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Weird links to government organisations


How come an email from:
has links that go to:

Couldn't the link look slightly like a government organisation?

trade4us2 - 2021-07-14 09:51:00

Sending bulk emails is difficult these days so it is often outsourced to third parties, and this way they can provide stats to the government about viewing/click through rates etc it's all perfectly legit

king1 - 2021-07-14 09:58:00

The first thing to suspect is that it's a phishing email. Then, like king1 said.

ira78 - 2021-07-14 10:04:00

Don't click on links!!

sweetgurl108 - 2021-07-14 10:19:00

IMO Definitely phishing

loose.unit8 - 2021-07-14 10:22:00

I think OP will need to assess whether it is phishing or otherwise - lots of folks are being notified to make an appointment for covid vaccines at the moment, by text and email - this is happening now...
But if in doubt just call - the 0800 number in my notification was 0800 28 29 26

Edited by king1 at 10:33 am, Wed 14 Jul

king1 - 2021-07-14 10:31:00
trade4us2 wrote:

How come an email from:
has links that go to:

Couldn't the link look slightly like a government organisation?

The domian name (nationaltelehealthservice) is registered to
Admin Contact Name Jorin Sievers
Admin Contact Address Homecare Medical PO Box 105 346
Admin Contact City Auckland
Admin Contact Postal Code 1001
Admin Contact Country NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
Admin Contact Phone +64 93547774
Admin Contact Email jorin.sievers@homecaremedical.-

The "Homecaremedical" domain is registered to:
Admin Contact Name Ben Washbourn
Admin Contact Address PO Box 105 346
Admin Contact City Auckland
Admin Contact Province na
Admin Contact Postal Code 1010
Admin Contact Country NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
Admin Contact Phone +64 274068670
Admin Contact Email

Which eventually leads you to

Make of it what you will.

Edited by wembley1 at 11:05 am, Wed 14 Jul

wembley1 - 2021-07-14 11:05:00

My advice is to send a complaint about covid misinformation to:


edit: TM is going to insert a hyphen between n and z

Edited by gyrogearloose at 11:14 am, Wed 14 Jul

gyrogearloose - 2021-07-14 11:13:00

That looks like a scam certainly.

tygertung - 2021-07-14 11:15:00
tygertung wrote:

That looks like a scam certainly.

awfully good of the scammer to list contact details publicly, and located in NZ no less...

On the face of it it looks legit to me, but the only thing we can't really tell is if the sender email has been spoofed...

king1 - 2021-07-14 11:46:00

What is a national health tele service? Certainly not a governmental organisation as they have a adress.

tygertung - 2021-07-14 12:55:00

I would say that the email is genuine, and from
I could phone 0800 28 29 26 and complain about the stupid links.
Or we can just be sorry that such hopeless people are somehow in charge of vaccinating us.

trade4us2 - 2021-07-14 13:09:00
tygertung wrote:

What is a national health tele service? Certainly not a governmental organisation as they have a address.

the link in #7 answers all those questions

king1 - 2021-07-14 13:20:00

Little story re: phishing/ links. I work for a DHB, and since the Waikato debacle where they've been hacked, we're all on alert for email security breaches etc. We've always had regular "scam" emails sent from our IT dept. to test us to see if we'd click on dodgy bait links.... and they let us know we "failed" the test if we do click. A couple of weeks ago, we got emails advising us that we need to complete training in email security.... but the link given (when hovering mouse over - like we're taught to do) was to ''-
or similar. So... like good little employees most of us thought "aha we're not falling for that one" and deleted it. Till our boss told us we were all neglecting to do our compulsory phishing training. My thought is - surely they shouldn't use such a dodgy link/ site and expect us to click on it!? Gave us a smile anyway lol!

Edited by lyl_guy at 1:48 pm, Wed 14 Jul

lyl_guy - 2021-07-14 13:47:00
tygertung wrote:

What is a national health tele service? Certainly not a governmental organisation as they have a adress.

".co'" is a warning sign.

amasser - 2021-07-14 14:01:00
lyl_guy wrote:

Little story re: phishing/ links. I work for a DHB, and since the Waikato debacle where they've been hacked, we're all on alert for email security breaches etc. We've always had regular "scam" emails sent from our IT dept. to test us to see if we'd click on dodgy bait links.... and they let us know we "failed" the test if we do click. A couple of weeks ago, we got emails advising us that we need to complete training in email security.... but the link given (when hovering mouse over - like we're taught to do) was to ''-
or similar. So... like good little employees most of us thought "aha we're not falling for that one" and deleted it. Till our boss told us we were all neglecting to do our compulsory phishing training. My thought is - surely they shouldn't use such a dodgy link/ site and expect us to click on it!? Gave us a smile anyway lol!

Agree, it's stupid sending an email that for all intents will look like the very thing you need to teach staff about...
things like that should should be initially communicated via an alternate means first eg noticeboard, text message, staff meeting etc to advise staff to look out for an email in the next week or so with the details.

king1 - 2021-07-14 14:14:00
king1 wrote:

I think OP will need to assess whether it is phishing or otherwise - lots of folks are being notified to make an appointment for covid vaccines at the moment, by text and email - this is happening now...

It's obvious it is.
No-one gets an email UNLESS they already received their letter in the mail, booked for their appointment and then selected email to have the dates/times confirmed by email.

Anything else is hardly hard to spot as bogus.

OP is making a comment how the real email address is so blatantly obvious, but then some people can't think.

Edited by lythande1 at 3:10 pm, Wed 14 Jul

lythande1 - 2021-07-14 15:09:00
lythande1 wrote:

It's obvious it is.
No-one gets an email UNLESS they already received their letter in the mail, booked for their appointment and then selected email to have the dates/times confirmed by email.

