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Libre Office dialog boxes go blank.


New (last year) computer on Windows 10, using Libre Office 6.4. Occasionally the boxes go blank and a stab in the dark (light grey, actually) to hit Save seems the only way to remedy.
Is there a simple remedy or un-install L.O. and install the latest version?

Edited by amasser at 9:35 am, Mon 18 Oct

amasser - 2021-10-18 09:34:00

Why wouldn't you have the latest version anyway ?

Just click Help/Check for Updates......

In fact - heres the link for the latest version:

Edited by nice_lady at 9:58 am, Mon 18 Oct

nice_lady - 2021-10-18 09:56:00

Just install it theres no need to remove the earlier version it'll just overwrite it.

nice_lady - 2021-10-18 10:09:00

Thanks, Julie. From 15/11, think that there will be many people missing your advice.

amasser - 2021-10-19 08:46:00
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