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Looking for woodworking threads


Hi does anyone know where I might find any articles on woodworking thanks

shane777 - 2021-07-02 18:42:00

have you tried your local library, a wanted card at supermarkets, & also magazines & books at op shops

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-07-02 19:18:00

Hi thanks for the lack of help

shane777 - 2021-07-02 20:56:00

What kind of woodworking are you particularly interested in, what is your location, are you keen to follow online sites/want books-classes-established groups etc etc etc?
Exactly what did you want help wise? Would have been nice to know from the outset rather than post a deogatory response.
I did woodworking in the States and still sub to online sites, have loads of books which I am about to donate to charity etc as I no longer can physically do it. My father was a foreman carpenter and I inherited his tools.

coralsnake - 2021-07-03 02:29:00

My husband uses a lot of You Tube videos, mainly American and they are very very good. He has learned a lot following them. Some have links to online magazines (you pay for them) which he has subscribed too. He makes all sorts of things from recycled timber.

kiwimade64 - 2021-07-03 07:49:00
shane777 wrote:

Hi thanks for the lack of help

Nice to know you appreciate the help! NOT.

You mentioned 'articles' and so it is quite probable that magazines and books at the library will have them, also that people may respond to a 'wanted articles' on the supermarket boards....

YouTube is packed with how to vids and most have comments below so you can set up a dialogue about what you are seeing.

What do you mean by woodworking? Wood turning, furniture making or what?

With an attitude like you have shown you're lucky that anyone is responding.

shanreagh - 2021-07-04 14:02:00

'The Shed' magazine?

articferrit - 2021-07-04 15:29:00


yapper - 2021-07-05 10:16:00

samwich21 often has woodworking books listed, as well as a lot of other crafty books. I expect there are other traders with similar listings as well.

Edited by voyager4 at 9:27 am, Tue 13 Jul

voyager4 - 2021-07-13 09:27:00

you said you wanted articles on woodworking - but didn't explain why, that it was urgent, or what sort of articles, for all we know you might have an interest in learning how to carve large objects using a chainsaw in the middle of a paddock, or just want to redo your kitchen?

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-07-27 07:52:00
shanreagh wrote:

Nice to know you appreciate the help! NOT.

You mentioned 'articles' and so it is quite probable that magazines and books at the library will have them, also that people may respond to a 'wanted articles' on the supermarket boards....

YouTube is packed with how to vids and most have comments below so you can set up a dialogue about what you are seeing.

What do you mean by woodworking? Wood turning, furniture making or what?

With an attitude like you have shown you're lucky that anyone is responding.

I guess most of us are used to starting our own threads on the things we are interested in, rather than expecting others to do it for us. Hence we don't act like spoilt brats in public.

oh_hunnihunni - 2021-07-27 08:04:00
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