Anything else is hardly hard to spot as bogus.

OP is making a comment how the real email address is so blatantly obvious, but then some people can't think.

you KNOW the OP has not had previous contact? OP clearly was of the opinion it was legitimate - it is nothing but speculation to suggest otherwise

Edited by king1 at 6:02 pm, Wed 14 Jul

king1 - 2021-07-14 18:00:00

OP's link is from Sendgrid.Net.

Wikipedia says sendgrid is "SendGrid provides a cloud-based service that assists businesses with email delivery. The service manages various types of email including shipping notifications, friend requests, sign-up confirmations, and email newsletters."

Also Wiki says "In October 2018, Twilio announced plans to acquire SendGrid for $2 billion."

I don't think it is phishing somehow.

wembley1 - 2021-07-14 19:03:00
nz seems like a dodgy looking adress for the government.

tygertung - 2021-07-14 21:47:00
tygertung wrote:

nationalteleh- seems like a dodgy looking adress for the government.

Why? they look like a third party provider to the government for health services. AFAIK only government entities/departments/organisat-
ions are allowed to use

Edited by king1 at 10:07 pm, Wed 14 Jul

king1 - 2021-07-14 22:03:00

Oh yeah?

tygertung - 2021-07-15 08:03:00

I've received the same email this morning!

The odd thing is that this is the second time I've been contacted and it's a different health service provider, the first one claimed to be a consortium of the Northland, Waitemata, Auckland and Counties/Manukau district health boards. They had a link to a website with a password reset link, and then "because our records show you work in South Auckland" it suggested vaccination centers in South Auckland. I haven't worked in South Auckland for 20 years and I live in Silverdale, so I thought "I'll update my details and select a closer location".

No, there were no details to update, and I couldn't select another location. So I rang the 0800 number and the girl wasn't from Auckland, and she had trouble finding my name "Gosh, there's a lot of you, can you give me youe NHS number". Well, it would have been easier if they'd included my NHS number on the text they sent, or the website, but I did have the number.

Then she started suggesting - Henderson, Manukau, Takanini... And I said no, what about North Shore, Albany, Silverdale... and this consortium of 4 district health boards seemingly didn't have any locations except South Auckland. She did say a new location was opening soon in Albany, but she couldn't book any appointments until it had opened - wtf, I bet the first day was quiet.

I complained by email to the address I gave in #8, they're still thinking about it, but I'm astonished that a consortium of 4 district health boards presented such a poor website with inaccurate information and had gone in half cocked unable to book appointments anywhere but South Auckland.

And now I'm getting this email from a second provider - I'm thinking they must be monetarily incentivised per email and per vaccination, and the programs are not coordinated between providers. As it says "If you have booked your vaccination already, you can keep that appointment" - so they have no central database that they can check, they have no idea.

I predict I'll get more and more approaches from every GP and clinic between South Auckland and Warkworth, this is a gross waste of taxpayer funding and an insult to all the effort the public has made to stop the virus.

gyrogearloose - 2021-07-15 08:33:00
tygertung wrote:

Oh yeah?

And if you read the second link:
"Since November 2015 we have run and developed the Government’s free, 24x7 National Telehealth Service; it is co-funded by the Ministry of Health, the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), the Health Promotion Agency (HPA), the Ministry of Social Development, and the Department of Corrections. The services are run across seven channels including voice, webchat, and text."

Oh yeah indeed!

wembley1 - 2021-07-15 11:50:00

Yes, I agree, whilst the address looks extremely dodgy, perhaps it isn't according to the government website.

tygertung - 2021-07-15 12:53:00
lyl_guy wrote:

Little story re: phishing/ links. I work for a DHB, and since the Waikato debacle where they've been hacked, we're all on alert for email security breaches etc. We've always had regular "scam" emails sent from our IT dept. to test us to see if we'd click on dodgy bait links.... and they let us know we "failed" the test if we do click. A couple of weeks ago, we got emails advising us that we need to complete training in email security.... but the link given (when hovering mouse over - like we're taught to do) was to ''-
or similar. So... like good little employees most of us thought "aha we're not falling for that one" and deleted it. Till our boss told us we were all neglecting to do our compulsory phishing training. My thought is - surely they shouldn't use such a dodgy link/ site and expect us to click on it!? Gave us a smile anyway lol!

This is the dumbest shit IT can do. just creating more spam, wasting peoples time, I know at least one company where IT got hauled over the coals by the CEO for this. Also that was years ago, I'd have thought IT would have progressed somewhat.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-07-15 13:03:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

This is the dumbest shit IT can do. just creating more spam, wasting peoples time, I know at least one company where IT got hauled over the coals by the CEO for this. Also that was years ago, I'd have thought IT would have progressed somewhat.

"This security training is the dumbest shit just wasting people's time."
*Security breach happens*
"Why was there no security training?"

ira78 - 2021-07-16 08:00:00

The training is actually quite valuable. People are not IT experts and need training in it.

tygertung - 2021-07-16 08:41:00
wembley1 wrote:

The domian name (nationaltelehealthservice) is registered to
Admin Contact Name Jorin Sievers
Admin Contact Address Homecare Medical PO Box 105 346
Admin Contact City Auckland
Admin Contact Postal Code 1001
Admin Contact Country NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
Admin Contact Phone +64 93547774
Admin Contact Email jorin.sievers@homecaremedical.-

I would avoid anything my ex-tenant j.s. is associated with.

webworth - 2021-07-23 01:16:00
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