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Slow typeing on tablet


Very annoying, type a word then wait 3 seconds for word to appear,
mainly on this site.
any fix?

nzshooter01 - 2021-08-25 07:45:00

Figure out how to look at the task manager, look for something using high amounts of processor, and stop it. Then see if the lag has gone.

gyrogearloose - 2021-08-25 09:15:00

Task manager on a tablet ?
Assuming its android perhaps enabling developer mode then using the functions in it to show cpu usage ? Not sure it'll show WHAT is using the cpu tho.

OP try going to TM on a different browser ?
Oh and you might mention what type of tablet it is ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-25 09:19:00

If you haven't already I would start by turning the tablet off and on again...

king1 - 2021-08-25 11:03:00
king1 wrote:

If you haven't already I would start by turning the tablet off and on again...

Did that, and much better
Not perfect but much better

nzshooter01 - 2021-08-25 12:10:00

Did you try a different browser?

And you never stated the make and model of the tablet?

nice_lady - 2021-08-25 12:27:00
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