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Blimin Neighbor


Over level 4 they have had a builder there about 5 times for most of the day and none wear masks and now an electrician is there at the same time as the builder.
Im having a vent as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do yet these tradies and neighbors are getting renovations done in level 4.

Edited by leson at 10:07 am, Mon 30 Aug

leson - 2021-08-30 10:07:00
leson wrote:

Over level 4 they have had a builder there about 5 times for most of the day and none wear masks and now an electrician is there at the same time as the builder.
Im having a vent as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do yet these tradies and neighbors are getting renovations done in level 4.

Have you formally complained?

Edited by johnston at 10:11 am, Mon 30 Aug

johnston - 2021-08-30 10:10:00
johnston wrote:

Have you formally complained?

No as I don't want to cause any problems in the neighborhood so I'm having a vent

leson - 2021-08-30 10:14:00

Go up to the fence, lean over it and yell "Hey, keep it down over there! We're trying to recover from Covid here!"

lyl_guy - 2021-08-30 10:15:00

Tradies under level 4 are only supposed to be on site for "emergencies" so I suppose your neighbours could be having an almighty emergency (not likely). Under Level 3 they will be able to be on site but with masks, distancing still in place, I believe. Honestly, I would be tempted to report them (with request for anonymity) because it's people like that who are putting everyone else at risk. Your neighbours, though, so your call.

kitty179 - 2021-08-30 10:19:00
lyl_guy wrote:

Go up to the fence, lean over it and yell "Hey, keep it down over there! We're trying to recover from Covid here!"

It gets me as if it was essential service it would be a quick one off fix until lock down finishes not being there every day.

leson - 2021-08-30 10:20:00

Best to put your mask on - better yet two - lock all the windows and doors and hide under your bed!
You might get a sniffle - then recover.

pcle - 2021-08-30 10:23:00
leson wrote:

It gets me as if it was essential service it would be a quick one off fix until lock down finishes not being there every day.

You can report them anonymously if you're worried about future neighbour problems. Google the site, it'll be in amongst the covid 19 nz site probably.

lyl_guy - 2021-08-30 10:26:00

This person should know better as they work at a rest home.

leson - 2021-08-30 10:30:00
lyl_guy wrote:

Go up to the fence, lean over it and yell "Hey, keep it down over there! We're trying to recover from Covid here!"

Add sneezing, coughing and watering eyes lol

superdave0_13 - 2021-08-30 10:30:00

Done venting now

leson - 2021-08-30 10:31:00
leson wrote:

This person should know better as they work at a rest home.

That's terrible!!!! They are putting so many people at risk!

lyl_guy - 2021-08-30 10:31:00
leson wrote:

Done venting now

Hope you feel better..... GGGGrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

lyl_guy - 2021-08-30 10:32:00

This is not a wind up there is a third tradie there now

leson - 2021-08-30 10:39:00
lyl_guy wrote:

That's terrible!!!! They are putting so many people at risk!

The risk is extremely low. There have been more Lotto millionaires in NZ since Covid was discovered than there have been deaths. The Government has done a bang up job of scaring the bejesus out of some people. Try to resist the hysteria.

Edited by committed at 10:41 am, Mon 30 Aug

committed - 2021-08-30 10:40:00
committed wrote:

The risk is extremely low. There have been more Lotto millionaires in NZ since Covid was discovered than there have been deaths. The Government has done a bang up job of scaring the bejesus out of some people. Try to resist the hysteria.

Not the point we are all trying to do the right thing and follow the rules.

leson - 2021-08-30 10:44:00
leson wrote:

Done venting now

Hope you feel better.

desi1969 - 2021-08-30 10:48:00
committed wrote:

The risk is extremely low. There have been more Lotto millionaires in NZ since Covid was discovered than there have been deaths. The Government has done a bang up job of scaring the bejesus out of some people. Try to resist the hysteria.

Yeah just like the whole Y2K bug thing. All those billions of dollars spend fixing legacy code and replacing hardware with date limited chips so that planes wouldn't just fall out the sky. And how many planes fell out the sky? None. What a waste of money.

Edited by sparkychap at 11:26 am, Mon 30 Aug

sparkychap - 2021-08-30 11:15:00
committed wrote:

The risk is extremely low. There have been more Lotto millionaires in NZ since Covid was discovered than there have been deaths. The Government has done a bang up job of scaring the bejesus out of some people. Try to resist the hysteria.

It is because the government have done a reasonably good job that there hasn't been more deaths than lotto millionaires.
2020 63 lotto millionaires 26 covid deaths

Edited by maddie44 at 11:22 am, Mon 30 Aug

maddie44 - 2021-08-30 11:19:00
leson wrote:

Not the point we are all trying to do the right thing and follow the rules.

