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Smoke Alarm Testing Services (SATS)?


Currently legislation requires Landlords to have working smoke alarms in rentals.

Has anyone had any experience with SATS personally? Either as a landlord/owner, property manager or as a tenant of a place whose smoke alarms are looked after by SATS?

Had an Email out the blue from the property agency managing a rental on my behalf, saying they themselves aren't insured to check the smoke alarms and have instead engaged the services with SATS (Smoke Alarm Testing Services) for all properties they managed for a yearly subscription of $100 to check and test (in my case) 2 smoke alarms.

cognition - 2021-07-21 10:21:00

cant they just be tested by anyone by pressing the button on the smoke alarm?

cathi - 2021-07-21 11:36:00
cathi wrote:

cant they just be tested by anyone by pressing the button on the smoke alarm?

Pressing a button just tests the battery,a real test is to smoke something ? under it until it goes off.

androth2 - 2021-07-21 11:48:00

I would suggest you pop into your local fire station and ask how they test them.

It sounds to me that either your property manager or this company (SATS) is trying to make a quick the landlords expense.

You could also suggest to the property manager that now that the rules have changed they get themselves insured and do the job you are paying them for.

Edited by perfectimages at 12:35 pm, Wed 21 Jul

perfectimages - 2021-07-21 12:34:00

Above is correct.

msigg - 2021-07-21 12:35:00

This company (SATS) is trying to make a quick the landlords expense.

captaingraham - 2021-07-21 14:13:00
androth2 wrote:

Pressing a button just tests the battery,a real test is to smoke something ? under it until it goes off.

That is what I do. Then I don't have to get a ladder so I can reach the button.

trade4us2 - 2021-07-21 14:41:00

How often do they need tested?
Providing you record the time and date you tested and what if anything you did then surely that should be sufficient?

From my experience, you can provide the alarms but if they go off too often when they burn the toast or if they need batteries for the kids toys your tenants will soon disable your working smoke alarms...

As an aside, we had to evacuate our hotel room in Wellington the other night in the pi$$ing down sideways rain and watch heaps of fire engines rush to our assistance...All because some idiot had decided to dry their laundry with a hair dryer and the steam set off the fire alarm.

Good luck landlords, just quietly, I think this will be a nightmare for you. ????

lovelurking - 2021-07-21 15:04:00

This is what the experts say...

A note to the tenant asking them to do it would appear to be sufficient. It is a home resident procedure.

tony9 - 2021-07-21 16:33:00

Ask your property manager if they have insurance to cover inappropriate property checking for the likes of moisture ingress, plumbing and drain issues, missed spills on carpet covered by rugs, missing damage to fencing ..................

Need I go on?

It is a cop out. Buy smoke in a can. Push the button. Prove that someone "qualified" has to check the smoke alarm. Pffttt.

keys - 2021-07-21 16:47:00

We pay to have ours tested, yes it is a cost, but when people have been reported in the media as trying to fry steak in toaster, then it is worth it.

Unfortunately being a landlord now, you pay to have security from claims.

Edited by kenw1 at 4:48 pm, Wed 21 Jul

kenw1 - 2021-07-21 16:47:00

Do the smoke alarms that are wired in need this testing? Having them wired may stop the removing of batteries trick.

shanreagh - 2021-07-21 16:52:00

Pm will have a finger in the pie?
If not own it?

smallwoods - 2021-07-21 16:59:00

The tenants just take them down anyway.

pcle - 2021-07-21 17:34:00
pcle wrote:

The tenants just take them down anyway.

and if they do and there is a fire wouldn't they be held liable?

cathi - 2021-07-21 17:54:00
shanreagh wrote:

Do the smoke alarms that are wired in need this testing? Having them wired may stop the removing of batteries trick.

Tes, they need testing, pushing the button as prescribed by the maker. They also have batteries (fire does not always break out when power is on. Those batteries need replacing about every 10 years.

tony9 - 2021-07-21 18:16:00
pcle wrote:

The tenants just take them down anyway.

Maybe you need to improve the tenant selection in your slums.

sparkychap - 2021-07-21 18:20:00
cathi wrote:

and if they do and there is a fire wouldn't they be held liable?

For the $ 4,000 exemplary damages yes.

sparkychap - 2021-07-21 18:25:00
sparkychap wrote:

Maybe you need to improve the tenant selection in your slums.

They might be rough and slummy but they sure are expensive.

pcle - 2021-07-21 21:18:00

The member deleted this message.

kenw1 - 2021-07-21 21:32:00
pcle wrote:

They might be rough and slummy but they sure are expensive.

no wonder landlords have such a bad reputation.

sparkychap - 2021-07-21 21:41:00
shanreagh wrote:

Do the smoke alarms that are wired in need this testing? Having them wired may stop the removing of batteries trick.

If this is a building fire system, make sure they are smoke alarms in the first place.

I have a unit in a block which has an integrated fire alarm system, but they are heat detecting sensors, not smoke detecting (well, you wouldn't want the whole building alarm going off if somebody burns their toast). So additional smoke alarms are still required.

Edited by bitsy_boffin at 10:02 pm, Wed 21 Jul

bitsy_boffin - 2021-07-21 22:01:00

If tenants complain of rats, landlords can pay a firm called Enviropest about $330.00 to have traps set and monitored for six weeks. Makes it too easy being a landlord when you can pay someone else to do the bits you don't enjoy!

webworth - 2021-07-22 01:53:00
sparkychap wrote:

no wonder landlords have such a bad reputation.

Not the landlord’s fault rents are so high. Government keeps adding more taxes and removing rent subsidies. But I guess it’s soooo much easier to shift the blame onto mysterious never seen “speculators”.

pcle - 2021-07-22 13:25:00
pcle wrote:

Not the landlord’s fault rents are so high. Government keeps adding more taxes and removing rent subsidies.

Yes, need to clamp down on these landlord beneficiaries.

sparkychap - 2021-07-22 14:11:00
sparkychap wrote:

Maybe you need to improve the tenant selection in your slums.

Good to know that you agree there are disgusting feral tenants out there, and landlords need to weed them out and not rent to them. Where do you propose they live though, if you think landlords shouldn't provide accommodation for them?

fast4motion - 2021-07-22 17:34:00
fast4motion wrote:

Good to know that you agree there are disgusting feral tenants out there, and landlords need to weed them out and not rent to them. Where do you propose they live though, if you think landlords shouldn't provide accommodation for them?


sparkychap - 2021-07-22 19:07:00
sparkychap wrote:


Bwahahaha! Wicked.

pcle - 2021-07-22 19:22:00
sparkychap wrote:


We don’t want them either thanks… maybe the government could buy up places like Murupara and send them all there???

rowlf - 2021-07-23 14:12:00

Used them here in Christchurch through Cowdy property management
- both companies are a rinse machine.

Surely it's all BS what your property manager is saying, just another way to clip the ticket on the invoice.

My current property manager knows tenancy law like the back of his hand and he just checks the smoke alarms himself.

Edited by houseofdad at 10:50 am, Sat 24 Jul

houseofdad - 2021-07-24 10:48:00
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