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mirroring from iphone to smart tv...


I have a link to watch a funeral that has a live feed and wondering the easiest way to watch on a panasonic smart tv? Im not particularly technical minded but we need to watch on a large tv we were sent a link but no web address?
Any help appreciated

bennybullet - 2021-08-15 23:12:00

A link but no web address?

Please clarify that.

A link IS a web addy.

nice_lady - 2021-08-16 05:14:00

The smart TV will include an internet browser app. Open that and type the link into the browser.

Allow plenty of time to type the address, the link should be valid now, get the web page on screen well before the funeral starts.

gyrogearloose - 2021-08-18 09:34:00

At this rate it's probably over and they've gone off for a Honeymoon.

nice_lady - 2021-08-18 10:12:00

apple screen mirroring only works to apple TV I think. your android smart TV will be fine with chrome browser tab casting.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-08-18 11:28:00
nice_lady wrote:

At this rate it's probably over and they've gone off for a Honeymoon.

The host website might have a replay feature, google suggests some allow 12 months, but I'd suspect that will be a different web address than the streaming service.

gyrogearloose - 2021-08-18 13:48:00
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