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Moving houses on TV with Clark Gayford.


Who watched this?
Quite scary to buy such a place on a whim, before there is a place to put it. Or any plan at all!
My question... how the flick did they get resource and building consent from Auckland Council in TWO WEEKS ?

masturbidder - 2021-10-13 21:07:00
masturbidder wrote:

Who watched this?
Quite scary to buy such a place on a whim, before there is a place to put it. Or any plan at all!
My question... how the flick did they get resource and building consent from Auckland Council in TWO WEEKS ?

You need to ask?!

jeffqv - 2021-10-13 21:12:00
masturbidder wrote:

Who watched this?
Quite scary to buy such a place on a whim, before there is a place to put it. Or any plan at all!
My question... how the flick did they get resource and building consent from Auckland Council in TWO WEEKS ?

Probably find the firm doing it is well known by the Council and knows the rules for doing it correctly , The council could also know the firm will do it correctly and safely .

martin11 - 2021-10-14 07:39:00

I freely admit that I wasn't paying too much attention, but if I recall that was just interim consent to put the house on the land. They then still had to go through the full process of getting BC for the reno.

sparkychap - 2021-10-14 08:40:00

You have a very valid point martin11...

I wouldn’t have attempted that project, not having the land to begin with would have been enough to put me off, let alone trying to start a new wedding venue business at the end of it!
{edited to correct a typo} ????

Edited by lovelurking at 8:44 am, Thu 14 Oct

lovelurking - 2021-10-14 08:40:00
martin11 wrote:

Probably find the firm doing it is well known by the Council and knows the rules for doing it correctly , The council could also know the firm will do it correctly and safely .


masturbidder - 2021-10-14 16:19:00

They said the time frame was one month from beginning to move day... but was it really 1 month ??
I suspect the PR department of the council was on the case.... not a good look if the prime ministers "gentleman friend" is making a TV show and you come along in the middle and say.. "sorry chaps no can do in this time frame, give us a couple of months to sort it out" !! It is amazing what can be done when you put your mind to it..
I got the impression that money was no great problem to the project !!

onl_148 - 2021-10-14 16:43:00

Clarke got his Missus to pull some strings

funkydunky - 2021-10-15 17:39:00
onl_148 wrote:

They said the time frame was one month from beginning to move day... but was it really 1 month ??
I suspect the PR department of the council was on the case.... not a good look if the prime ministers "gentleman friend" is making a TV show and you come along in the middle and say.. "sorry chaps no can do in this time frame, give us a couple of months to sort it out" !! It is amazing what can be done when you put your mind to it..
I got the impression that money was no great problem to the project !!

He never even got the form letter after 19 working days to 'stop the clock' on the sect. 37 time limit. Everyone gets those.

masturbidder - 2021-10-15 22:13:00
masturbidder wrote:

He never even got the form letter after 19 working days to 'stop the clock' on the sect. 37 time limit. Everyone gets those.

You're just jealous.

sparkychap - 2021-10-15 22:18:00

what is a "gentleman friend"?

aromatherapy - 2021-10-15 23:09:00
aromatherapy wrote:

what is a "gentleman friend"?

lol, classic isn't it.
I love it when people stay stuff like this. It cracks me up.

crafters_corner - 2021-10-17 20:05:00

I fell in love with Clark while watching this programme. He is a bit of a hunk.

It was nail biting watching it, and cool that it was being explained how the breaking works. Fascinating.

crafters_corner - 2021-10-17 20:07:00

We did a two piece shift approximately 1.5km 23 years ago just about to the day. The building cost the princely sum of $100 and went to the firms smoko fund. $56,500.00 later it was on the section and we were able to move in that Christmas. In hindsight I would not do what we did again. The mere male kept changing tangents and nothing was ever really finished. He decided nearly 4 years ago it was doing his head in (for the second time) and he left for good. I bought him out and he is now phisst that I will get the benefit of the increased value. Yeah right I also put money into getting things finished slowly after he left. Hopefully I will be mortgage free when I retire and this place will no longer need anything major done to it as I think I have done it.

Edited by joanie04 at 9:23 pm, Sun 17 Oct

joanie04 - 2021-10-17 21:22:00
aromatherapy wrote:

what is a "gentleman friend"?

I was going to put "fiance" but the dyslexic kid did not have his spelling dictionary handy, and it is not an easy word to spelling KO

onl_148 - 2021-10-18 15:48:00
onl_148 wrote:

I was going to put "fiance" but the dyslexic kid did not have his spelling dictionary handy, and it is not an easy word to spelling KO

can't spell partner either?

gabbysnana - 2021-10-19 12:23:00
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