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Capital gains


How can a government whose members are rolling in the capital gains from their own property investments really have any intent to see house prices come down or even stabilize, when its not in their own individual advantage they are enjoying, to do that. Build a couple of houses to keep them happy and carry on.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 09:54:00

There’s no capital gain until sold ,

toyboy3 - 2021-07-27 10:50:00

A lot like complaining to our local Council about Airbnb’s back in the days before the Pandemic...

lovelurking - 2021-07-27 10:50:00
toyboy3 wrote:

There’s no capital gain until sold ,

Thats true yet people are influenced, driven, by the numbers on paper regardless.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 10:55:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

Thats true yet people are influenced, driven, by the numbers on paper regardless.

Perhaps the question should be why people are influenced by such shoddy and 'gotcha' journalism that masquerades in our country as 'investigative'.

Teaching critical thinking may help with reading to see biases or non stories and also the ability to read and listening to items longer than a soundbite.

Critical thinking would also equip us to better see through all the conspiracy theories that are on offer.

I class these as page fillers, no stories......and after reading them I often think 'so what' at the grand expose (not). I haven't read this one.

Edited by shanreagh at 12:28 pm, Tue 27 Jul

shanreagh - 2021-07-27 12:28:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

How can a government whose members are rolling in the capital gains from their own property investments really have any intent to see house prices come down or even stabilize, when its not in their own individual advantage they are enjoying, to do that. Build a couple of houses to keep them happy and carry on.

Imagine what that would do their re-election chances. Not likely to happen, ever.

amasser - 2021-07-27 12:37:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

How can a government whose members are rolling in the capital gains from their own property investments really have any intent to see house prices come down or even stabilize, when its not in their own individual advantage they are enjoying, to do that. Build a couple of houses to keep them happy and carry on.

Could you explain to us just exactly how "MPs have pocketed $50 million in capital gains from their property interests in the last year" ?

maddie44 - 2021-07-27 12:55:00
maddie44 wrote:

Could you explain to us just exactly how "MPs have pocketed $50 million in capital gains from their property interests in the last year" ?

Shock horror probe !! Perhaps it should read "journalists have pocketed millions in capital gains........" The bottom line is EVERYBODY who has sold their house for more than they brought it for have "pocketed" some capital gain !! Just the word "pocketed" is meant to invoke hate !!
Even if or when a capital gain tax is introduced I can not imagine it being any more than say 25%.. so you sell your house and instead of "pocketing" say $200,000 you JUST end up with $150,000 !! gee that would just be enough to put me off the whole idea of selling a property !!!
The major effect of a capital gains tax on property will be to create a whole industry of accountants / lawyers and the like who for a fee will "rearrange" your affairs, so what capital gain you make will be as small as possible !!!

onl_148 - 2021-07-27 13:13:00
onl_148 wrote:

Shock horror probe !! Perhaps it should read "journalists have pocketed millions in capital gains........" The bottom line is EVERYBODY who has sold their house for more than they brought it for have "pocketed" some capital gain !! Just the word "pocketed" is meant to invoke hate !!
Even if or when a capital gain tax is introduced I can not imagine it being any more than say 25%.. so you sell your house and instead of "pocketing" say $200,000 you JUST end up with $150,000 !! gee that would just be enough to put me off the whole idea of selling a property !!!
The major effect of a capital gains tax on property will be to create a whole industry of accountants / lawyers and the like who for a fee will "rearrange" your affairs, so what capital gain you make will be as small as possible !!!

Just politics of envy. Penalise anyone who has worked hard and taken the risks to ensure they have some financial security later in life.
The brightline test catches out the house flippers who were truly pocketing the capital gains, and IMO that is all we need.

maddie44 - 2021-07-27 13:31:00
shanreagh wrote:

Perhaps the question should be why people are influenced by such shoddy and 'gotcha' journalism that masquerades in our country as 'investigative'.

Teaching critical thinking may help with reading to see biases or non stories and also the ability to read and listening to items longer than a soundbite.

Critical thinking would also equip us to better see through all the conspiracy theories that are on offer.

I class these as page fillers, no stories......and after reading them I often think 'so what' at the grand expose (not). I haven't read this one.


mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 17:48:00
maddie44 wrote:

Could you explain to us just exactly how "MPs have pocketed $50 million in capital gains from their property interests in the last year" ?

