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Windows Security Failed?


When checking update history says 2021-01 security update for windows 8.1 for x64based system ckb455680 failed to install should i be worried?

seat1 - 2021-09-05 10:22:00

i'd be more concerned about still being on Windows 8, best fix is to probably try and get yourself on to Windows 10

king1 - 2021-09-05 11:08:00

Says i need a license?

seat1 - 2021-09-05 12:48:00

did you download this tool:

nice_lady - 2021-09-05 12:52:00

if your existing windows 8 installation isn't activated it might explain why you can't install updates...

have a look here to check, note the command has a space in it ie "slmgr /xpr"

king1 - 2021-09-05 12:55:00

Been using windows 8.1 for about 8 years just stopped updating about 2 weeks ago?

seat1 - 2021-09-05 13:40:00

Windows 8 was BAD. 8.1 wasn't much better.

nice_lady - 2021-09-05 13:55:00
nice_lady wrote:

did you download this tool:

What will this do not computer savvy?

seat1 - 2021-09-05 17:47:00

Oh well then I'd not suggest you bother. It'll enable you to download the windows 10 setup files. I think you'd probably be better off getting a tech to sort that out for you.

nice_lady - 2021-09-05 18:47:00

If you do decide to try upgrading to win10 yourself back up everything first, as a precaution. Documents, downloads, browser bookmarks, the desktop...anywhere you have saved files.Make sure you know your user names and passwords for email, Facebook, google/YouTube and anything else you might log in to, although it's not impossible to reset them.

You can find how-tos on the internet, YouTube and elsewhere

bit - 2021-09-06 12:27:00
king1 wrote:

i'd be more concerned about still being on Windows 8, best fix is 0

I'd be concerned about neither.
For years I did not jump to every version of windows, nor did I update.
never got malware, never had an issue.
Common sense and caution does more to protect you you know.

I skipped Me, Win 2000 (it wasn't a home user version), Vista and 8.
Then I gave up and changed away from Windows altogether.

lythande1 - 2021-09-06 14:11:00
lythande1 wrote:

I'd be concerned about neither.
For years I did not jump to every version of windows, nor did I update.
never got malware, never had an issue.
Common sense and caution does more to protect you you know.

I skipped Me, Win 2000 (it wasn't a home user version), Vista and 8.
Then I gave up and changed away from Windows altogether.

so your solution to the OP is fix the one minor issue by changing to a completely new OS and a whole bunch of new problems... Legend...

king1 - 2021-09-06 15:00:00
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