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The Right to repair take gets traction


Thanks to mr Luise Rossmann.

intrade - 2021-07-08 21:51:00

Maybe apple will start making computers which are serviceable again? they haven't been since 2012 I am told.

tygertung - 2021-07-09 00:30:00

Its not just apple its everywhere They want to reverse the global destruction . Its not just design. Its blocking the sale of tiny cheap special parts that are required to fix products Not selling to anyone so no one can fix it. OR to program a screen to require the special code from the hidden chip or it wont function correct So consumers cant use the product the same .
Mr Rossmann demonstrated it with 2 oem factory apple screens swapping them over and it wont function. He also showed that this is done not because it happened to require coding, they went out of there way to make sure it wont work if repaired .Making products more expensive to make and charge the people the extra cost, so they can not repair it after.

intrade - 2021-07-09 07:42:00

You can and many do repair apple products.
Never mind the official nonsense.

lythande1 - 2021-07-10 08:53:00
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