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Public housing waitlist: ‘A never-ending hell’


If only there was a bunch of hard working people who would invest their time and money to provide cheap clean private rentals.
Oh, wait...

Enjoy your high rents and long waiting lists.

pcle - 2021-09-12 10:56:00

its so sad what this country has come to

mamaash - 2021-09-12 11:01:00

I see also in the article there’s Angel Kaur is spending lockdown in an Auckland motel with her seven children, aged 9 months to 16 years old. Where’s the fathers of the 7 children

toyboy3 - 2021-09-12 11:58:00
toyboy3 wrote:

I see also in the article there’s Angel Kaur is spending lockdown in an Auckland motel with her seven children, aged 9 months to 16 years old. Where’s the fathers of the 7 children

Says 3 years in emergency housing while youngest child is 9 months.

amasser - 2021-09-12 12:03:00

The woman in the headline - why doesn't she move? Or take the landlord to the Tenancy Tribunal? If the issue is affordability, there is a lot of help available from the government - bond, Accommodation Supplement, TAS, emergency grants.

Maybe some other reason? Did the journalist ask? Maybe she did and the answer did not fit the article.

artemis - 2021-09-12 13:25:00

Ridiculous... no point getting a heater because there are holes and high ceilings. Just like my bedroom at my farm that I heat with a heater and it gets so hot I have to turn it off some nights. Some people are just too busy moaning. Fill the holes, dry out the mould...

bryalea - 2021-09-12 14:47:00
pcle wrote:

If only there was a bunch of hard working people who would invest their time and money to provide cheap clean private rentals.
Oh, wait...

Enjoy your high rents and long waiting lists.

It's not all like that. I'm in a trust that has 4 rental flats all together on one piece of land, we don't charge market rent and the longest tenant is knocking on 12 yrs with us. ... The shortest is coming up 4 yrs. ''Sadly if we decided to sell, which we are not, these people would have know where to go, and could never afford to rent a similar property, as some of our people are on pensions. We worked it out we could add $100 on a week and they would still be below rental market value.,, so don't tar all landlords with the same brush.

Edited by cadmus at 3:19 pm, Sun 12 Sep

cadmus - 2021-09-12 15:14:00
toyboy3 wrote:

I see also in the article there’s Angel Kaur is spending lockdown in an Auckland motel with her seven children, aged 9 months to 16 years old. Where’s the fathers of the 7 children

Long gone!!!

megan109 - 2021-09-12 21:19:00
artemis wrote:

The woman in the headline - why doesn't she move? Or take the landlord to the Tenancy Tribunal? If the issue is affordability, there is a lot of help available from the government - bond, Accommodation Supplement, TAS, emergency grants.

Maybe some other reason? Did the journalist ask? Maybe she did and the answer did not fit the article.

unfortunately moving to a state house might not solve her issues. A number of state Housing is just like what she is currently living in. Mould and cold and wet and damp. Knew a state house tenant with an attic fukk of mice and rats.

megan109 - 2021-09-12 21:21:00
amasser wrote:

Says 3 years in emergency housing while youngest child is 9 months.

Not a lot of forward planning in those hormones.

trogedon - 2021-09-12 22:15:00
toyboy3 wrote:

I see also in the article there’s Angel Kaur is spending lockdown in an Auckland motel with her seven children, aged 9 months to 16 years old. Where’s the fathers of the 7 children

They are obviously expert hole-fillers ... transferrable skills and all that

funkydunky - 2021-09-13 13:48:00
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