not evicted. Should I be worried of impending sale ? or is it "for insurance puposes" ?

Probably getting valued on behalf of the estate in preparation for its transfer. If the son inherits or purchases it does not necessarily mean you will be made to vacate.

johnston - 2021-10-22 16:41:00

This above, maybe there are others in the will to consider and of coarse they need a valuation. Who knows what the future holds, your guess is as good as mine. Communication is the key.

msigg - 2021-10-22 17:13:00

Best is, just ask.
We recently got ours valued, one for updated insurance value and two for rental value.
Then worked out the new rentals, with appropriate discounts to each tenant.
Even though we explained it to the tenants, it took some time for them to understand.

smallwoods - 2021-10-22 19:19:00

I would just ask. What have you got to lose. Hopefully he is a decent guy, and will truthfully share the information with you.

crafters_corner - 2021-10-22 19:22:00

probably wise to look around anyway, you need to know market rent for your area. If your house is under rented, they may put the price up. It will be less of a shock if you know what to expect.

kittylittle - 2021-10-23 15:01:00

We get ours checked up occasionallyby a RE as to where the Market Value for selling is.

Our son needed a valuation for finance purposes, the tenants didnt understand at all and when the valuer turned up the place was, well, under presented, fluff blowing around, generally much more untidy than it normally was. Valuer said it was about par for the course. So the property was valued and that is what it was for, the tenants, well, guess what.

kenw1 - 2021-10-23 15:45:00

thankyou for your answers...well i guess if he hasn't evicted my neighbour..
just paying for a motel for a week for him and son..while their unit has MAJOR mould removed and painted...i might have a chance of staying...
I mean.. my neighbour comes to visit us and he SMELLS of mould..eeewwww
he can stand at door lol. im all good with rent going up to market's a one beddy small flat.

lefty1234 - 2021-10-23 17:15:00
lefty1234 wrote:

thankyou for your answers...well i guess if he hasn't evicted my neighbour..
just paying for a motel for a week for him and son..while their unit has MAJOR mould removed and painted...i might have a chance of staying...
I mean.. my neighbour comes to visit us and he SMELLS of mould..eeewwww
he can stand at door lol. im all good with rent going up to market's a one beddy small flat.

Please dont use the term evicted, that is not the process that 99% of L:L's use, they may choose to not renew a lease, or give due and proper notice of termination, neither of which is eviction. Eviction is a court based process.

kenw1 - 2021-10-24 07:52:00

Do what the rest of us have done - study hard, work hard, go ithout and save hard and then you'd be like the rest of us and own your own house. Then you wouldn't have to tolerate this BS .

tegretol - 2021-10-24 10:03:00
tegretol wrote:

Do what the rest of us have done - study hard, work hard, go ithout and save hard and then you'd be like the rest of us and own your own house. Then you wouldn't have to tolerate this BS .

Wow, this is a very distasteful post.

desi1969 - 2021-10-24 13:08:00
desi1969 wrote:

Wow, this is a very distasteful post.

?Uh. Why is a statement of fact distasteful? Can't face the facts?

tegretol - 2021-10-24 16:53:00
tegretol wrote:

?Uh. Why is a statement of fact distasteful? Can't face the facts?

What facts am I meant to be facing ??? Apart from the fact that you like to inflate your own ego by being condescending and rude to strangers on a messageboard?

desi1969 - 2021-10-24 17:33:00
desi1969 wrote:

What facts am I meant to be facing ??? Apart from the fact that you like to inflate your own ego by being condescending and rude to strangers on a messageboard?

You really need to read my post again and understand it instead of abusing others for your own predicament.

tegretol - 2021-10-24 18:40:00
tegretol wrote:

You really need to read my post again and understand it instead of abusing others for your own predicament.

Mate - you're putting the dick into predicament....

sparkychap - 2021-10-24 18:48:00
sparkychap wrote:

Mate - you're putting the dick into predicament....

Another downtrodden renter I assume?

tegretol - 2021-10-24 18:59:00
tegretol wrote:

Another downtrodden renter I assume?

Assuming makes an ass of you.

sparkychap - 2021-10-24 19:03:00
tegretol wrote:

You really need to read my post again and understand it instead of abusing others for your own predicament.

I've read your post, I too am pro-house ownership, (that's why I own several, if that is my 'predicament' you are talking about), I understand your 'point', but it was neither helpful, relevant or supportive to the thread. It was just you being a twot and saying you (correction 'the rest of us' - but I am sure none of us want to be included in your pompous post) were superior in your choices, to someone that was asking for guidance.

Edited by desi1969 at 7:17 pm, Sun 24 Oct

desi1969 - 2021-10-24 19:14:00
desi1969 wrote:

I've read your post, I too am pro-house ownership, (that's why I own several, if that is my 'predicament' you are talking about), I understand your 'point', but it was neither helpful, relevant or supportive to the thread. It was just you being a twot and saying you (correction 'the rest of us' - but I am sure none of us want to be included in your pompous post) were superior in your choices, to someone that was asking for guidance.

