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Google workspace/google calendar


Hi, I hope someone can help me. I do the bookings for a community service and have been using google calendar, on either my laptop if I'm home, or on my phone if I'm out or away. Everything has been fine until today.

When I logged in today, I have "google workspace" and when I try to use the calendar on my laptop, it gives one entry for a certain day and says "2 more" or "3 more" which means I have to click on the entries to see what they are, and for how many hours the booking is. This is going to be a right pain in the bum at the end of each month when I need to calculate how many bookings have been made by each individual or group. So far it is still how I want it on my phone, but not on my laptop.

I hope I've explained the problem sufficiently and that someone can help me get my laptop back the way it was.


Edited by kuaka at 2:41 pm, Mon 30 Aug

kuaka - 2021-08-30 14:39:00

Can't say that I've noticed any changes in my one. Then again, thanks to lockdown my calendar looks pretty clear...

Is this the page you're looking at ?

Edited by bitsnpieces2020 at 5:17 pm, Mon 30 Aug

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-08-30 17:16:00

I guess this is in month view, as in you can see the whole month on one page? You can get more items per day by clicking the settings menu button and selecting "Information density - Compact" but it will still overflow and display "2 more" etc. if you have more than five or so entries on one day.

You can switch to Schedule view which shows all entries, or Week view which should show most of them.

drsr - 2021-08-30 17:50:00

Thank you, yes, that works. Could you please also tell me how I can print a page from the calendar from my android phone. Thanks l

kuaka - 2021-08-30 18:07:00

Printing from Android is a nightmare especially now they've retired Cloud Print. If you have a recent version of Android and a recent printer then this might work but only from Calendar open in Chrome, not from the Calendar app:

drsr - 2021-08-30 23:31:00

Thanks, I will try that. Last night I had the brainwave of taking a screenshot and then printing that, and it works after a fashion. It was smaller than I wanted but still better than trying to work from the screen.

Thanks for your help.

kuaka - 2021-08-31 09:42:00
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