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Spark dropping out Napier? non fibre


Hi we are still on on the (spark Napier ) copper network, and have recently purchased a new modem. We seem to be dropping the internet regularly, may only be a 20 or 30 seconds, but it is happening a lot. not sure if this affects fibre as well? . is anyone else having problems

sat3 - 2021-08-11 19:13:00

Adsl, which runs over copper, and Fibre are two entirely different technologies. Whatever is affecting your Adsl would not have any effect on a Fibre connection. They're entirely seperate.

nice_lady - 2021-08-11 19:22:00

Have the connection problems only happened after the purchase of the new modem ? And why did you purchase a new modem ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-11 19:23:00

we are vdsl, yes I would say things have got worse since the new modem, reason we got a new modem was that the old one was starting to drop out and was also 10 years old. are they / can they cut /slow the connection down trying to get us on Fibre or wireless

sat3 - 2021-08-11 20:05:00

Wireless, (4G cell signal), use very straight forward to set up, so long as you get a good call signal from your preferred provider. You can check that by doing a speed test with a cell phone.

It can give a very fast connection.

Have you checked the modern logs to see whats happening when the signal is dropped?

Edited by nice_lady at 8:30 pm, Wed 11 Aug

nice_lady - 2021-08-11 20:28:00

Hey Nice Lady, thanks for your responces, not sure how to check the modem logs, will google it , not sure what i will be looking at but will give it a whirl

sat3 - 2021-08-11 20:58:00

So have you got a splitter on the phone line? That can cause it if not. Or if the splitter is faulty.
Why not just go on fibre, it's so much more reliable.
I am in Napier, on fibre and not with Spark. Was Voyager, currently Sky Fibre.

lythande1 - 2021-08-12 08:41:00
sat3 wrote:

Hey Nice Lady, thanks for your responces, not sure how to check the modem logs, will google it , not sure what i will be looking at but will give it a whirl

You look at the sync rate and attenuation parameters. VDSL connections work best when your house is close to the cabinet/exchange and you have a master splitter/filter installed to isolate the DSL signal from any cable stubs (signal reflects off the ends as if it were looking in a mirror and the reflections cause degradation). Knowing how far from cabinet would be a big help, if greater than 2 km then you may find that ADSL offers a better connection.

90% of DSL issues relate to wiring in the house and has absolutely nothing to do with the ISP, i.e., Spark. 10% of problems relate to Chorus cabling elsewhere.

Edited by spyware at 8:57 am, Thu 12 Aug

spyware - 2021-08-12 08:55:00

A nice read. VDSL is more sensitive than ADSL.

spyware - 2021-08-12 09:46:00
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