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Philishave from the late 80’s


I can thinking about replacing the battery’s in it would it be to old to do it . It something I would like to do

jp370 - 2021-08-21 17:11:00

contact: shaver shop nz in auckland via their e-mail
with brand name and model number
tell them the battery no# if there is one.
you'll be surprised what they can do for you.....will just cost a bit.

nigtpo - 2021-08-23 21:57:00

Is it not just the usual AA batteries?

mazalinas - 2021-08-23 22:01:00

You would want to replace the heads on the shaver as they could cut the face badly if they were to break as I have heard of this happening.

leson - 2021-08-31 08:04:00

I have one i ripped the dead battery out of and wired it up to a car battery with some wires hanging out the bottom, it is blunt and pulls like anything though, from memory ten years ago before i quit shaving for good, maby there might still be an electronic repair shop going that might beable to do something for it?.

Edited by gunna-1 at 8:08 am, Tue 31 Aug

gunna-1 - 2021-08-31 08:07:00
mazalinas wrote:

Is it not just the usual AA batteries?

Its a genuine factory rechargeable one i think.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-31 08:09:00
gunna-1 wrote:

I have one i ripped the dead battery out of and wired it up to a car battery with some wires hanging out the bottom, it is blunt and pulls like anything though, from memory ten years ago before i quit shaving for good, maby there might still be an electronic repair shop going that might beable to do something for it?.

Ha funny electronic repair shop in 2021

leson - 2021-08-31 08:12:00
leson wrote:

Ha funny electronic repair shop in 2021

Well i still havent owned anything flasher than a CRT telly yet.

Edited by gunna-1 at 8:14 am, Tue 31 Aug

gunna-1 - 2021-08-31 08:13:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Well i still havent owned anything flasher than a CRT telly yet.

Not many people would know what a crtv was these days.

leson - 2021-08-31 08:15:00
leson wrote:

Not many people would know what a crtv was these days.

Neither did i, i still called them tube tellies, i owned many that blew the tube out of the back, or went down to half a screen with a big stripe through the middle with a crook tube, before they cut my water of with digital.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-31 08:18:00

Remember broadcasting fees.

leson - 2021-08-31 08:19:00
leson wrote:

Remember broadcasting fees.

No i,me not that old, i got my first telly from the dump as a kid in the 90s and got hooked on fixing them up.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-31 08:21:00
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