I think your interpretation of my post is somewhat warped. I stated a set of facts. You have chosen to label me pompous, superior and some other insulting adjective. I'd suggest that my post was none of those and is advice that todays youngsters should enjoy.

tegretol - 2021-10-24 20:42:00
tegretol wrote:

... I'd suggest that my post was none of those and is advice that todays youngsters should enjoy.

I'm not suggesting anything. I'm telling you outright, your original post was condescending and rude, and definitely not enjoyable.

OP didn't ask for advise on buying a house, OP mightn't want to own a house, OP might have a huge share market portfolio, or may own 3 or 4 houses and is renting because they are on a work secondment. Who knows, who cares.

To say OP didn't own a house because they hadn't studied, worked hard, gone without or saved, is at best, presumptuous, and saying that if they did they could then 'be like the rest of us', is belittling.

You then went on to tell me I was in a 'predicament' because you assumed (horribly wrongly, lol) that I didn't own a house, and that Sparky was a 'downtrodden renter' (again horribly wrong) ... so yup I call it like I see it, pompous and superior is the flavour of the night.

desi1969 - 2021-10-24 21:49:00
desi1969 wrote:

I'm not suggesting anything. I'm telling you outright, your original post was condescending and rude, and definitely not enjoyable.

Were you not taught how to ignore writings that you did not wish to read? Fairly simple - you disagree so don't read it. But stop abusing the writer with your endless ranting.

tegretol - 2021-10-24 22:05:00
tegretol wrote:

Were you not taught how to ignore writings that you did not wish to read? Fairly simple - you disagree so don't read it. But stop abusing the writer with your endless ranting.

More assumptions from you? You're running 0/3 thus far, so why not I suppose. I'm happy enough to read things I disagree with and just as happy to tell people when they are wrong and rude. Not sure you've grasped the concept of a messageboard.

desi1969 - 2021-10-24 22:23:00
tegretol wrote:

Were you not taught how to ignore writings that you did not wish to read? Fairly simple - you disagree so don't read it. But stop abusing the writer with your endless ranting.

WHO is doing the ranting?

autumnwinds - 2021-10-24 22:43:00
tegretol wrote:

Were you not taught how to ignore writings that you did not wish to read? Fairly simple - you disagree so don't read it. But stop abusing the writer with your endless ranting.

apart from the obvious lack of logic in this post, I don’t know about you, but the “rest of us” were taught to stand up and respond to patronising, rude and bully behavior.

sparkychap - 2021-10-25 07:54:00
sparkychap wrote:

apart from the obvious lack of logic in this post, I don’t know about you, but the “rest of us” were taught to stand up and respond to patronising, rude and bully behavior.

Jeez no wonder this country is going down the gurgler when everyone interprets comments that they don't like as 'bullying' or 'racist' or in some other negative way. Note that my comment was not aimed at one individual, it was a statement of the obvious. Work hard, save and go without when you're young and you don't end up at the mercy of landlords. Plenty have managed it.

tegretol - 2021-10-25 10:25:00
tegretol wrote:

Jeez no wonder this country is going down the gurgler when everyone interprets comments that they don't like as 'bullying' or 'racist' or in some other negative way. Note that my comment was not aimed at one individual, it was a statement of the obvious. Work hard, save and go without when you're young and you don't end up at the mercy of landlords. Plenty have managed it.

"I wasn't just insulting the OP, I was insulting all renters/"

sparkychap - 2021-10-25 10:34:00
sparkychap wrote:

"I wasn't just insulting the OP, I was insulting all renters/"

Don't be so sensitive mate - just get on and save. Have less kids, study and work hard you'll get there.....

tegretol - 2021-10-25 10:41:00
tegretol wrote:

Don't be so sensitive mate - just get on and save. Have less kids, study and work hard you'll get there.....

How would I "have less kids"? Who should I sacrifice first? LIFO or FIFO?

Edited by sparkychap at 10:44 am, Mon 25 Oct

sparkychap - 2021-10-25 10:44:00
sparkychap wrote:

How would I "have less kids"? Who should I sacrifice first? LIFO or FIFO?

With your brood, start with the ones most disliked in any week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smallwoods - 2021-10-25 11:15:00
smallwoods wrote:

With your brood, start with the ones most disliked in any week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phew, that's all good as they are all equally amazing.

sparkychap - 2021-10-25 11:19:00
sparkychap wrote:

How would I "have less kids"? Who should I sacrifice first? LIFO or FIFO?

In this order: study - work -save - house - kids.

Not in this order: kids - no work - handouts - state support - complain.

tegretol - 2021-10-25 12:03:00
tegretol wrote:

Don't be so sensitive mate - just get on and save. Have less kids, study and work hard you'll get there.....

Have you made your mask yet?

'fewer' not 'less'

Edited by shanreagh at 1:03 pm, Mon 25 Oct

shanreagh - 2021-10-25 13:02:00
tegretol wrote:

In this order: study - work -save - house - kids.

