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The struggle


What an embarrassment.
NZ what a mess. And just made a whole lot worse.

pcle - 2021-10-04 18:45:00
pcle wrote:

What an embarrassment.
NZ what a mess. And just made a whole lot worse.

don't worry covid will fix all your nitemares.

gabbysnana - 2021-10-04 20:39:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-10-05 04:22:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-10-05 04:26:00

There could be a point where immagents may not want to com
To NZ as the cost of living is getting stupid here.
Costs to much to live rent and not much hope of owning
There own home.

gunna-1 wrote:

Are we importing more immagents that are bringing tears of joy for some sectors, we need to grow some balls and totaly crash the economy, stop whoreing out internationaly to make freaking money, yet a pack of blueberries for my kidneys costs 12$ at the supermarket, ime sick to death of it, greedy money munching schmucks, screw the golden goose, let me throttle the danm thing ffs, yet one immigrant found it so god danmed sad in this country he gave his last 50$ before buggering of back home to some poor locals, stop propelling greedy bastards and globalisum, all for cash and nothing elce, while we sit in filth, rotten over priced houses, and soaring food prices.

rodeorunch - 2021-10-05 06:34:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-10-05 06:43:00
pcle wrote:

What an embarrassment.
NZ what a mess. And just made a whole lot worse.

Two bad their spelcheck was of wen they rote it...

lovelurking - 2021-10-05 07:39:00
gunna-1 wrote:

How much did they say they plan on bringing in very soon on the news while we have no hoses available for people, that gave me the s#!ts good and proper, greedy industries.

Dipstick, they are already here.

smallwoods - 2021-10-05 08:53:00

I have no idea why Jacinda thought that making life harder for those who rent out properties to others would be helpful. Its no longer worth being a landlord with all the rules and regulations and if you get a bad tenant the law helps the tenant. If the government won't provide housing, or at least less incentive to stay at home on the dole then they really need to be making life easier for landlords, not harder.

sellontrademe - 2021-10-05 09:14:00
sellontrademe wrote:

I have no idea why Jacinda thought that making life harder for those who rent out properties to others would be helpful. Its no longer worth being a landlord with all the rules and regulations and if you get a bad tenant the law helps the tenant. If the government won't provide housing, or at least less incentive to stay at home on the dole then they really need to be making life easier for landlords, not harder.

Government's policies more foolish when there is a housing crisis and doing very little to remedy the situation. Factory opened in Huntly to build transportable homes but see that walls are wooden to lessen damage by tenants!

amasser - 2021-10-05 09:35:00
pcle wrote:

What an embarrassment.
NZ what a mess. And just made a whole lot worse.

None of those examples really stack up as extreme besides the guy who got hit on the head with an axe. And even he talks about an option to move in with family.
Nothing in there about the "immigrants" gunna is crying about..
The "engineer" had an argument with his brother and got the boot..

scuba - 2021-10-05 10:17:00

FWIW, I think this system has derailed. Rage-bought a rental late last year due to low interest rates on my savings and the Core Logic widget in ASB Fastnet claims it's gone up 40% with the place not even a year old.

Here I am working as a hard as I can doing unpaid overtime to help get software out and an ordinary home is increasing in value 3 times faster than I can ever earn, and that's before the Taxman takes his take off of my salary.

Completely unbalanced and unhinged. I can't see this continuing at all... surprised it's even got this far. (Just my opinion of course)

Edited by cognition at 11:02 am, Tue 5 Oct

cognition - 2021-10-05 10:47:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Are we importing more immagents that are bringing tears of joy for some sectors, we need to grow some balls and totaly crash the economy, stop whoreing out internationaly to make freaking money, yet a pack of blueberries for my kidneys costs 12$ at the supermarket, ime sick to death of it, greedy money munching schmucks, screw the golden goose, let me throttle the danm thing ffs, yet one immigrant found it so god danmed sad in this country he gave his last 50$ before buggering of back home to some poor locals, stop propelling greedy bastards and globalisum, all for cash and nothing elce, while we sit in filth, rotten over priced houses, and soaring food prices.

I think I would agree, If I could decipher this coded message.

headcat - 2021-10-05 11:59:00
headcat wrote:

I think I would agree, If I could decipher this coded message.

I think he wants a pregnant golden goose to deliver him free blueberries.

skull - 2021-10-08 13:48:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-10-09 06:15:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-10-09 06:16:00

I'm pretty sure you drove yourself into the corner you are trapped in. Open your eyes and follow the trail of blueberry juice to find your way back home. Your pills are on the bench in the kitchen, just take what's prescribed, no need to double up as it only makes you confused. There's also a small container of full stops there, pop them into your pocket and try and use a few next time you feel another rant coming on. No need to take the dictionary with you just yet, we'll work on the full stops first then the spelling can come later on.

skull - 2021-10-09 07:53:00

All caused by an investor class who think its their right to make money out of property, a tax system that supports it, and to hell with the consequences. Add excess immigration and anal planning laws and restrictions and then shake it all about. Pretty toxic isn't it.

franc123 - 2021-10-09 08:56:00
franc123 wrote:

All caused by an investor class who think its their right to make money out of property, a tax system that supports it, and to hell with the consequences. Add excess immigration and anal planning laws and restrictions and then shake it all about. Pretty toxic isn't it.

Well it’s just sooooo much better now isn’t it.

pcle - 2021-10-09 13:14:00

We are about to go into/are already at the start of a serious 1970s style petrol crisis so it's nowhere near as bad as it will get. 2022 will be brutal.

The cost of oil, and everything that is transported or produced using it will rise faster than rents have in the last year.

sweetgurl108 - 2021-10-09 16:38:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Back someone into a corner, give all there jobs away, repress them, pay them wellfair and pat yourself on the back for providing a small punnet of blueberries for nearly 20$ so the workers can pay landlords 500$ a week to live in a dump, there was a chancellor in germany who got sick of the same thing, not saying that will happen but keep smirking because one way or the other you are digging your own graves, farmers and workers, unions ect are killing this countries, not a small amount of wellfair recipients, i can and will work, as for being to your likeing, get stuffed, and stop whoreing all our jobs out, you globalist dummies, quit your uncontrolled greed, and unrelenting desire to tell everyone elce what to do.

Buy yourself a big bag of frozen blueberries! Much cheaper. The other issues you mention are a bit trickier to fix.

melagray - 2021-10-10 21:58:00
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