Pocketing, dont recall mentioning that

mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 17:49:00
onl_148 wrote:

Shock horror probe !! Perhaps it should read "journalists have pocketed millions in capital gains........" The bottom line is EVERYBODY who has sold their house for more than they brought it for have "pocketed" some capital gain !! Just the word "pocketed" is meant to invoke hate !!
Even if or when a capital gain tax is introduced I can not imagine it being any more than say 25%.. so you sell your house and instead of "pocketing" say $200,000 you JUST end up with $150,000 !! gee that would just be enough to put me off the whole idea of selling a property !!!
The major effect of a capital gains tax on property will be to create a whole industry of accountants / lawyers and the like who for a fee will "rearrange" your affairs, so what capital gain you make will be as small as possible !!![/quote)


mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 17:50:00
maddie44 wrote:

Just politics of envy. Penalise anyone who has worked hard and taken the risks to ensure they have some financial security later in life.
The brightline test catches out the house flippers who were truly pocketing the capital gains, and IMO that is all we need.


mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 17:51:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

Pocketing, dont recall mentioning that

It is in the article you linked. Did you not read it?

maddie44 - 2021-07-27 17:54:00

yes, that was their term, I used rolling in

mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-27 18:24:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

yes, that was their term, I used rolling in

How are the MP's rolling in the capital gains they have made from properties they own?

maddie44 - 2021-07-27 18:34:00

Is the purpose of the brightline test to penalise you for flipping properties, or to stop you from even doing it ?? At what level of penalty, i.e. what % of your capital gain you would lose, would be high enough to actually stop people from flipping houses ? If you lost 50% of it would it stop you.. e.g instead of a $200,000 gain it ends up as "only" $100,000 ??

onl_148 - 2021-08-03 13:17:00
onl_148 wrote:

Is the purpose of the brightline test to penalise you for flipping properties, or to stop you from even doing it ?? At what level of penalty, i.e. what % of your capital gain you would lose, would be high enough to actually stop people from flipping houses ? If you lost 50% of it would it stop you.. e.g instead of a $200,000 gain it ends up as "only" $100,000 ??

The purpose of the brightline test is not to penalise people, but to make it clear when buying and selling property is an income generating activity that attracts tax.

pico42 - 2021-08-03 14:39:00

Yep - around 2.3 million salaried employees also feel they are being penalised for having to pay tax on their earnings.

sparkychap - 2021-08-03 14:43:00
sparkychap wrote:

Yep - around 2.3 million salaried employees also feel they are being penalised for having to pay tax on their earnings.

They should give up working and make Hollywood movies instead. Nice big payouts for doing that.

pcle - 2021-08-03 14:56:00
sparkychap wrote:

Yep - around 2.3 million salaried employees also feel they are being penalised for having to pay tax on their earnings.

except they are usually doing some kind of productive work as opposed to using their age and wealth privileges to buy all the houses they can, earning huge capital gains while doing absolutely nothing and probably from their cell phone while they lie on the beach in Phuket.

Much of these people’s wealth was also gained when they were able to claim depreciation and negatively gearing everything. This has directly led into the situation we now find ourselves in with young people, even on good salaries unable to buy a realistically affordable house, and still being expected to work and pay taxes for the superannuation for the very people who own all the wealth in this country.

It’s nothing short of sickening.

*awaits the smart ar$3 comments from the usual culprits* ????

Edited by lakeview3 at 4:32 pm, Tue 3 Aug

lakeview3 - 2021-08-03 16:32:00
lakeview3 wrote:

except they are usually doing some kind of productive work as opposed to using their age and wealth privileges to buy all the houses they can, earning huge capital gains while doing absolutely nothing and probably from their cell phone while they lie on the beach in Phuket.

Much of these people’s wealth was also gained when they were able to claim depreciation and negatively gearing everything. This has directly led into the situation we now find ourselves in with young people, even on good salaries unable to buy a realistically affordable house, and still being expected to work and pay taxes for the superannuation for the very people who own all the wealth in this country.

It’s nothing short of sickening.

*awaits the smart ar$3 comments from the usual culprits* ????

Absolute bollocks. Green eyed monster hates tall poppies and believes that socialism will work this time. Just keep avoiding the actual problem, blame it on mysterious “speculators” and kick the can down the road.

pcle - 2021-08-03 17:58:00
pcle wrote:

Absolute bollocks. Green eyed monster hates tall poppies and believes that socialism will work this time. Just keep avoiding the actual problem, blame it on mysterious “speculators” and kick the can down the road.

i guess the truth hurts only for those with a conscience.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-03 18:08:00
lakeview3 wrote:

i guess the truth hurts only for those with a conscience.

Just take a nice long trip to Cuba or Venezuela then tell us all about telling the truth. Here’s a safety tip - don’t say boo about anything whilst there.

pcle - 2021-08-03 19:00:00

This message was deleted.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-04 03:31:00

The member deleted this message.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-04 03:42:00

This message was deleted.

gunna-1 - 2021-08-04 04:02:00
pico42 wrote:

The purpose of the brightline test is not to penalise people, but to make it clear when buying and selling property is an income generating activity that attracts tax.

Only some property though. The other purpose, unintentional maybe, is to discourage rental property being sold pro tem. Leaving it empty is Ok though. Most owners can manage the sums - wait a few years or pay up to 39% tax on seriously large capital gain.

artemis - 2021-08-04 07:26:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

How can a government whose members are rolling in the capital gains from their own property investments really have any intent to see house prices come down or even stabilize, when its not in their own individual advantage they are enjoying, to do that. Build a couple of houses to keep them happy and carry on.

Agree... its a conflict of interest I reckon. That's the problem when you have the top 2% of income earners in NZ running the country.

tohwe - 2021-08-07 01:08:00
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