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Reserve Bank hikes rate for first time in 7yrs


Is the tide starting to go out?

pcle - 2021-10-06 14:34:00

Means you will get another 10cents on your deposited. You will pay another $2 on your mortgage. Give it 3 years then you might see a bit more difference. Slow and steady will be all good.

msigg - 2021-10-06 15:11:00

We're all doomed.

sparkychap - 2021-10-06 18:41:00

RBNZ just playing catch up after the halt to LSAP back in July causing swap rates to increase and hence fixed mortgage rates.

ian1990 - 2021-10-06 20:00:00
msigg wrote:

Means you will get another 10cents on your deposited. You will pay another $2 on your mortgage. Give it 3 years then you might see a bit more difference. Slow and steady will be all good.

One of the biggest drivers of inflation is government spending and the importation of oil. Rates will no doubt increase quick it's not going to take 3 years.
You have no idea, like most of your posts you are out of your depth.

Edited by houseofdad at 10:05 pm, Wed 6 Oct

houseofdad - 2021-10-06 22:04:00
houseofdad wrote:

One of the biggest drivers of inflation is government spending and the importation of oil. Rates will no doubt increase quick it's not going to take 3 years.
You have no idea, like most of your posts you are out of your depth.

at least he can spell borders and one of the biggest drivers of inflation is money printing, which we have been doing a lot of to pay for vaccines and lockdowns

lakeview3 - 2021-10-06 22:24:00
lakeview3 wrote:

at least he can spell borders and one of the biggest drivers of inflation is money printing, which we have been doing a lot of to pay for vaccines and lockdowns

What like at post 18 ? You are not very bright are you ?

houseofdad - 2021-10-06 22:53:00
houseofdad wrote:

What like at post 18 ? You are not very bright are you ?

if you think insulting people wins you an argument then frankly that say more about you

Post 89

Edited by lakeview3 at 11:08 pm, Wed 6 Oct

lakeview3 - 2021-10-06 23:05:00
lakeview3 wrote:

if you think insulting people wins you an argument then frankly that say more about you

Post 89

Crikey you are trivial, I used speech to text. Now stop wrecking this thread and jog on! Start a topic in parenting if you want a slanging match and I will parent you!

houseofdad - 2021-10-06 23:19:00

LV getting "told" again, seems strange!

smallwoods - 2021-10-07 08:45:00

Well seems houseofdad got out of the wrong side of the bed today, again. Nevermind stay calm and don't panic, that is the word from the reserve bank.

msigg - 2021-10-07 11:55:00
msigg wrote:

Well seems houseofdad got out of the wrong side of the bed today, again. Nevermind stay calm and don't panic, that is the word from the reserve bank.

It's all shits and giggles around here for me.
Your actions were just as I said they would be over in motoring.

houseofdad - 2021-10-07 12:05:00

It is virtue signalling by the 'independent' RBNZ. Some healthy inflation is needed to sprinkle fairy dust on our 100% of GDP debt

funkydunky - 2021-10-07 17:15:00
pcle wrote:

Is the tide starting to go out?

Yes , I think the tide is going out...(the low interest easy credit tide) However I dont think it will impact RE as markedly as perhaps the Govt or RB imagine...If anything to me it signifies that 'risk' has increased in all marketplaces not just RE ... Its going to cost more to buy everything but theres always a side step in every policy and Im picking financiers will just lengthen terms to counter...However...theres a tidal wave of debt out there and it could go bad ...if the regulators push too hard...they wont want to place too much stress on the house of cards... and that is what will keep the wheels turning....too much pressure will amplify risk....put mildly...they wont be wanting house prices to decline at all presently. It could all turn to custard though if the global marketplace hits a brick wall this would take some doing as most markets are heavily regulated.

Edited by phalanax at 6:41 pm, Wed 13 Oct

phalanax - 2021-10-13 18:33:00
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