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Email providers


Hi all, we are just a family who, since Vodaphone stopped providing email services, decided to get our own personal domain name with email. I am very unhappy with the composition limitations of the service offered. There are no editing options except 'delete'!- I would like to have an email service that enables full text editing - ie bold, italics, change of text colour, bullet points etc. plus good-sized on-line storage capacity, and preferably based in NZ. I would love to hear of your recommendations. (We will need to keep our own domain email address.) I am not referring to my gmail address that I use on TradeMe. Thanks heaps!

cherrylane2 - 2021-09-21 10:32:00

Errmmm you can't use Ms Outlook or Thunderbird or whatever you like to receive/send/write etc emails ?

nice_lady - 2021-09-21 11:07:00

Thanks for that - but we don't want to change our email address. :)

cherrylane2 - 2021-09-21 11:28:00

You don't have to.

nice_lady - 2021-09-21 11:36:00

You can access your mail from the online server this way using Outlook/Thunderbird or any other mail program based on your computer. You can also save copies of your mail on your computer. You will be able to create/write/ emails from within the program and you will have the ability to use any or all of the text/formatting options which the on computer program allows. You will NOT have to change your mail address.

Businesses with their own domains don't rely on the domain providers email system to supply the mail formatting etc functionalities they need right ?

You would also be able to create LOCAL folders on your computer in which to organise and store copies of emails.

Edited by nice_lady at 11:45 am, Tue 21 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-21 11:44:00
cherrylane2 wrote:

, decided to get our own personal domain name with email. I am very unhappy with the composition limitations of the service offered. !

Having a domain just means your email becomes You@YOURNAMECHOICe instead of

Who you run the domain through determines how you work it. You can host the domain and email with whoever....or point the domain at say gmail.
Thats what I do. Gmail is then my email provide. I don't use I use @mydomainname but gmail runs it.
You see?
Then you can either login to gmail and use it via webmail, or set up in an email program of your choice, Outlook, Thunderbird, whatever.

Ask your domain provider how to point it, or they can do it for you, gmail has instructions on how to setup.

lythande1 - 2021-09-21 12:40:00

Thank you all so much. I will take a look at it all again shortly. :)

cherrylane2 - 2021-09-21 13:10:00

yes it sounds like you are using the hosts provided webmail service, which are generally all pretty lame at best.
Simple(ish) solution is to setup your existing email account in an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird which will have a bit better editing capability.

The good sized online capacity is where you will have a problem with your own domain name, capacity tends to be at the lower end of the spectrum unless you pay significantly more... which may involve shifting your domain/email provider to someone with more capacity, but be warned, if your mail is currently stored online already, you need to retrieve that first before shifting to another provider

king1 - 2021-09-21 13:35:00
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