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Sending an email to a phone


It's supposedly possible to send an email to a phone, and it'll be displayed to the recipient as a text message, but I couldn't find out what the correct address format would be for a 2degrees phone number.

I tried the 10-digit phone number followed by, and also the phone number followed by, but neither worked.

Is it even possible to do this in New Zealand ...?


simone3 - 2021-08-14 12:44:00

The person with the phone needs to have an email address which they can access on their phone, easily do-able and we use it all the time but I dont know how (sorry) cos the kids set it up for us, and they come up as emails.

articferrit - 2021-08-14 13:11:00
simone3 wrote:

It's supposedly possible to send an email to a phone, and it'll be displayed to the recipient as a text message, but I couldn't find out what the correct address format would be for a 2degrees phone number.

I tried the 10-digit phone number followed by, and also the phone number followed by, but neither worked.

Is it even possible to do this in New Zealand ...?


You either build or purchase your own sms gateway or use a service to send the txt via email or API call.

Edited by spyware at 1:19 pm, Sat 14 Aug

spyware - 2021-08-14 13:16:00

Thanks for that tip, but that would be a different method ... I'm pretty sure that at one time it was possible to email a basic text message to a phone directly (from say, a desktop PC - and there are still instructions online for doing that, though nothing relevant to NZ).

Maybe 2degrees have deactivated that function, as they wouldn't be deriving any revenue from it, so they want people sending texts instead ...?

Yes, there seems to be a few ways using either online or locally-installed messaging software. But surely that would still require knowing what the correct address format to use for a 2degrees number, which is what I haven't been able to find out ...

simone3 - 2021-08-14 13:30:00

2 degrees don't provide an SMS gateway

gyrogearloose - 2021-08-14 13:32:00

Format of a NZ 2Degrees number would be 6422xxxxxxx.

If using smsglobal then you would send to, e.g.,

Edited by spyware at 1:36 pm, Sat 14 Aug

spyware - 2021-08-14 13:35:00

spyware - 2021-08-14 13:37:00

Well I tried sending an email using that number format addressed direct to, and it just disappeared - didn't even get a 'message undeliverable' error.

So it looks like sending basic ASCII emails to phones doesn't work anymore.

Oh well, thanks for the suggestions though!

simone3 - 2021-08-14 13:45:00

As was said, 2Degrees don't operate an sms gateway so you won't achieve anything like that. As stated, you either build or purchase an sms gateway (a piece of hardware) or use a service like smsglobal who do provide a gateway.

What you thought worked was merely a fantasy. 2Degrees have never offered any sms gateway service. No cellphone provider in NZ operates any free sms gateway service for public use.

Edited by spyware at 1:53 pm, Sat 14 Aug

spyware - 2021-08-14 13:48:00

Yes, though sorting out an SMS gateway is probably a bit over the top for what I was wanting to do ... thanks for the suggestion though!

simone3 - 2021-08-14 13:53:00

SMS gateway is how you go from an email protocol to the sms protocol as the two are distinct technologies. No other way, it doesn't work by magic. Obviously using a service that hosts its own sms gateway is easiest.

smsglobal from memory was actually free for a limited number of texts and is commonly used even for simple tasks like sending of alerts from CCTV cameras or panic alarms.

All you do is create an account on smsglobal. No software needs to be installed at all.

Edited by spyware at 2:02 pm, Sat 14 Aug

spyware - 2021-08-14 13:55:00

My husband has a 2* phone and I send him emails from my home computer.

articferrit - 2021-08-14 13:59:00

Just email it to their ordinary addy . If they have a smart phone they'll be able to access that easily. Why the need to send it to sms anyway ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-14 14:00:00

OK, I'll have a look at smsglobal and see if it works with 2degrees numbers ...

The reason I asked, was I remember that - at one time (admittedly it was a long time ago) - it was possible to quite easily send emails from say, a desktop PC to a phone (and the instructions for doing that still show up in Google Search).

So I was hoping that that was still possible nowadays - which it is - it's just not as straightforward anymore, as simply addressing to and pressing [Send].

simone3 - 2021-08-14 14:13:00

It never was. NZ cell providers have NEVER offered public sms gateways.

Edited by spyware at 2:22 pm, Sat 14 Aug

spyware - 2021-08-14 14:20:00

windows 10 supports sending text messages from the 'your phone' app - if that's what you're looking for... connects to and uses your own phone to send the sms

Edited by king1 at 2:26 pm, Sat 14 Aug

king1 - 2021-08-14 14:23:00

The member deleted this message.

spyware - 2021-08-14 14:28:00

2Degrees offer a premium Esendex SMS Gateway service via business accounts.

spyware - 2021-08-14 14:38:00
simone3 wrote:

OK, I'll have a look at smsglobal and see if it works with 2degrees numbers ...

The reason I asked, was I remember that - at one time (admittedly it was a long time ago) - it was possible to quite easily send emails from say, a desktop PC to a phone (and the instructions for doing that still show up in Google Search).

So I was hoping that that was still possible nowadays - which it is - it's just not as straightforward anymore, as simply addressing to and pressing [Send].

You can send emails to a phone. Most if not all smartphone owners will have email access its very simple to setup. Theres little or no need to send emails thru the sms system and it may not work too well anyway. Sms has a character limit of only 160 characters, (and that's really not going to be enough to send emails - ever), and otherwise it converts automatically to mms which can cost the sender to send and the recipient to receive also I think.

Edited by nice_lady at 2:49 pm, Sat 14 Aug

nice_lady - 2021-08-14 14:47:00

Thanks everyone for all the very handy information about this ... spyware for smsglobal; king1 for the link to the 'Your Phone' app (which iooks like what articferrit might be using); and also nice_lady for the tips.

OK Then,
All The Best!

simone3 - 2021-08-14 14:56:00

imagine all the spam you'd get texted if that was the case! haha the phone companies aren't exactly known for their anti-spam and mail security.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-08-14 17:34:00
king1 wrote:

windows 10 supports sending text messages from the 'your phone' app...

As the owner of a Microsoft mobile phone upgraded to Windows 10 it still annoys me that Microsoft closed the app store and I can't get the app you speak of. All of the apps stopped working except the phone app, except the ones I wrote myself and side loaded.

gyrogearloose - 2021-08-14 23:58:00

? You set it up thu the Android play store messages app far as In recall.... I've got it working.

When did Microsoft 'close the app store' ?

Edited by nice_lady at 6:58 am, Sun 15 Aug

nice_lady - 2021-08-15 06:56:00

Ah sorry GG I didn't notice your said you had a Windows phone. That'll be getting out of date ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-15 08:13:00

Couple of questions re mobile network(s):

1] If a TXT is sent to a deleted or non existent mobile number, does sender get any sort of alert like 'Not deliverable'?
Is it the same on all mobile providers?

2] If a SIM/number is not kept stocked ($) I understood that providers delete the number after a stated period, and never re-allocate it.
But it seems that Vodafone are recycling numbers after a certain time has elapsed. Can't see any refs on Vodafone T&C.

Any clues?

thetechman - 2021-11-10 18:52:00

It may have been about 20 years ago but I'm sure I used to use ICQ to do this, my memory is not that great though.

loud_37 - 2021-11-10 20:30:00
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