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Bribery, filth and 'scumlords' - Housing Assessor

dire state of many New Zealand rental properties has been highlighted by new healthy home standards. VICKI ANDERSON talks to those tasked with ‘’fixing the unfixable’’.

The acrid smell of rotting food hit his nostrils first. Then he heard a squelching sound and saw rat droppings on his boots.

Bribery, mushrooms growing in bathrooms, mould and people sleeping in garages – Allan Harris has ''seen it all'' over the past 18 months while assessing Christchurch rental properties for Healthy Homes Standards reports.

''Food on the floor, holes in the walls, rats... just unsafe and rented out by the property manager like that,'' Harris says. ''I walked in and walked right back out.''

sparkychap - 2021-07-17 08:35:00

This message was deleted.

gunna-1 - 2021-07-17 08:39:00

Yes, there was a slumlord over back of us, he's sold and a new owner there now. Remains to be seen how he is. And the multiple people renting one is common here too, and lots of houses have caravan, hut, shipping containers on the front lawn, one has all 3.

You know, an awful lot could's the deposit that's the issue not the mortgage payments. Sad.

lythande1 - 2021-07-17 08:48:00

'Food on the floor ' - hardly the fault of landlords.

amasser - 2021-07-17 10:09:00
sparkychap wrote:
dire state of many New Zealand rental properties has been highlighted by new healthy home standards. VICKI ANDERSON talks to those tasked with ‘’fixing the unfixable’’.

The acrid smell of rotting food hit his nostrils first. Then he heard a squelching sound and saw rat droppings on his boots.

Bribery, mushrooms growing in bathrooms, mould and people sleeping in garages – Allan Harris has ''seen it all'' over the past 18 months while assessing Christchurch rental properties for Healthy Homes Standards reports.

''Food on the floor, holes in the walls, rats... just unsafe and rented out by the property manager like that,'' Harris says. ''I walked in and walked right back out.''

While there is no doubt there is a very small number of very bad private landlords it's hypocritical that the government enforces rules it does not apply to itself.

Edited by curlcrown at 10:57 am, Sat 17 Jul

curlcrown - 2021-07-17 10:57:00

If only the lowlife tenants wouldn’t live like pigs. Sensible tenancy laws would put some responsibility on those causing the mess. But no.

pcle - 2021-07-17 11:11:00

Harris no doubt enjoyed his moment in the sun, full photograph in The Press. Could have done himself a favour by being a little more balanced in his comments.

patriciamay1 - 2021-07-17 20:09:00
pcle wrote:

If only the lowlife tenants wouldn’t live like pigs. Sensible tenancy laws would put some responsibility on those causing the mess. But no.

I have seen a nice rental house, which has turned into a veritable pigsty after the PM's did a few inspections and then told the tennants 'all is good, won't need to inspect again'

hazelnut2 - 2021-07-17 21:25:00
amasser wrote:

'Food on the floor ' - hardly the fault of landlords.

I'd say it is if the previous tenants for whatever reason didn't clean before they vacated and the landlord or property manager just let it to the next tenant as is. Maybe this is what the article was alluding to.

mazalinas - 2021-07-17 21:59:00
mazalinas wrote:

I'd say it is if the previous tenants for whatever reason didn't clean before they vacated and the landlord or property manager just let it to the next tenant as is. Maybe this is what the article was alluding to.

to true... , no matter what the issues were with the previous tenant how is that the next tenants problem ?.

would you except that renting a car or an Air BnB ?

the owner needs to sort that crap out, not just pass it on to the next tenant.

Edited by thornton1961 at 6:41 pm, Sun 18 Jul

thornton1961 - 2021-07-18 18:34:00
mazalinas wrote:

I'd say it is if the previous tenants for whatever reason didn't clean before they vacated and the landlord or property manager just let it to the next tenant as is. Maybe this is what the article was alluding to.

Yup !... who would except that from a car rental or Air BnB ?

no one !.. so why is it so excepted by landlords ?... clean up your shitholes before you rent them out again,... Ive never sat at a filthy table at a restaurant because the previous diners were slobs !... get it together landlords,.. your in business and your tenants are your customers,,,

get it ??

thornton1961 - 2021-07-18 19:04:00
thornton1961 wrote:

...... clean up your shitholes before you rent them out again,... ........ get it together landlords,.. your in business and your tenants are your customers,,,

get it ??

hahahaha you tell 'em!

mazalinas - 2021-07-18 20:27:00

I work for a property manager on fixing rentals. i have never come across so many broken door handles(it just came off in my hand)I see both sides, tenants leaving the toilet full of faeces,(to the brim)LL's that have done nothing to the house since the 70's.Also been to houses where tnt's complain about a cold kitchen floor(tiled), but there is a heatpump installed. I said turn the heatpump on. "no that uses power" Was working at units that just had heatpumps installed, I unit had been running theirs full time the other hadn't turn'd theirs on as they didn't think it was cold enough.

blueviking - 2021-07-19 20:42:00
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