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Font of xtramail on XP so tiny, I can't read it.


Hi there. I hope someone can help please. My font in my emails is so tiny, I can't read it even with glasses on. Here in the Community it seems to be normal and I can read it. I turned it off and on. I restarted it 2 times. What else can I do?.
In Word it is okay too and on the web too - normal size. I have to send out loads and loads of emails and am worried that the recipients get small font too. If I send an email to me, it is a tiny font.
What can I do please?

gonefishing16 - 2021-08-07 14:10:00

Hold Ctrl key and tap + key (plus) until it's better.

nice_lady - 2021-08-07 14:18:00

Hi Nice Lady, you Gem!
I would not have thought of that one. Thank you indeed. You saved my hair, ha, ha!

gonefishing16 - 2021-08-07 14:29:00

now, send an email to yourself and access it from a DIFFERENT DEVICE say your phone or something, (assuming you can) and check the font size. OR send an email to a friend and ask them whether the font size is fine for them ?

nice_lady - 2021-08-07 14:37:00
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