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Name suppression given to bad tenants...


Guess this is part of the 'be kind' mantra..

rhys12 - 2021-07-09 06:59:00

Kangaroo court. Democracy has long gone. Now the rule of law is on it's way out too.

pcle - 2021-07-09 07:09:00
rhys12 wrote:

Guess this is part of the 'be kind' mantra..

It's difficult to understand the rationale nothwithstanding that occasionally name supression might be warranted. Almost every other civil proceeding is published with names.

johnston - 2021-07-09 08:20:00

Terrible idea. The tenants' ability to secure future accommodation should be directly related to their behaviour as tenants.
Is the plan to reduce pressure on H.N.Z. ending with all the crap tenants?

amasser - 2021-07-09 10:07:00

The tenant's ability to secure future accommodation shouldn't be prejudiced by them exercising their rights to make a honest complaint about their landlord. My son was in a tenancy where there were things wrong with the flat such as mould, the property manager had pocketed the bond and not paid it in to Tenancy Services, etc, etc.

I rang Tenancy Services and made an inquiry about whether they should lay a complaint. I was told that if they did, it may prejudice them getting another tenancy as landlords vet the Tribunal hearings, not just to weed out bad tenants but also to eliminate what they might view as trouble makers.

Not all tenants are good tenants but not all landlords too.

Edited by wembley1 at 4:00 pm, Fri 9 Jul

wembley1 - 2021-07-09 15:58:00
wembley1 wrote:

The tenant's ability to secure future accommodation shouldn't be prejudiced by them exercising their rights to make a honest complaint about their landlord. My son was in a tenancy where there were things wrong with the flat such as mould, the property manager had pocketed the bond and not paid it in to Tenancy Services, etc, etc.

I rang Tenancy Services and made an inquiry about whether they should lay a complaint. I was told that if they did, it may prejudice them getting another tenancy as landlords vet the Tribunal hearings, not just to weed out bad tenants but also to eliminate what they might view as trouble makers.

Not all tenants are good tenants but not all landlords too.

The yet another lie told was that suppression would only apply in cases where the tenant had won. Not case where they have been ruled guilty as sin. Just lies and more lies.

pcle - 2021-07-09 17:05:00
pcle wrote:

... suppression would only apply in cases where the tenant had won. Not case where they have been ruled guilty as sin. Just lies and more lies.

You must live in a very monochrome world. If a Tribunal doesn't find in favour of a tenant acting as the plaintiff, it doesn't make the tenant "guilty as sin" nor does it absolve the landlord.

wembley1 - 2021-07-09 19:40:00
wembley1 wrote:

You must live in a very monochrome world. If a Tribunal doesn't find in favour of a tenant acting as the plaintiff, it doesn't make the tenant "guilty as sin" nor does it absolve the landlord.

Did you actually read the article?

rhys12 - 2021-07-10 00:13:00

In the cases mentioned in the article, the tenants probably should not have been granted name suppression. But they were cases of Landlord vs Tenant.

I am talking about cases where it is Tenant vs Landlord. MBIE have told me that landlords will search the hearings database and weed out any trouble-makers regardless of whether the tenant had a legitimate beef or not. I don't think that is fair.

wembley1 - 2021-07-10 11:05:00
wembley1 wrote:

In the cases mentioned in the article, the tenants probably should not have been granted name suppression. But they were cases of Landlord vs Tenant.

I am talking about cases where it is Tenant vs Landlord. MBIE have told me that landlords will search the hearings database and weed out any trouble-makers regardless of whether the tenant had a legitimate beef or not. I don't think that is fair.

What isn't fair is the tenants can trash your house and face little to no consequences. What isn't fair is the owner can't evict problem tenants. What isn't fair is the insane tenancy law changes rammed through with no due process.

pcle - 2021-07-10 14:54:00

name suppression for party that is wholly or partially successful, landlord or tenant

sheryl13 - 2021-07-11 21:11:00
sheryl13 wrote:

name suppression for party that is wholly or partially successful, landlord or tenant

The article states tenants are being granted name suppresion when they have lost their case.

rhys12 - 2021-07-11 22:25:00
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