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Zero rated websites


Hello, I'm wondering if all sites visited contribute to our monthly data usage or do are there some sites that allow unlimited usage without adding to the balance used ? Is there a list of these sites if that's the case ?

busybeaver2 - 2021-08-24 19:16:00

generally all sites contribute unless your internet plan provides for it eg

king1 - 2021-08-24 19:21:00

It's not the sites that 'allow unilimted usage' it's your internet provider. Spark, Voda, Slingshot, 2Degrees, Skinny - whoever.

When you 'go to' a website you actually don't go to it - it comes to you. Yes you download that web content onto your computer in order to view it. There is NO other way to experience a website. It has to download onto your device/computer/phone whatever. This is data. This data would normally come out of your monthly allowance, (whatever you've paid for with your provider). UNLESS as king1 linked to a, provider has stated you will get 'free' amount of data for a particular site.

Edited by nice_lady at 8:16 pm, Tue 24 Aug

nice_lady - 2021-08-24 20:15:00
nice_lady wrote:

It's not the sites that 'allow unilimted usage' it's your internet provider. Spark, Voda, Slingshot, 2Degrees, Skinny - whoever.

When you 'go to' a website you actually don't go to it - it comes to you. Yes you download that web content onto your computer in order to view it.


This is how it works............

lythande1 - 2021-08-25 08:49:00

In addition to downloads, uploads also contribute to your monthly data usage and the classic example is bitTorrent which allows strangers to grab chunks of shared content from your computer, and this will continue forever if you forget about it.

Multiplayer gaming, twitch, video calling - more upload examples

gyrogearloose - 2021-08-25 09:12:00

That too

nice_lady - 2021-08-25 12:03:00
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