Just ring Worksafe.
The neighbours did on me and I soon got it sorted.
We are an essential service.

smallwoods - 2021-08-30 11:29:00
committed wrote:

The risk is extremely low. There have been more Lotto millionaires in NZ since Covid was discovered than there have been deaths. The Government has done a bang up job of scaring the bejesus out of some people. Try to resist the hysteria.

You seem to be the hysterical one. Calm down, geez.

lyl_guy - 2021-08-30 11:34:00

wine-o-clock - 2021-08-30 11:37:00
sparkychap wrote:

Yeah just like the whole Y2K bug thing. All those billions of dollars spend fixing legacy code and replacing hardware with date limited chips so that planes wouldn't just fall out the sky. And how many planes fell out the sky? None. What a waste of money.

ldhavebeendroppinglikeflies!! ????

lovelurking - 2021-08-30 12:02:00
leson wrote:

No as I don't want to cause any problems in the neighborhood so I'm having a vent

Do you allow others to cause problems in the neighbourhood?
So, why should you vent?

amasser - 2021-08-30 12:50:00
leson wrote:

I'm doing what I'm supposed to do yet these tradies and neighbors are getting renovations done in level 4.


lythande1 - 2021-08-30 13:03:00
lyl_guy wrote:

You seem to be the hysterical one. Calm down, geez.

Side effect of the Ivermectin.

sparkychap - 2021-08-30 13:08:00
sparkychap wrote:

Side effect of the Ivermectin.

Hey Trump says it's the bees knees!

pcle - 2021-08-30 13:22:00

Locally the Asian immigrant workers keep going on the building sites.Probably as their work pay is "under the counter" and its the only way to get money

androth2 - 2021-08-30 13:50:00
lyl_guy wrote:

Go up to the fence, lean over it and yell "Hey, keep iExct down over there! We're trying to recover from Covid here!"

Excellent idea!!!!!

megan109 - 2021-08-30 13:58:00

Better call the cops!!!!!

megan109 - 2021-08-30 14:00:00
sparkychap wrote:

Side effect of the Ivermectin.

Up side of Ivermectin is no more mites, ticks or worms for 3 months.

Edited by mrcat1 at 2:17 pm, Mon 30 Aug

mrcat1 - 2021-08-30 14:14:00
lyl_guy wrote:

You seem to be the hysterical one. Calm down, geez.

I was laughing. Hysterically laughing.

committed - 2021-08-30 15:12:00
sparkychap wrote:

Yeah just like the whole Y2K bug thing. All those billions of dollars spend fixing legacy code and replacing hardware with date limited chips so that planes wouldn't just fall out the sky. And how many planes fell out the sky? None. What a waste of money.

Planes were never going to fall out of the sky. Italy spent bugger all on Y2K and apparently had a similar outcome to those countries which spent billions. I think Australia spent something like $16 billion. Madness.

committed - 2021-08-30 15:14:00
committed wrote:

Planes were never going to fall out of the sky. Italy spent bugger all on Y2K and apparently had a similar outcome to those countries which spent billions. I think Australia spent something like $16 billion. Madness.

i because the likes of Boeing prepared for it!

sparkychap - 2021-08-30 16:10:00
amasser wrote:

Do you allow others to cause problems in the neighbourhood?
So, why should you vent?

Because they should be following level 4 rules,should report them.

payntr - 2021-08-30 17:30:00
androth2 wrote:

Locally the Asian immigrant workers keep going on the building sites.Probably as their work pay is "under the counter" and its the only way to get money

what will happen when a cashless society is introduced.The sooner the better.

payntr - 2021-08-30 17:32:00
payntr wrote:

what will happen when a cashless society is introduced.The sooner the better.

wondering how beggars will get on with a cashless society. Maybe the beggars could have an eftpos machine with them.

megan109 - 2021-08-30 18:16:00
megan109 wrote:

wondering how beggars will get on with a cashless society. Maybe the beggars could have an eftpos machine with them.

They might steal from shops or force people to give them their EFTPOS cards and PIN if desperate enough. It's not going to be pleasant as quite a few are suspicious of helping agencies hence will look at other ways.

mazalinas - 2021-08-30 18:37:00

You can report them online, anonymously.

rhys12 - 2021-08-30 20:00:00

The member deleted this message.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-31 06:07:00
committed wrote:

Planes were never going to fall out of the sky. Italy spent bugger all on Y2K and apparently had a similar outcome to those countries which spent billions. I think Australia spent something like $16 billion. Madness.

You have no idea.

I have a degree in computer science and was a programmer working on systems pre 2000 (and for couple of years afterwards) fixing date related issues. Mostly found minor billing issues and our swipe card entry system failed to unlock on schedule as it lost track if it was a work day or not.

