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Outlook Sent Messages going to Deleted Messages


Hi, each email I send from Outlook is going straight to my Deleted Items folder, rather than to my Sent Items. How can I fix this?

daffy71 - 2021-09-15 14:34:00

Outlook the program, (if so what year/version ?), or Outlook the web based email ?

Edited by nice_lady at 2:55 pm, Wed 15 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-15 14:43:00

if it's set up using IMAP then the designated folder might be wrong, in the account settings similar to this, depending on version

or you have a message rule set up to do so for some strange reason

king1 - 2021-09-15 15:14:00

I'm thinking message rules only work on the Inbox, I don't think you can add rules acting on Sent messages.

Unless you're using Exchange, which could do that.

gyrogearloose - 2021-09-15 15:22:00

I googled this and it could be your sent items folder is full so they are going into deleted folder. Try deleting some older sent items from sent folder.

luvmycat - 2021-09-15 20:13:00
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