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Storing emails in the Trash/Bin/Deleted


Twice now I have had folks call me who seem to think it's a good idea to delete emails and leave them in the Trash/Bin/Deleted in case they need them again...

FYI for anyone who does this - Gmail, Outlook and probably most other online email providers DELETE anything in the BIN after 30 Days... Six months down the track you will NOT in all likelihood be able to recover them...

Edited by king1 at 6:22 pm, Mon 4 Oct

king1 - 2021-10-04 18:21:00

Heard of and seen that as well.

Where the hell do people get these ideas.

Haven't they heard of user created folders lol.

nice_lady - 2021-10-04 18:56:00

And then there's the people who keep their bookmarks in the browser history and get agitated when it hasn't been migrated to a new browser or operating system.

gyrogearloose - 2021-10-04 19:50:00
gyrogearloose wrote:

And then there's the people who keep their bookmarks in the browser history and get agitated when it hasn't been migrated to a new browser or operating system.

Hmmm haven't seen that one. So they essentially DON'T bookmark anything they just go back to their history all the time ? Jeez. Weird.

nice_lady - 2021-10-04 20:24:00

With smart ph's, I keep hearing of ppl who have run out of storage space so they go get a new ph with bigger storage & move all the other photo's to the new ph.

mrfxit - 2021-10-04 20:54:00
mrfxit wrote:

With smart ph's, I keep hearing of ppl who have run out of storage space so they go get a new ph with bigger storage & move all the other photo's to the new ph.

I don't get why people use phones to store photos anyway. There are so many more options available. I get mine done into photobooks, and also store them on two separate computers plus a portable hard drive. Also of course there are online options if that appeals to people.

kitty179 - 2021-10-04 22:18:00

People like to carry their photos around In guess so that's why they store them on their phones....

No backup is not smart tho..

nice_lady - 2021-10-05 05:33:00
nice_lady wrote:

Heard of and seen that as well.

Where the hell do people get these ideas.

Haven't they heard of user created folders lol.

I guess its a legacy of the POP protocol, where mail can be downloaded and stored anywhere in an email client. They assume that web based platforms will work the same way.

king1 - 2021-10-05 08:48:00
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