It was overhyped by the media of course, but thousands of developers spent a lot of time and energy fixing stuff then people turned around and said look there was no problems. There was almost no issues because people fixed them, not because there was no issues to start with. How do you not get that?
Of course you know there is still the Unix epoch to come, but most date reliant systems I have worked in use a sliding window (-50/+49) for two digit BCD style dates and I hope most systems will deal with long int roll over in Unix/Linux gracefully

It's like people jumping out of an aircraft, using a parachute, landing safely, then turning around and claiming that you didn't a parachute as you landed safely.

You can look at Sweden who also locked down but not as hard as in NZ to figure out what would have happened here. NZ deaths per million - about 5. Sweden deaths per million - over 1400. How many lotto winners are there?

Edited by gblack at 8:57 am, Tue 31 Aug

gblack - 2021-08-31 08:47:00
gblack wrote:

You have no idea.

I have a degree in computer science and was a programmer working on systems pre 2000 (and for couple of years afterwards) fixing date related issues. Mostly found minor billing issues and our swipe card entry system failed to unlock on schedule as it lost track if it was a work day or not.

It was overhyped by the media of course, but thousands of developers spent a lot of time and energy fixing stuff then people turned around and said look there was no need.

It's like people jumping out of an aircraft, using a parachute, landing safely, then turning around and claiming that you didn't a parachute as you landed safely.

You can look at Sweden who also locked down but not as hard as in NZ to figure out what would have happened here. NZ deaths per million - about 5. Sweden deaths per million - over 1400. How many lotto winners are there?

This is what I'm finding bizarre and a bit frustrating. The people who are saying - we're having so few deaths, we're locking down for nothing, we don't need vaccines, don't need masks - it's not 'a thing' in NZ.

Well, it's not a 'thing' because of all of the above, and the hard work that's going on.... as you've rightly pointed out. Not sure what people are blinded by, but they're just not getting it are they.

Edited by lyl_guy at 8:57 am, Tue 31 Aug

lyl_guy - 2021-08-31 08:55:00
lyl_guy wrote:

This is what I'm finding bizarre and a bit frustrating. The people who are saying - we're having so few deaths, we're locking down for nothing, we don't need vaccines, don't need masks - it's not 'a thing' in NZ.

Well, it's not a 'thing' because of all of the above, and the hard work that's going on.... as you've rightly pointed out. Not sure what people are blinded by, but they're just not getting it are they.

I actually had some rando MAGA nut "arguing" with me on Twitter that as we have one of the lowest COVID death rates in the world, we're wasting our time with lockdowns.

sparkychap - 2021-08-31 09:06:00
sparkychap wrote:

I actually had some rando MAGA nut "arguing" with me on Twitter that as we have one of the lowest COVID death rates in the world, we're wasting our time with lockdowns.

Logic or even a faint recollection of basic statistics not their strong point obviously!

shanreagh - 2021-08-31 09:56:00
leson wrote:

No as I don't want to cause any problems in the neighborhood so I'm having a vent



keys - 2021-08-31 10:46:00
shanreagh wrote:

Logic or even a faint recollection of basic statistics not their strong point obviously!

They voted for Trump. QED.

sparkychap - 2021-08-31 11:22:00
sparkychap wrote:

They voted for Trump. QED.

QED indeed, taps side of nose.......say no more!

Did you ask them how their stocks of Ivermectin and or Janola were holding up, and the associated stocks of toilet paper? Gives you the runs (unsurprisingly) apparently when you just take the stock remedy. .

Edited by shanreagh at 11:44 am, Tue 31 Aug

shanreagh - 2021-08-31 11:43:00
shanreagh wrote:

QED indeed, taps side of nose.......say no more!

Did you ask them how their stocks of Ivermectin and or Janola were holding up, and the associated stocks of toilet paper? Gives you the runs (unsurprisingly) apparently when you just take the stock remedy. .

It’s always good to get a run for your money

toyboy3 - 2021-08-31 12:03:00
shanreagh wrote:

QED indeed, taps side of nose.......say no more!

Did you ask them how their stocks of Ivermectin and or Janola were holding up, and the associated stocks of toilet paper? Gives you the runs (unsurprisingly) apparently when you just take the stock remedy. .

TMI but it's not "the runs" as such but the insides of your bowels sloughing off, as the bowel deteriorates. But they'd rather that than put an unknown vaccination in them...

sparkychap - 2021-08-31 12:06:00

It's probably nothing. Watch some Netflix or get some groceries and stop looking next door. You will feel better.

sweetgurl108 - 2021-08-31 12:58:00
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