Not in this order: kids - no work - handouts - state support - complain.

If you feel so strongly about helping/advising on how to live life then feel free to start you own thread and then you won't need to hijack other people's threads.

shanreagh - 2021-10-25 13:05:00
shanreagh wrote:

If you feel so strongly about helping/advising on how to live life then feel free to start you own thread and then you won't need to hijack other people's threads.

Another wokie.

tegretol - 2021-10-25 13:24:00
tegretol wrote:

Another wokie.

Goodness me, help. help I've been so insulted and I don't know what to do its cut me to the heart.......

Ever tried NZ Issues? Might suit you better and you get to call ideas, people etc Wokies and lefties and other silly things without a moderator in sight. I think it would suit you very much.

Just a thought or concern for your future on MBs from me

PS at least you've moved on from your failed assumptions about who owns'd have failed labelling me with that stereotype as well.

Edited by shanreagh at 1:54 pm, Mon 25 Oct

shanreagh - 2021-10-25 13:53:00
shanreagh wrote:

Goodness me, help. help I've been so insulted and I don't know what to do its cut me to the heart.......

Ever tried NZ Issues? Might suit you better and you get to call ideas, people etc Wokies and lefties and other silly things without a moderator in sight. I think it would suit you very much.

Just a thought or concern for your future on MBs from me

PS at least you've moved on from your failed assumptions about who owns'd have failed labelling me with that stereotype as well.

With far too much spare time....

tegretol - 2021-10-25 17:02:00
tegretol wrote:

Another downtrodden renter I assume?

I’m a landlord - and I can confirm that your original post was actually distasteful and shitty.

casualobserver - 2021-10-25 19:24:00
casualobserver wrote:

I’m a landlord - and I can confirm that your original post was actually distasteful and shitty.

That's your opinion and says more about you than your acceptance of the facts,

tegretol - 2021-10-25 20:42:00
tegretol wrote:

That's your opinion and says more about you than your acceptance of the facts,

You say opinion, clearly we say consensus.

desi1969 - 2021-10-26 09:27:00
tegretol wrote:

That's your opinion and says more about you than your acceptance of the facts,

Your facts though? Sort of Trumpian spin I'm picking.

And 'who'd thunk it' more compassion from LLs about the tenant than a person in the street.

shanreagh - 2021-10-26 10:13:00
sparkychap wrote:

Phew, that's all good as they are all equally amazing.

Wait until fathers day, least liked gift, first off.....?

smallwoods - 2021-10-26 11:20:00
desi1969 wrote:

You say opinion, clearly we say consensus.

I'll forgive him, he seems rather angry.

sparkychap - 2021-10-26 17:52:00
sparkychap wrote:

I'll forgive him, he seems rather angry.

Honestly, reading his other posts in other threads, I think he just likes to troll.
Trolls always strike me as sad and lonely people, more than angry TBH.

desi1969 - 2021-10-26 18:23:00
crafters_corner wrote:

I would just ask. What have you got to lose. Hopefully he is a decent guy, and will truthfully share the information with you.

yes and be prepared to move on soon.

spead - 2021-10-26 19:27:00
sparkychap wrote:

I'll forgive him, he seems rather angry.

Really? Just pissed off with the endless nonsensical crap that the likes of you post with your self-righteous 'I know it all' and sense of entitlement. My original post #11 is spot on and if you choose to take offence and call me angry then I'd suggest that you are the angry one! There are numerous hard working kiwis who have had a hard start yet have managed to do as I suggested (work hard, go without and save hard) and have ended up owning their own house and are not at the mercy of LL's. How does supporting that concept make me 'angry'?

tegretol - 2021-10-26 20:00:00

Yep - angry. Sorry desi.

sparkychap - 2021-10-26 20:15:00
sparkychap wrote:

Yep - angry. Sorry desi.

Yup, you win.

desi1969 - 2021-10-26 20:22:00

To get back to the op's original question / concern.... as the first reply #2 says there are many possible scenario's as to what is going to happen going forward... I would contact the son and say you were sorry to hear about his dad and what are his current intentions with respect to the house.. Tell him you are happy there and would be keen to continue. Based on what the son says then you can plan what to do...
I would not get too worked up about what COULD happen... see if you can be a party to what actually happens !!

onl_148 - 2021-10-27 15:40:00
tegretol wrote:

Really? Just pissed off with the endless nonsensical crap that the likes of you post with your self-righteous 'I know it all' and sense of entitlement. My original post #11 is spot on and if you choose to take offence and call me angry then I'd suggest that you are the angry one! There are numerous hard working kiwis who have had a hard start yet have managed to do as I suggested (work hard, go without and save hard) and have ended up owning their own house and are not at the mercy of LL's. How does supporting that concept make me 'angry'?

We helped a tenant into the house by leaving in the deposit for his bank loan.
They paid us out, as agreed 5 years later.
10 years on and they are back renting?

smallwoods - 2021-10-27 15:47:00
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