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Has anyone ever been successful contacting....


Microsoft. If so I'd love to hear from you.
They have been overcharging me (on Visa) for one of their products. I've had to resort to changing my Visa card after having no luck contacting them.

leeran - 2021-07-31 08:45:00

how did you try contacting them ?

nice_lady - 2021-07-31 08:48:00

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-07-31 09:01:00

I doubt they are, probably a dodgy transaction, but you contact your bank is how to stop it.
If it was legit, they'll soon contact you once they get charged back.

Edited by lythande1 at 12:50 pm, Sat 31 Jul

lythande1 - 2021-07-31 12:50:00

Thanks bitsnpieces2020.

leeran - 2021-07-31 20:28:00

I had a wipeout from a dodgy update about 5 years ago and they did get me out of the bog, even though no money for them.

sanders4 - 2021-07-31 21:45:00

Have you rang microsoft's office in Auckland 0800-800-004

conjac - 2021-08-02 10:31:00
conjac wrote:

Have you rang microsoft's office in Auckland 0800-800-004

I have never had a problem when using this number, they can never do enough to help.

guyh - 2021-08-02 15:17:00

I ended up writing a letter to try and stop them charging me for a service I haven't ordered. I've now asked the bank to stop them charging my card as I'm getting the runaround from some overseas office. God forbid they answer a phone.

redden39 - 2021-08-08 22:38:00
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