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What have you done during this lockdown?


Broadening the subject of another thread where someone reported what they'd been doing during this lockdown, I thought it would be interesting to hear what other messageboard users had been doing. Anyone keen?

gyrogearloose - 2021-09-07 14:53:00

Not much different to normal. Both hubby and I worked tho his work was VERY VERY slow and mine was busy.

nice_lady - 2021-09-07 14:55:00

Me: painted the living area and bathrooms. Who realised how handy school certificate Art would be?

Setup a rack for vegetable seed raising, lights, heatpad, timers...

Work continues on an experimenters power supply for valve amps, good for 700 volts of B+, allows me to hookup modules for distortion testing at various voltages.

gyrogearloose - 2021-09-07 14:58:00

WFH mostly, with the occasional visit to the shop.

Played around with MS Teams backgrounds, and set up a 2nd hand Android phone for a friends child, to hand over when we get down to Lvl2.

clip1 - 2021-09-07 15:12:00

wife and I spent three days filling holes in rimu floor, prepwork for polyurethane. She then spent a further four days plastering and sanding walls while I pretended to work...

king1 - 2021-09-07 15:29:00

Not much. Cooked involved meals, read a lot.
Prepared garden but waiting to get some seedlings, yay....tomorrow!!!

lythande1 - 2021-09-07 15:39:00
king1 wrote:

wife and I spent three days filling holes in rimu floor, prepwork for polyurethane. She then spent a further four days plastering and sanding walls while I pretended to work...

haha, a supervisory role huh, it's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.

ronaldo8 - 2021-09-07 17:44:00

I've sorted every horrible box of accumulated mixed fasteners and components, there was an embarrassingly large number of them. Built some more racks and shelving, labelled everything. Built a new welding table, finally got around to fitting the auto way oiler system on one of my cnc machines and built an IR probe for the 3d printer. Smug as.

ronaldo8 - 2021-09-07 17:54:00

Deep cleaned the toilet, bathroom and kitchen top to bottom. (Only time I regret 3m ceilings lol). Pulled everything out of cupboards, tossed what I haven't used in last 2yrs (incl plastic containers, pots, baking dishes, jugs, cutlery, those tins of chickpeas we always intended to use :)), cleaned inside of cupboards.
Next up is fridge and deep freezer cleanouts.

blaizingfire - 2021-09-07 18:19:00
gyrogearloose wrote:

g the subject of another thread where someone reported what they'd been doing during this lockdown, I thought it would be interesting to hear what other messageboard users had been doing. Anyone keen?

Keeping in touch with family and friends via emails and Facebook. Working on my second book of memoirs (for my family only). And decluttering (clothes and books mostly).

Edited by athena2 at 7:00 pm, Tue 7 Sep

athena2 - 2021-09-07 19:00:00

I am working from home. Getting more done than being in the office. No ringing phones. Next week I am on leave and weather permitting outside jobs will get dealt to. Otherwise there is plenty to do inside. My niece is 21 next weekend but I think she is still at Uni in Wellington. I was going to visit my daughter in Hamilton. But knowing my luck I will get through Auckland and then not get back.

joanie04 - 2021-09-07 19:26:00

Working from home, but motivation is difficult. So trying to do some learning and training for going back

Since this is computing, I did find a really interesting YouTube series that others might be interested in if you want to go a bit deeper into computers and how they work

It's pretty simple idea; the guy who made this series starts with a writing a one line 'Hello world' in Python. But if you are writing a Python script on Windows, Linux or OSX then that one line of code sits on-top of millions of lines of code.

So he does the clever thing, of writing a hello world app from scratch with no code, just basic hardware (8-bit CPU + TTL chips).

I found it fascinating, but admittedly have a degree in computer science.

gblack - 2021-09-08 08:13:00

I have been able to carry on as Im Essential Worker looking after 2 complexes. Ive gone out once each day checking on Rubbish Bins & checking all doors & windows to make sure No Breakins have occured.
I have used my Blower & swept up areas where cars are normally parked & few other jobs.
In between that Ive washed walls & windows down at home & wiped inside walls & Skirting boards. Looks alot better too. Always something to do.
Pleased with my efforts too.

ferrit47 - 2021-09-10 10:18:00

Nice topic.
In addition to my computer play I worked at making an entertainment unit; unable to complete due to lack of hinges. Baked several batches of scones. Roasted some chickens. Played with junior. Watched a wonderful series on YouTube called World's most dangerous ways to school.

bit - 2021-09-11 22:04:00

Working from home. I had hand surgery the day it was announced we were going into lockdown so haven't been able to do anything around the house.

aoc1 - 2021-09-12 01:28:00

This message was deleted.

booksurfer1 - 2021-09-12 07:51:00

I rediscovered the workbenches in my workshop! I have about 5.5 linear metres of benches and every bit was covered in tools and junk. (Sound familiar?) It took several days to make places for all the tools etc but now all the machinery looks like new. My hope is to be able to keep it this way. I also did some wood turning and worked on some radio gear.

daveb - 2021-09-13 14:02:00

Cut out a Kitchen & worked on my MG

timberman - 2021-09-21 20:00:00

2020 Lockdown: learnt 24 simplified form of TAI-CHI, by myself, following online video

2021 Lockdown: learnt 42 form TAI-CHI, the standard Wushu competition Tai-chi
great exercise, can really calm yourself, stay focused and meditated.
But it's better to found a good coach if you can, otherwise you could easily hurt your knees with incorrect posture.

Edited by chelsea76 at 8:40 pm, Tue 21 Sep

chelsea76 - 2021-09-21 20:38:00

We were lucky in a way that just before lockdown we had ordered new kitchen cabinets and tiles etc which had arrived the week before. Lockdown gave us the time we needed to get it done. Just splashback and a couple of small things to go.

gazvic - 2021-09-22 16:56:00
gazvic wrote:

We were lucky in a way that just before lockdown we had ordered new kitchen cabinets and tiles etc which had arrived the week before. Lockdown gave us the time we needed to get it done. Just splashback and a couple of small things to go.[


nice_lady - 2021-09-22 17:09:00
daveb wrote:

I rediscovered the workbenches in my workshop! I have about 5.5 linear metres of benches and every bit was covered in tools and junk. (Sound familiar?) It took several days to make places for all the tools etc but now all the machinery looks like new. My hope is to be able to keep it this way. I also did some wood turning and worked on some radio gear.

Haha, one can but hope ;)

ronaldo8 - 2021-09-22 18:22:00

Sounds like everyone has stayed home & out of trouble doing all kinds of good things.

ferrit47 - 2021-09-23 10:41:00
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