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is it still worth getting houses checked for p ?


Hi the Government say it was all a sham but is it worthwhile getting a house checked out for P before buying still, you dont here much of it anymore.

daz1968 - 2021-08-15 20:07:00

No. Trust your instincts.

msigg - 2021-08-15 20:51:00

We get ours checked at the end of every tenancy, you can never tell what has been going on unless you find out for certain.

Some things come out as a surprise.

kenw1 - 2021-08-16 18:11:00
kenw1 wrote:

We get ours checked at the end of every tenancy, you can never tell what has been going on unless you find out for certain.

Some things come out as a surprise.

hi do you use the diy kits ? or get if professionally checked ? thanks

daz1968 - 2021-08-16 18:50:00

When I bought my cheap doer-upper a couple of years ago I'd been told it was an ex tinny house, and it had been totally trashed and was filthy.
I didn't want any record of a failed test so just assumed a positive, and dealt with it before moving in with my son.

Whole house was scrubbed top to bottom with sugar soap. All the carpet and curtains were binned on day one, rimu floors sanded and poly'd, and new vinyl laid in the bathroom and laundry. I had 2 coats of a primer-sealer oil based paint put on all of the ceilings and walls.

Then I moved in, and put in a new kitchen and bathroom. New carpet in lounge. 2 more coats of paint on the walls over the primer, all new light fittings.

I'm curious about how it would test, but I sold when houses were in short supply, had multi offers and no one even mentioned it.

melagray - 2021-08-24 08:50:00
daz1968 wrote:

Hi the Government say it was all a sham but is it worthwhile getting a house checked out for P before buying still, you dont here much of it anymore.

What Government? Trump is no longer in power.

johnston - 2021-08-24 08:55:00
johnston wrote:

What Government? Trump is no longer in power.

That's not true. The My Pillow Guy told me.

sparkychap - 2021-08-24 09:29:00

Don't waste you time & money checking your house for p what a con & money sucker.
& waste of time.

sheepdog60 - 2021-08-25 04:00:00

Yes... there was a lot of hype around p etc a few years ago...
If after a tenant has left you test for P... what do you do if it comes up positive ?? Do you have any comeback to them ?? I suspect you would just end up with lawyers and scientist arguing the valid of the test !!
There is an old saying... "do not ask a question if you do not want to know the answer"

onl_148 - 2021-08-25 11:44:00
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