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How to read an email via Outlookfromexternaldrve


I seek advice as to how to do this

epal - 2021-08-14 17:59:00


nice_lady - 2021-08-14 18:00:00

what EXACTLY are you trying to do and what devices are you using to attempt this ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-14 18:26:00

i guess first thing we need to know is what format is the email on the external drive? an eml file or pst or what? otherwise it kinda makes no sense

king1 - 2021-08-14 19:01:00

Ah So. The OP is perhaps going to access an email which is on an external drive and use Outlook to read it ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-14 19:51:00

Also their space bar appears to be faulty.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-08-14 21:51:00

Thankyou king1. I just don't know if the files are eml, pst or whatever. Recently, I had to renew my PC and the former PC files were transferred to a disk. The files I am now wishing to view were created by Outlook Windows 10.

epal - 2021-08-14 21:56:00

king1 - now the Outlook programme is not opening, after "importing"

epal - 2021-08-14 21:58:00
epal wrote:

king1 - now the Outlook programme is not opening, after "importing"

what are you importing? did you find the file on the external drive? in which case what kind of file is it? right click / properties will help there.

IF its a pst file then its actually easier to just copy/add the data file rather than importing

king1 - 2021-08-14 22:13:00

Please detail EXACTLY what you are doing.

Each step
AS If you are talking to people who are blind. After all we cannot see what you are doing. I mean this literally. What are you clicking on, what happens when you do etc etc.

nice_lady - 2021-08-14 23:11:00

If you pst file was put on this drive, you need to import it into Outlook before you can read anything.

lythande1 - 2021-08-15 08:35:00

If it's a pst file

nice_lady - 2021-08-15 08:44:00

I followed these instructions off Google:-
How to import .pst file data into Outlook
1. Select the file tab
2. in The Open category, select import
3.In the Import and Export Wizard, select import from another program on file (out of the disk) and then select Next

epal - 2021-08-15 08:47:00

And what happened ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-15 09:53:00

I usually just do it this way

basically, copy the pst file to the "Outlook Files" folder in documents, then add it as a new data folder to the outlook profile... No importing required.

if your setting up an existing pop email account again, when adding the email account you can tell it to use the specific PST file

Edited by king1 at 12:38 pm, Sun 15 Aug

king1 - 2021-08-15 12:33:00
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