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Outlook has gone beserk


Currently have Outlook on W7, and in the process of setting up a newish computer with W10. but not operational just yet.
The Outlook installation on the W7 machine suddenly claimed to be receiving 1800 + emails. I stopped it at about 1760. It claimed to have already received 100 +. Checked the ICONZ website. There is nothing extraordinary queued up there. Ran AV (Avast premium) Nothing. Rebooted everything and off it went again, but there are no emails actually coming in that I can find, and anyway, I'm not that popular. Any ideas?

richard112 - 2021-07-28 15:05:00

It's most likely simply the fact that you have the previous installation of Outlook set to leave a copy of messages on the server. When you set up a new version of Outlook with the same login authentication details, (email addy/passwords), it's going to automatically download all those saved emails.

nice_lady - 2021-07-28 15:13:00

Yes. It's probably to do with that, except this is the 'previous' installation that's running away. I have the new Outlook installed, on the other computer, but not yet set up. I had just been checking thru the old installation for the set-up so I've probably tripped it's tiny mind while I was in there. Can't think how though. I'm Just going through emptying out all the dross emails (deleted, junk etc) that I've allowed to build up, and I'll see if that makes a difference to the grand total.

richard112 - 2021-07-28 15:25:00

If yu use IMAP - when you get email on more than 1 device, they stay on the server. Thats the email providers server, not your personal device.
So you download and it gets the lot.
Log in on the net to the providers webmail and delete them there.
God knows why people keep old emails anyway, if you need the info, save the info in a file instead.

lythande1 - 2021-07-28 15:29:00

Id add that once you get it sorted you may want to check you have "delete on server" set in your outlook mail retention settings

ronaldo8 - 2021-07-28 15:36:00

Thanks all. Info saving requirements a bit different to average as I run the local rag. (Very small). It's sometimes useful to be able to come up with communications from the past, but it's not possible to predict. It just happens, or not. Also had the ICONZ web saving 300 messages before dumping in case we need to go back there for whatever reason. Just had a look, and there were over 2000 messages there, and they were saved in alpha order instead of chronological, which is useless. So have dumped them but there's some sorting to do. It was interesting that these emails were being received in Outlook, but not kept, while at the same time, new material was coming in as normal. Think I need a drink.

richard112 - 2021-07-28 16:21:00
richard112 wrote:

there were over 2000 messages there, and they were saved in alpha order instead of chronological,

It's generally very simple to change the sort order of saved messages.

nice_lady - 2021-07-28 16:34:00

Yep. Just that the settings had changed themselves. Have been using Farmside/ICONZ for almost 20 years. This is a first for me.

richard112 - 2021-07-28 17:32:00

Generally, to change the sort order of any column in your email program/process it's very similar - just clik the heading (subject, sender, date, size, whatever) at the top of the column to reverse the order with relation to that particular column.

Ie: Sort by name, by date, by size, by either ascending or descending order or alphebetical order.

Edited by nice_lady at 6:38 pm, Wed 28 Jul

nice_lady - 2021-07-28 18:37:00
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