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Viewing while rented


I'm feeling a bit unhappy about how this land agent dealt with viewings for a house my daughter and her flatmate were renting.
She initially suggested she would give them a voucher and they could go out and buy lunch. That didn't happen , She told them leave the house. They are both easily bullied so they went for a walk. They were upset but unsure of their rights.
If I had lived in the area I might have been able to do something about it. .
She also got the letting agent ( from another firm) to contact them complaining about the untidy state of the house. They have always passed their inspections with no issues.

Edited by mcgolly at 12:31 pm, Tue 5 Oct

mcgolly - 2021-10-05 12:30:00

They don't have to leave tell them to stand up for themselves.

Some PM will try it on with people thinking they don't know their rights.

In regards to the house even if it was untidy which it wasn't as you said they are there to look at the house not how tidy the house is.

kirstyfly - 2021-10-05 12:33:00

Surely even at level 2 no unknowns should be in homes others are living in?

bryalea - 2021-10-05 12:45:00
kirstyfly wrote:

They don't have to leave tell them to stand up for themselves.

Some PM will try it on with people thinking they don't know their rights.


Under the current Level 3 conditions yes, in order to show the house, the tenant has to leave.
However the tenant DOES NOT have to agree to the viewing.

OP - here is the information for your daughter.

Edited to add - sorry I presumed they are in Auckland as they were asked to leave. If they are not, then just look at the information relative to their alert level.

Edited by desi1969 at 10:20 pm, Tue 5 Oct

desi1969 - 2021-10-05 22:19:00

If they have been advised of the inspection dates and times why the reluctance to make the house tidy? Are they trying to skewer the sale?

Tidiness and the standards for rental inspection are not the same thing. If they were most of the tenants we have had would have failed their inspections.

Untidiness is just how some live. Most LL know this but it can come as a bit of a shock & distraction (from the merits of the actual house) to people looking for a home to purchase.

Edited by shanreagh at 9:26 am, Wed 6 Oct

shanreagh - 2021-10-06 09:24:00

They did make an effort but being late risers their tidyup was still in progress when the land agent arrived.
They are queens of clutter but keep the kitchen/bathroom area clean.
Anyhow the house still sold eventually.

mcgolly - 2021-10-07 13:58:00
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