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I wanna keep my hard drive spinning!


Hey all.

Windows turns off my hard drive when its not being used (my second mechanical hard drive for storage). This is annoying because lets say I go to look for a song, i then wait for it to spin up, there is a lag.

Now, the webz says go to power settings and change the hard drive power off setting to never. I have done that. It still spins down . The only other way I have found is some dude made a file that writes a text file every second to keep it awake.

Surely there must be another way ? Some other hidden setting in Windows somewhere ?

dbest - 2021-09-19 00:10:00

Is the second mechanical hdd connected via usb? If so try this....

go to power settings again, change plan setting on the plan you are using, change advanced power settings, and this time change the 'usb settings' you want to disable the usb selective suspend setting.

muppet_slayer - 2021-09-19 02:38:00

My suggestion is to access the Virtual Memory settings and specify that the paging file is on your secondary disk.

gyrogearloose - 2021-09-19 07:19:00

How big is the harddrive (Capacity) and how old is it?

SSDs are coming down in price, so for my daughter's PC rebuild we took out the 128GB boot SSD + old 1TB spinning disk and replaced it with a fast 1TB SSD on a M2 connector and the old 1TB drive is only for backup and rarely used

So one option would be to just throw in an SSD and then far faster access to everything and reduced power consumption as well

gblack - 2021-09-19 09:45:00

You could swap out the secondary drive for a SSD then there should be no lag as it doesn't have to spin up. Edit - As above I was to slow at typing.

Edited by loud_37 at 9:49 am, Sun 19 Sep

loud_37 - 2021-09-19 09:47:00

some drives are like that, the spindown timeout is a firmware function of the drive itself, the WD greens come to mind. To me the problem is that some drives actually take so damn long to spin up and get ready, while others do not eg WD Black/Red.
Bit of info here and potential fix if this is the case

Edited by king1 at 9:58 am, Sun 19 Sep

king1 - 2021-09-19 09:57:00
gyrogearloose wrote:

My suggestion is to access the Virtual Memory settings and specify that the paging file is on your secondary disk.

You REALLY do not want a page file on a mechanical disk these days

vtecintegra - 2021-09-19 13:13:00
vtecintegra wrote:

You REALLY do not want a page file on a mechanical disk these days

Why? My understanding is that the page file is opened during the boot process, and is then only used when your RAM is insufficient to hold all the data currently is use. And then at a normal shutdown the page file is closed.

My answer was based on the understanding that Windows will not spin down the operating system disk, and since the page file is part of the operating system if you put that on the secondary disk then that won't spin down either.

Some people debate whether having the page file on an SSD is a good idea, because of the limit on the number of write cycles.

gyrogearloose - 2021-09-19 13:39:00

I already have an SSD as a main drive. I want to keep the second as mechanical. Its a 1TB WD/Blue. I know that a while back, WD USB hard drives had the spin up/down issue that was fixed with firmware issue. Hmm i wonder if one of those HD tools can change that setting...

dbest - 2021-09-28 00:59:00

So get a batch file that writes a to tiny txt file to that drive every few seconds then next cycle it deletes it. Set it to run at boot.

nice_lady - 2021-09-28 05:31:00

I have a solution. It's two simple parts.
1: a batch file

@echo off

echo %time% >> time.txt
timeout /t 20
del time.txt
goto :loop

Copy and paste that into a blank notepad page and save it as whatever.bat
This when run will simply create a single text file with the time in it, and every 20 seconds after that, (you can modify that time amount easily), it'll wipe that file and re-write it with the current time. The file will be saved into the same directory as the bat file.

2: is a simple VBS file

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.She-
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "D:\Bat2.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

copy and paste that into a txt file and save it as whatever.vbs

put both files onto your secondary hard drive then open up your start menu and the 'startup folder' and drag a shortcut to the vbs file into that.
When you start the computer up that will run and it'll run the batch file 'hidden' so it'll just every 20 seconds automatically write the system time to one single file in the secondary drive where you have the vbs and bat files saved.


Edited by nice_lady at 10:55 am, Tue 28 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-28 10:54:00

Ah you'll need to change this bit:


In the VBS file to suit the name of your bat file and it's location.

nice_lady - 2021-09-28 13:44:00
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