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What am I doing wrong


I have windows 10 and I hsve downloaded a few songs from the internet. The songs are in my music file and play on my media player on my computer, and they play.
I transfer them to a USB, they show up as being copied to it, but there are 0 bytes. so no music.. I can't figure out why this happens. Any ideas or help would be so appreciated

penni2010 - 2021-10-08 11:35:00

How do you transfer them to a USB?, and is that a USB memory stick, or a card, or a drive. Depending on how you copy them the software may need to be closed and the USB whatever safely ejected, then remounted before you can see them when opening software again.

nzstocked - 2021-10-08 11:46:00

try a right click copy on the music files and then a right click paste at the opened USB folder

king1 - 2021-10-08 11:57:00

what EXACTLY are you doing when you transfer them to the usb key ?

nice_lady - 2021-10-08 12:06:00

What I do is open the music file. It's in a sub file in the Documents file. I plug in the USB and it shows up under the music file. I drag a music file, take it to the USB file and it comes up with a message ' copy to USB'... I find most of my music files will then copy to it. This is the music that I used a burner to put them into my music file as they came off CD's.. It just seems to be the ones I downloaded off the internet that will play on my laptop but show up with 0 bytes when I put them to the USB

penni2010 - 2021-10-08 12:30:00

Go to one of the music files that you have downloaded and RIGHT clik it one time, then clik properties. How many Mb is it ?

Edited by nice_lady at 12:37 pm, Fri 8 Oct

nice_lady - 2021-10-08 12:36:00

copyright protected?

Edited by muppet_slayer at 12:46 pm, Fri 8 Oct

muppet_slayer - 2021-10-08 12:43:00

Do a copy and paste instead. And if you ripped them with MS music player it probably copy protected them, Use VLC instead.

lythande1 - 2021-10-08 13:32:00
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