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Excel sheet


Put too many grids on my worksheet and of course this second page is printing and emailing out. How to get rid of the second page or grids please. Thanks

greenforde - 2021-10-20 12:31:00

easy way is to just print only the first page in the print options, otherwise you have to back and remove all the gridlines you don't want...

Edited by king1 at 12:42 pm, Wed 20 Oct

king1 - 2021-10-20 12:39:00

Great thanks but how do i just email the one page? the second keeps coming through Thanks

greenforde - 2021-10-20 12:41:00

so this was libre office was it not? you will have to refresh my memory as to where you are setting/selecting the print gridlines feature. removing them should be much the same process as adding them i would think

Edited by king1 at 12:45 pm, Wed 20 Oct

king1 - 2021-10-20 12:44:00

just use print area to highlight the area you want to print only.

nice_lady - 2021-10-20 12:44:00
nice_lady wrote:

just use print area to highlight the area you want to print only.

This, select area, then go to print and select "select area" and push print

smallwoods - 2021-10-20 12:48:00

Yes thanks but how do I email the first page only page and not the grids page. The grids always email though as a second page. When I highlight the grids part to delete the highlight goes right up the whole page and if I try delete line I have to do they separately.

Edited by greenforde at 1:35 pm, Wed 20 Oct

greenforde - 2021-10-20 13:20:00
greenforde wrote:

Put too many grids on my worksheet and of course this second page is printing...

Select the area you want to print and choose Page Layout -> Print Area -> Set Print Area

If you want to send just this section by email you could Print -> Microsoft Print to PDF and send a PDF

Save and Save as will always save the entire workbook. If you want to remove cell formats highlight the areas and set a blank format, or remove all of the formatting and be more selective of where you apply it.

Edited by gyrogearloose at 2:05 pm, Wed 20 Oct

gyrogearloose - 2021-10-20 14:05:00

No just want to email the one page. Not the grid page as well

greenforde - 2021-10-20 14:09:00

ok if this is the same as your other thread

you stated.. "Putting the grid lines in highlight area, format, page, sheet, press grid, ok."

This is page level setting so any cells with data will be included in a printed 'grid'. It looks as if when you add the cells/rows/columns the grid automatically grows on the printout to encompass all the data.

It does not appear to be something you can select an area of a page only - for that you need to use borders.

To that end then it must mean that you have some data in the cells in page two, be it formulas or text or even spaces that is causing it to print the page.

So I would try selecting all the rows below page one and hitting delete, assuming there isn't supposed to be anything there

Edited by king1 at 2:19 pm, Wed 20 Oct

king1 - 2021-10-20 14:17:00

Good one will try

greenforde - 2021-10-20 15:09:00
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